What ya drinking these days diet,zero or regular soda?


Can't @%*% with diet drinks.
Jones Soda Zilch
Pepsi Max
Diet Sunkist
Diet Pepsi Vanilla
Originally Posted by needsomejays

serious question, what is the difference between the "zero" and the diet sodas? 
men are more likely to buy "zero" sodas, women are more likely to buy "diet" sodas.
Originally Posted by il prescelto

Originally Posted by needsomejays

serious question, what is the difference between the "zero" and the diet sodas? 
men are more likely to buy "zero" sodas, women are more likely to buy "diet" sodas.
I read somewhere the "zero" has more caffeine than the "diet" ones. The zero tastes better too.
same thing goes with Pepsi Max and diet pepsi
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