What yall think about the Jordan Hall Of Fame speech??

Mar 1, 2008
Hey guys I was just wondering what yall thought about the MJ induction speech. When I got home from work I came across this article from Yahooand I was in shock
! So I youtubed it. I didnt see anything wrong with it. LMK what yallthink...

Yahoo Article:
It was like a child sticking his tongue out at his teacher. We all knew he was a jerk (and most loved justifying it with "it was due to his competitivespirit") but I for one actually expected him to act like a humble adult for this ONE speech - for the sake of basketball. He was being inducted into thehall of fame. No one is talking bad about him or doubting him anymore, he didnt have to be as childish as he was.

I respect him as an athlete and a competitor, but as a person? People need to stop with the blind love. None of us know him. What we saw, what we admire wasthe athlete.
yep. dirtbag.. mj fans and his shoe wearers need to get off hating all these other athletes for the same reason they appear to ignore MJ's tactics
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

yep. dirtbag.. mj fans and his shoe wearers need to get off hating all these other athletes for the same reason they appear to ignore MJ's tactics
wow, one of the truest posts i've ever read on nt. props to you bro. people need to get off of mj's #@%@.
Way before this speech i would've said F Jordan..

Dude was a beast on the court, but as far as off the court he's a douche.
"Ooooooo they so sensitive"

He's the definition of a jock. Most of us wish we had a fraction of his skills
Originally Posted by 0cks

"Ooooooo they so sensitive"

He's the definition of a jock. Most of us wish we had a fraction of his skills

You don't have to be an a-hole while being honored though. on the court? yes. HOF speech? hell no.
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

yep. dirtbag.. mj fans and his shoe wearers need to get off hating all these other athletes for the same reason they appear to ignore MJ's tactics

It seems like most of Kobe's haters hate him for that reason.
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