What was The Great Gatsby about?

It's a great book. What's one of the theme's again? The American Dream?

I think the Jungle was a good book too, and Catcher in the Rye was incredible. Crazy how J.D. Sallinger doesn't come out of his house. Wasn't hesupposed to release a book soon? I really enjoyed A Separate Peace too..Damn I read a lot books in HS.
This thread makes me so sad. The Giver, The Great Gatsby, and Cather in the Rye are my three favorite books.
usually the movie doesnt do a book a good, but the great gatsby movie is like exact to the book, just watched that movie and got like a 98 on my test when iwas in high school. movies FTW
i like the great gatsby, movie was horrible imo. my favorite book in H.S. would be tied between ragtime by e.l. doctorow, and catch 22. catch 22 i probably mefavorite book.
Since no one else is going to help you, I will.

Gatsby is an alien who takes the form of a rich, white man. He falls in love with this girl, but he can't have her because he's an alien. When he wassent off to this planet, it was for research, and he was given a boatload of 'earth' money. Since he's pretty wealthy, he throws tons of veryexpensive parties and tries to impress people. No one notices that he's an alien, because he's so rich.

He kills a couple people that like the girl he's trying to get, and eats them. No one ever finds out what happens to them.

That's actually the big mystery in the book right there: trouble always happens around Gatsby, but no one ever suspects him of anything. In the eyes ofeveryone around him, he can do no wrong; he's The Great Gatsby.

If yo could stretch that into a few pages, that should be good for at least an A-.

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