What yall think about the Jordan Hall Of Fame speech??

just like wilbon said if he doesn't act like that, if he doesn't hold those grudges he isn't thee michael jordan or the goat. hes gerald greenor harold minor. thats what makes him who he is. the speech wasn't that bad. he could have left a few things out...but hes mj he can do whatever he wantsin that situation.
just as I expected
Originally Posted by casekicks

I expected a little more humbleness and a little more appreciation for people that helped him get those 6 rings..Last time I checked he didn't win them by himself..But there were some funny parts..
First words out his mouth were that in every one of the clips, you saw Scottie as well. I know he didn't win all 6 titles with just the helpof Pip, but he was the main reason. And he pretty much acknowledged that right off that bat.

His speech wasn't what I was expecting from him, but I didn't have a problem with it either.
I don't see what's wrong with it. He was just telling everyone about his competitive nature and how it got him to become the best.

I wish I coulda seen Phil Jackson there, though.
I extremely enjoyed it. I think he said exactly what he wanted to say and the personal anecdotes just made it more entertaining. Thats something I admired inMichael, his ability to entertain.
I was reading an article on Yahoo stating that he was firing shots at ppl in the NBA and souded cocky. He was just speaking his mind. MJ is king!!
since when is treating people like crap considered okay? In every facet of life i guess other than basketball, we agree to hate on deserving parties. The 85year old rich cheap neighbors. he's the best at real estate but treats people like crap. we all agree that he shouldnt treat or hold grudges like that. imean the list goes on and on. you all who defend MJ should take what you believe and apply it all situations. otherwise you all are just hypocrites to thehighest degree
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

I don't see what's wrong with it. He was just telling everyone about his competitive nature and how it got him to become the best.

I wish I coulda seen Phil Jackson there, though.

I think we've got to give some of these superstars in our society a little more slack.
Imagine not being able to leave the house without harassment. Everywhere you go, people bugging you, taking their dirty shoes off and shoving them in hisface....
I don't think it's o.k. to treat people with disrespect, but c'mon, if he didn't his entire existence would be catering to his fans.
His speech didn't surprise me at all.
I thought Michael's speech was incredible and inspired me. You must realize he is the most competitive person on earth to see why he was talking about howhe was constantly looking for anything to add "wood to the fire" My favorite quote that he ended the speech on" Never say never because limitslike fears are often just an illusion".
I had no problem with his speech. After seeing your post and reading Rick Reilly's article, I decided to watch it again. The man's speech was about hiscompetitive fire. He went on to talk about how that fire was fueled through the years. I thought it was genuine.

Most of what I have read about it has been over the top. I guess the haters missed him so much. If you think about it, he could have so many things that wouldhave been offensive. He could of gotten on Sloan for not doubling him, he could have called out Stockton and he could have mentioned that the Spurs would nothave won in '99 had his team not been dismantled. Dude coulda talked abot how Reisendorf allowed for a dynasty to be destructed prematurely.

My point is that the speech was fine and from the heart.
Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

Great basketball player, horrible person
I love the guy, but this is probably true. I'm kidding, I've nevermet the guy, so I'm not one to judge his character.
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