What song are you listening to right now?

Baby Rasta - Ante De Ser Cantante

Close minded folks will think that Reggaeton only has songs that talk about girls & parties. That's when they're wrong, I know this cause I been following this amazing genre since I was a kid. Before Daddy Yankee's '' Gasolina'' song. Reggaeton actually covers all kinds of different topics. I'm not trying to force this genre to nobody. I'm just speaking facts, I know that we're in America. I actually was born in this country, but my parents are Latino. You don't have to like Reggaeton is fine cause Reggaeton does have a Worldwide following from all different Races. I think people who target someone because they like something different that shows that they're really ignorant etc. If I'm minding my own business don't target me. If you don't like it keep quiet cause Reggaeton is not hurting anyone, like the saying goes ''If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all''.
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