What was your Favorite Year of High School?

9th and 10th were

In 11th grade now and it's alright.... not looking forward to taking the SAT's. Plus this year has been hard as @#$# academic wise.
10th grade. but as a senior, i feel more of a relief especially after applying to college. i'm 18, i have a car and i don't care about what any facultyhas to say to me when i'm at school.. straight up. i can't wait to get out of there.
easily senior year. i could finally drive, so i just dipped out early everyday. and the teachers didnt care what we did, so when i was in class we'd justclown around the whole time.

11th grade was the worst, AP classes and SATs FTL
Freshmen yr which was 00-01 for me, just overall happier times in life. No bills, no women troubles, we had a Principle who really couldn't control theschool, cats flaming on the bus, fights everyday by my locker, senior chicks jockin b/c I had the Fat Albert fubu joints, rap city was in it's prime.

man... what I would give to go back
9th sucked
-Got awful grades, didn't do much
10th sucked
-Got alright grades, started to hang with people more
11th mostly sucked
for the first time, got good grades but classes were hard as @+#!, partied a little
12th has mostly sucked so far
-Getting ok grades,
more, highlight by far was smashing on NYE

I have hopes for 2nd semester of 12th though
Senior Year of course. It was such a joke of a year. Senioritis was in full effect b/c we all knew we were going to graduate soon. so we went to schooleveryday not caring since it was our last year. In addition, Senior Trip, Senior Prom, finishing the day by 12 30 noon, cutting class to chill in thelunchroom, signing year books, graduation, etc..
Great Times Indeed.
9th grade was my favorite with the 2nd half of 12th coming in a close second.

Freshman yr was easy for me though because I knew a lot of the older kids already because they lived in my building. Plus Mitchell & ness and matchingfitteds and kicks helped me acquire a couple of groupies of all grades
Honestly, I have enjoyed each year that I have gone through. I'm currently a senior and up until now, I am wanting to enjoy every minute of it. Graduationis just around the corner and never thought I'd say this but, I will miss High School after.

1st Year was when you step through the doors and proved your stripes, and got at every bad chick because you was just the Freshman with no history
Good memories, because every day was a new journey and i think it was the happiest/carefree years of my life.
9th was wack (PE sucked. Didn't know much people. Had to take bus)
10th was better (started to do a little more)
11th was awesome, but stressful (hard classes...did more extra stuff....was more tired)
12th is the best so far (I drive now, I know everything, i know more people, classes are still hard but easier, got in my college..hopefully i don't slackto get kicked out)
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