What/who INSPIRES you to work out?


The thought of becoming Don Vito fat
Nope can't do it.
Originally Posted by JChambers

Originally Posted by Halftime718

Didn't Zyzz take steroids though? (I actually have no clue I just saw someone mention it on this site)

Yep. He used to post on steroid message boards asking for info. Trenbolone and Test. Clenbuterol for body fat also. Matter of fact, every pic in this thread is of steroid users.

hey, whatever works for motivation is what I say!Never gonna touch that *!*+ personally
Originally Posted by toast1985

Originally Posted by calibeebee

this vid. everytime, gets me pumped. I have no reason to do sprints or run lines on a basketball court but everytime i watch this vid, I find a football field or empty gym and run drills

Damn, that speech was very inspirational.
The narrator is actually my client, a Detroit based motivational speaker named Eric Thomas.
If ya'll would like to hear any more of his speeches, check out : http://www.youtube.com/etthehiphoppreacher

As far as motivation, basically i was depressed the winter of 2010, sort of a quarter life crisis and my grandfather died....i don't smoke anymore and i drink socially so i figured I'd read more and work out more. Plus, if you're in the prime of your life you have no excuse not to work out...my only problem is craving for bad foods.
ripped females

esp. reading them interviews on simplyshredded.com...those bodies are perfect

i figured the only way to ever get w/ em is to also hit the weights and work hard
What are some vids or thing that make you really pumped up?

Things that make me really pumped up:
lots of reasons...

fat girls dont get picked up on (imo)
being able to run up stairs without losing my breath
the little kids in my life i have to hang with
friends and family
the potential of having kids
looking in the mirror
overall its a healthy and easier life
Originally Posted by calibeebee

this vid. everytime, gets me pumped. I have no reason to do sprints or run lines on a basketball court but everytime i watch this vid, I find a football field or empty gym and run drills

Son, thank you for this.
My mirror, myself,music and my health. When I'm at the Gym if there's a pretty female present, working out behind me on a StairMaster our within the facility, i would run my best on the treadmill, i would run with energy i didn't think i possessed. If you she decides to run next to me,( to be nosy just to see how fast im going i throw my towel on top of the speed or ill jack up the speed up to 8.5.
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