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ATCQ Vs. Pharcyde - Bizarre Tribe: A Quest To The Pharcyde

This mash up mix tape is like peanut butter & jelly with a tall glass of milk on a Saturday afternoon when you were a kid...


And **** the money just keep my little man
By your side
And show 'em there's hope
And he gon' think he knows whats going
But show him the ropes
And if you bring him to the Gucci store
Show him the loffs hood ****** I'm just showing you growth
But I'm still right
By your side

I've been on a UR/Tresor kick lately. This is over 20 years old and I still find it to be an amazing piece of music.
King Los x Mark Battles collab mixtape, Broken Silence. Mainly in anticipation of Zero Gravity 2.
Still Tippin' 
 I remember loving when this joint would come on BET Uncut a couple years before it hit mainstream. Too dope.

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