What will you/did you name your first son?

Pharoahe, but I already gave that idea to my sister for her son/my nephew! Best lil guy ever!!

my two sons will be named ryu and ken lol

and if my wife decided to have 4 in a hope for 2 guys 2 girls and they all come out guys

well raphael , michelangelo , donatello and leonardo lol
Auguste (Au-gus-te.)

I don't know why, but one day, it came to me.

My father would probably be displeased, though.
My first Son's name is prolly gonna be DeAndre.

Middle names are gonna be either Logan, Lucas Bishop, Drax, Stark or Wade Wilson.

If I'm blessed with a daughter her name is definitely gonna be Ororo.

And no the mother will have no say in this whatsoever.
Also, naming your kid after yourself always struck me as a real narcissistic move. If I ever have kids I''ll name the boy after my pops and if it'sa girl it'll be after one of my grandmas(my mom's name isn't too great). Middle name will be my moms or my wifes maiden name.
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