What will you/did you name your first son?


or after my pops make him a Jr.

or Niko
I got a son Coming in 2 Months, Im thinking Dhani or Amare' or if all else fails Zion or just name him after me and He'd be a Trey
I like Slavic names...Dmitri, Vladimir, Maciej, Kamil

had an uncle named Stanislaw
maybe i should go with that name...naah.
Originally Posted by Bad N fluenz

I used to want it to be Machivelli, but now I want something that's both strong yet at the same time unique. I like the name Caleb it means "whole hearted". But I want something old, like a forgotten name. I don't want my son to be some sheep, I want him to be his own individual self! Shoot, I've only met one Ernie, yes my name is Ernest. ha ha.

Not trying to call you out or anything, but I'm wondering how you plan to have that having kids thing work out.
Sulieman: after the king
Scipio: after the General

Medina: after the city
Originally Posted by Wooly Willy

next son will be named Malik
Good choice thats my name.
My first jit is going to be named Cash I always thought it was a nice name and you never see black guys with a name like Cash
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