what would you rather have? agility&speed or power&strength?

speed & agility... or power & strength?

i myself would go with speed and agility.. get away from those powerful bruts
I'll take speed and agility. Why? I honestly don't know, but I'll stick with my answer.
Super Saiyan 2, the ability to combine them all.

No but really, I would want power & strength...I have a bad temper, so when im mad it would make me feel better to Hulk Smash something

I couldn't woosah by running around.
strength and power because if ever in a fight it wouldnt matter how fast you are because you have to eventually get close to me to hurt me and when you do itsgame over.
In just life? Agility & Speed. If I get in a fight, I'm working over the dude with power and strength. No way he hits me. My only thing is I gotta droplike 70 punches to hurt dude. But as anybody know, any regular street fight get broken up in like 15 seconds max.
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