What was your worst day...(No Deaths)

Jan 14, 2007
Excluding family deaths and things of that sort, what is the most unlucky day of your life. Like a series of events where you feel like you just couldn'tcatch a break..

This morning I woke up early because I had to meet someone at work early to work on a special project. I walked out to my car and back up to hear a loud noise.It is obvious something is rubbing against the floor, so I hop out thinking maybe I am driving over something. As I lean over to check out whats going on myIphone drops and the screen cracks like no other. I start throwing a fit about how I just made a 400 dollar drop because some idiot chooses our meeting time asearly in the morning. Finally I calm down enough to actually look under my car and something is hanging down under the car and dragging on the floor to thepoint that it is undriveable. As pissed as I am I don't have time to roll to the gas station so I wake up my mom (i'm 17) to drive me to work. Now I amsitting here at my computer...its 10:40, and fool still hasn't even showed up for our meeting. There is way too much time left int he day for bad things tohappen i'm thinking about bouncing and just going to sleep to avoid the rest of this one.
Had a respiratory infection that i didnt treat. Infections spread throughout my body so for 3 days i couldnt eat...whats worse was i couldnt doo doo for 5days.
Went to the doc finally and hada get perscribed some super sanetype laxative. I couldnt do nothin for the whole day of feburary 19th but doo doo. My girl came and bought me soup..i excused myself to doo doo again and after2 hours she got the hit, knocked on the door and said i was gross and left.
i call it D.D Day
I have plenty of bad days but Back in high school i remember when i went to my last high school dance drunk and i put my arm over an admin and asked her howshe was doing....not once did i go smack at her...that following monday i get pressed out by all the admins in there office my old head coach tell me he wishhe can punch me in the effin face
and i still dont get suspended. But the bad news was they told my mother she started to trip and did not take me out oftown with her to visit my family in kansas....but still thats not the worst news later that night i got a call from a coach at Wagner and he told me hecouldn't get me in the school because of "my grades." I think its a coincidence that on the same day i get pressed out by my old coach the schooli wanted to go to calls and says they cant get me in there school...and till this day my family thinks thats why i didn't go to Wagner
Thats dumb..so while being drunk you put your arm around an admin and talked to her and they were buggin over that? Were you being aggressive? Doesn'treally make sense..
The worst day ive ever had was this year on V-day. I had me a lil cutie to take out and i get dressed to go get a cut and my car is gone!!!!! I walked back inthe house and came back out i was in denial!!! I had a 2006 pontiac G6 money green wit da tan interior!!! I only had it for 8 months!! They never found it sonow im on da bus! Everyday is a bad day.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Thats dumb..so while being drunk you put your arm around an admin and talked to her and they were buggin over that? Were you being aggressive? Doesn't really make sense..

Co sign. Did they find out your were drunk or did they think your were tryna slay old lady?
As for me I don't remember my worst day exactly. But Iremember being very distraught when I couldn't go to Morehouse due to it being to far away and expensive.
But it turned out for the best. Pay cheaper school and 2hrs from home at Salisbury.
Oh wow I had plenty of those days..

It was like a year or two ago when me and a couple of friends decided to head out to the beach during spring break. So the plan was to head out and come backin a couple of days, so dumb ol me decided to take my parents new whip ( practically 3 days old ) assuming that they wont notice anything. But everything wentwell, we chilled had a blast & what not, soon that all changed as I was coming back.. everything was all cool, music playing, my dude just going through myipod and what not... Next thing I know A metal piece flew on to my windshield from another car (it got stuck on the windshield, thank goodness) and another onto my front bumper ( I messed up the whole car in order to remove it). Smh and the truck driver didn't even bother to pull over but I can't blame him,he probably didn't notice. To make the story short I told my parents what happened and they let it slide surprisingly lol. I remember after the incidentfor approximately 300 miles no one spoke, my dude in the passenger tried to say something like " this things happen" but we just told him to shut thehell up.
Originally Posted by 1focusedfemale

The worst day ive ever had was this year on V-day. I had me a lil cutie to take out and i get dressed to go get a cut and my car is gone!!!!! I walked back in the house and came back out i was in denial!!! I had a 2006 pontiac G6 money green wit da tan interior!!! I only had it for 8 months!! They never found it so now im on da bus! Everyday is a bad day.

that sucks
when i tried to drift racer a rental 300. crashed into a fire hydrant. and no there was no gazer of water.

i was stupid. first crash ever.
Being told that the place I had been living in I was no longer welcome. So unwelcome that my girl's aunt had gone to a LAWYER to get papers drawn up tomake my girl kick me out....after that we spent 4 months pretty much living outta my girls Accord
...I've never met a person I've hated as much asthis woman...
Stomach Virus...Had to go to the hospital @ 3 in the morning.....The stomach virus is the absolute worst feeling in the world....My body was so weak they hadto give me 2 iv's so my body could function...

I drunk a 24- pack of Gatorade in 3 days
.....and was on a strict chicken-noodle soup diet...
Worst day of my life had to been during my ninth grade year. December 20 1999, I was in my PE class, playing football with the guys and we decided that playing"regular" football was boring. To liven things up and we decided to do flips and trying to land on mat while catching the ball. Not a good idea on mypart (me being 200 + plus). I overran the route and I did the flip in the air, but pass the mat and landed on the wooden/metal floor. I had to cart off to thehospital and get 9 stitches above my left eye/
#1. My 18th birthday.
I went out to celebrate and ended up getting wasted, losing my sk3, $100, NYS I.D., Unlimited Metrocard, my dignity and plenty of stomach acid. So i went tothis party with my friend and her mother was supposed to be picking us up at 3am. when my friend was leaving the party she fell on her face and her motherfound out she was drunk. THAT !*!!%*! +!$*$ left me at this random club mad far from my house drunk as %#!@. I had NO FONE to call my mother or a cab, nomoney, not even a damned metrocard! luckily the club called me a cab and paid for my ride home. i get home at like 5am......i have to wake up at 830am to go towork. I get there soooo hungover looking like CRAP they just put me in the corner to answer phones. BUT WAIT, theres moooooore. my mom calls my job to tell methat my father almost died and he's going into emergency heart surgery. ALLLL on my birthday. My 18th birthday
My worst day (more like night) was actually only about a month ago. I had just gotten off work at around 11PM. I was planning to go to my friend's housefor his birthday party/ valentine's day party. Once I pulled out of work, I was pulled over for not having my front license plate. The cop ended up givingme a $60 ticket, only for not having my front license plate. After that, I went to the party, which was about an hour away from home, and had some problemsthere. I was fighting with my ex-boyfriend. In a nutshell, my windshield was kicked in multiple times, and as a result... several cracks were formed. I alsolost my cell phone somewhere that night (I was not drunk), and it's my third phone in about 2 months. Then afterwards when I was on my way home, I wasextremely lost and ended up in DC (I live in Rockville). I didn't get any sleep and had to go into work tired as hell. I'm a waitress so I was likefalling asleep while I was walking around trying to serve customers. I most definitely don't even want to have to experience anything like that night everagain
The worst day ive ever had was this year on V-day. I had me a lil cutie to take out and i get dressed to go get a cut and my car is gone!!!!! I walked back inthe house and came back out i was in denial!!! I had a 2006 pontiac G6 money green wit da tan interior!!! I only had it for 8 months!! They never found it sonow im on da bus! Everyday is a bad day.

are you a lesbian? no diss, im just trying to figure it out. On v-day YOU took a "lil cutie" out? Do girls really call guys "lil cuties"and do they take GUYS out on V-day? sorry im high as hell.
^ thats not even the most peculiar thing she's said. how about "i went to get a cut"
we can induct that she is a lesbean
Originally Posted by ChaBillionaire23

The worst day ive ever had was this year on V-day. I had me a lil cutie to take out and i get dressed to go get a cut and my car is gone!!!!! I walked back in the house and came back out i was in denial!!! I had a 2006 pontiac G6 money green wit da tan interior!!! I only had it for 8 months!! They never found it so now im on da bus! Everyday is a bad day.

are you a lesbian? no diss, im just trying to figure it out. On v-day YOU took a "lil cutie" out? Do girls really call guys "lil cuties" and do they take GUYS out on V-day? sorry im high as hell.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

#1. My 18th birthday.
I went out to celebrate and ended up getting wasted, losing my sk3, $100, NYS I.D., Unlimited Metrocard, my dignity and plenty of stomach acid. So i went to this party with my friend and her mother was supposed to be picking us up at 3am. when my friend was leaving the party she fell on her face and her mother found out she was drunk. THAT !*!!%*! +!$*$ left me at this random club mad far from my house drunk as %#!@. I had NO FONE to call my mother or a cab, no money, not even a damned metrocard! luckily the club called me a cab and paid for my ride home. i get home at like 5am......i have to wake up at 830am to go to work. I get there soooo hungover looking like CRAP they just put me in the corner to answer phones. BUT WAIT, theres moooooore. my mom calls my job to tell me that my father almost died and he's going into emergency heart surgery. ALLLL on my birthday. My 18th birthday

you win so far
Tore my ACL in practice (worse pain I've felt in my life)..had surgery to repair it the day before my 17th bday. Drugged up and couldn't walk/ bend myleft knee for a long time = loss of muscle in quads.
Had a hell of a time trying to sit down to pee
It's funny now
but damn you males are lucky..I had to like slide myself down on the toilet with my crutchesjust for a no.1 lol. It was %%%!@+# horrible.

I did get a SK3 (when they first came out) for my bday though :smile:

Oh yeah and we have a 2 story house so I didn't see my room upstairs for a long time..and that sofa pull out bed was so uncomfortable and the ice machine(for those who have torn your ACLs I know you know what I mean)
Originally Posted by enlightenedespot

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Thats dumb..so while being drunk you put your arm around an admin and talked to her and they were buggin over that? Were you being aggressive? Doesn't really make sense..

Co sign. Did they find out your were drunk or did they think your were tryna slay old lady?
As for me I don't remember my worst day exactly. But I remember being very distraught when I couldn't go to Morehouse due to it being to far away and expensive.
But it turned out for the best. Pay cheaper school and 2hrs from home at Salisbury.

Everyone pretty much knew I was drunk I was drinking Hypno and Goose which was bad news...and she told everyone i was being "too friendly."
i was robbed at gun point walking home from the train station and when i finally get home, i found out my dog was killed by the neighbors pitbull.
I got a DUI before my "friends" party…I'm only 19 at the time. Turns out this friend had sex with my EX that same night, andthe night after. Dude knocked her up. Chick (my ex) was my best friend! Or so I thought. I helped her pay $200.00 for the abortion thinking it was my child.SMH at her for trying convince me that it was mine. Trusting someone, then having them disappoint you at the last minute is the worst.

p.s. - sign me up for The Maury Show.
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