What percentage of your collection is Deadstock?

Apr 18, 2001
Just wondering what everyone out there was doing with their shoes. I used to wear all of my shoes in high school, every last pair. Then in college I became a bit more inclined to keep my shoes deadstock and only wearing a few pairs. Usually there would only be 2-3 pairs I would wear, but I kept up with all of the Nike/Jordan releases and would have upwards of 100 shoes on hand at a time deadstock (usually ended up selling pairs later for a profit, and un-DS ing others).

Just did an official count the other day, 20 deadstock vs. 8 worn pairs= I wear 40 percent of the shoes I own.
Just wondering what everyone out there was doing with their shoes. I used to wear all of my shoes in high school, every last pair. Then in college I became a bit more inclined to keep my shoes deadstock and only wearing a few pairs. Usually there would only be 2-3 pairs I would wear, but I kept up with all of the Nike/Jordan releases and would have upwards of 100 shoes on hand at a time deadstock (usually ended up selling pairs later for a profit, and un-DS ing others).

Just did an official count the other day, 20 deadstock vs. 8 worn pairs= I wear 40 percent of the shoes I own.
Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

none- I never used to buy shoes to hoard, or even "collect"
I just bought them and wore them, nothing else, no multiple pairs or none of that...
none- I never used to buy shoes to hoard, or even "collect"
I just bought them and wore them, nothing else, no multiple pairs or none of that...
Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

none- I never used to buy shoes to hoard, or even "collect"
I just bought them and wore them, nothing else, no multiple pairs or none of that...
none- I never used to buy shoes to hoard, or even "collect"
I just bought them and wore them, nothing else, no multiple pairs or none of that...
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