what shoe decreasers do you use?

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I have the force fields the decreaser by gourmet chef and the ones by boxfresh and I have to say the best of those are the force fields.Someone on here said touse a heelcup and that worked even better but you have to get the longer kind.they have them at walmart.Does anybody have a better solution because air forcewith a crease is a no no!
how come force fields are better than boxfresh or decreasers? force fields don't have them "legs" that prevent sidewall creases
the force fields are way more comfortable.the boxfresh and the decreasers are mad uncomfortable in about an hour, so bad it hurts to walk.
I wanted a picture of the actual thing that you put in your shoe not the results and I said the Force Fields not the decreaseer I have already seen those.
I got some force fields for ma aqua's and i figured i'd have to stop walking like a duck and 2 weeks later i had the biggest crease along the top of matoe
However my box fresh inserts work great i have yet to see a crease on any of the shoes I've used them on however comfort is a issue
Box Fresh = a little uncomfortable (great decreaser)
Force Fields= comfortable (not such a great decreaser)
i dont like the force, its to thick and doesnt block all creasing, sorry no pics, gonna go take em back, might try em again though
A long time ago, i just put my metro and library card under the toebox's,
But now I use Force Fields, and the trees from ikeepmykicksfresh.com
I got some BoxFresh universals in the mail today. Stuck a pair in a beat up pair of dunks and it made them look a lot better. Also put a pair in my bape stas.I've yet to wear either but I'll report back when I do.
Alright I've worn my BoxFresh universals in a few pairs of shoes now and they work fairly well. However, I wouldn't recommend them for daily use orreally any use where you're going to be walking around a lot. While they aren't *uncomfortable* you can certainly tell they are there and they can getannoying. Also don't put them in sneaks that fit snuggly
I buy my shoes exactly my size. So when I wear them, creases don't show. No need to worry about walking like a duck.
I wish nike would put something in the toebox to stop the creasing. I would pay the extra $
Originally Posted by I Love AF1

how about if you go 1/2 a size up?

It certainly is more comfortable if you go a half size up, just be aware no matter what there is still a noticable hard plastic piece around your foot.
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