What was your Favorite Year of High School?

Originally Posted by MikeTysontheKiller

I'm in 12th grade and so far its looking like 9>10>12>11

Dude,in all honesty if I where u I'd try to get that 12th grade yr bumped up some more.This is your last year of care free fun,after this its a wrap.I knowwhen I was in 12th grade I tried to smash every female that I liked from 10th graders to 12th graders.
Didn't get a chance to nail all but my percentage was high.
Get in where you fit in son
I miss HS,though.Endless memories.Yallremember when u where a 9th grader u saw/talked to all those fine !#* 12th graders?Too bad I cant remember any of their names
Last year of hs was the best.

Went to class for 2 hours and went home after.

Internship the last half and did nothing.
Originally Posted by Cicero Avenue Dopeman

Damn am I the only one here who didnt go to High School? I quit soon as I turn 16
You quite possibly missed the best years of your life.
Freshman year 9th grade 2003-04... then 10th grade.

Less school rules
1 hour lunch
New people/girls
Remember there being hella fights
Basically the livest year of high school we were bad kids though... made teachers cry and stuff. The kids that go there these days aren't like that lol...which is a good thing.
10th thru 12th were dope. too busy bein a knucklehead tho. if i could do it all again, it be sports n beezys all day!
12th>9-11th grade. So many things went right that year: I earned good grades for once. I came back from quitting and losing my captain spot on the wrestlingteam. Trained my butt off and won the league championship. All my hard work was resulting in great memories and accomplishments. People were finally noticingme through wrestling; and how it's not as "different" as it seems.
If you're in the 12th grade and it isn't your favorite year, you're doing it wrong.

Aside from that, 10th was a lot of fun for me. Really learned how to party, this is when I actually started drinking. 11th is up there because that'swhen I really started smoking weed and knowing what do when high. 9th was nice just because it wasn't Jr. High, I could of been (and was) in detention andit was still fun.

12th>10th>9th>11th for me. Jr. year was the only year I actually had to do school work so it looses by default.

For all the actual high schoolers, if you're not in AP classes and you don't have a b doing your homework, you're loosing.
9th b/c of the selection of females.

12th b/c I already knew what classes I needed to graduate.
im in 12th right now, i transferred to an alternative school right up thestreet from my original high school. i love it, no homework, easy easy EASY classes,hilarious people, my good friends are there with me, i start school at 9:30 daily, and my school has a smoke spot, so after every class we can go smoke onschool grounds and its school regulated. i've been more on the party scene this year, i've just been chillin smokin drinkin an %$$*%% with women

9th grade was also pretty tight, looking back on it i was so young, and so naive. i thought i was that +%%*% hahaha. i was talking to the baddddddddestsophmore and i was the freshest dude in the school. seniors and #!@% were on my +#!+ about my bape hoodies and stuff haha

10th grade, basically i divulged into my girlfriend of a year and a half, didn't talk to anyone but her. i picked up my bad smoking habit, and my addictionto marijuana. started to get in trouble for stupid #!@%. skipped school often

11th grade, overall good year, had alot of friends like always, basically just chilled the whole time, %%@@++ around with alot of girls. started skippingschool a whole lot. had a truency officer and such.

12th grade has been the #!@% though forrrreeeel
Originally Posted by Mrhankey123

Highschool years would have been so fun, if i actually went to a decent #%* school
same here, my school %%%@+$ sucked, plus it was a small school and everyone knew everybody elses business, but i think i

would have to pick senior year, just cause it went so fast and i was done early
Junior was the year that got me into college. 3.75 all year.

but as far as fun.. definitely Senior year, driving made it a different experience.
In my 12th right now but the 1st half is almost done and I can't wait until I'm out of here now, When I was in 9,10,11 the girls in my school werestraight
Now the girls in my graduating class are just
Only thing I like so far in school about grade 12 is the spare ain't nothingbetter than coming to school at 10 while everyone else starts at 8:30 but I would go with 11>12>9>10 by the end though grade 12 will probably be first
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