What year will religion finally be extinct?


So trueeee. Falling on my *** a hundred times while my snowboarding instructor keeps saying the same thing.
this thread is going nowhere. you wish it would go extinct because you dont believe in it. cool. How is it affecting your life again?

I hate when people say this. religion, mainly Christianity, affects every American persons life.

Hell a local official in my state recently called all atheists "fanatical terrorists". that's not an isolated incident.

If i say something against gay people, wont there be an uproar on here with people saying "How do they affect your life?" "let them be" etc

yeah there will be an uproar, because they don't affect your life. homosexuals don't pass laws keeping straight people from getting married. homosexuals didn't carry out the Inquisition. homosexuals don't tell you that you can't adopt a child because of "religious objections".

there are no homosexual jihadists (that I've heard of at least, I think homosexuals have it pretty hard in that region) blowing up buildings and stores in the name of their gay sky dwelling overlord, causing pointless conflicts and loss of life in the name of said god.

although Hitler's plan for after the war was to destroy Christianity's influence, he used Christianity as a way to influence antisemitism.

I sincerely wish religion would go extinct, maybe then we could get our brains to the point that we figure out where all this **** actually came from instead of thinking things like the face of the immaculately conceived bastard zombie son of an invisible creator is appearing on toast.

could give us a much brighter future.
this thread has nothing to do with gays.  Dont discuss it in here.  Make your own thread. 
I don't know man but I really hope it's sometime in my lifetime.. I only get to live once and I would love nothing more then to be able to experience a world free of religion. That in itself would be my heaven.
Dude, there are over 2.3 billion Christians and 1.6 billion Muslims in this planet today and you're asking when will it end? Use some common sense! :lol:
Dude, there are over 2.3 billion Christians and 1.6 billion Muslims in this planet today and you're asking when will it end? Use some common sense!
Its going to happen in America quicker than some other parts of the world thats for sure.

What a stupid quote.

Many Eastern philosophies came up with similar spiritual ideologies, even though they were thousands of miles and years removed from each other. That's because they approached the spiritual/unseen like a "science".

Whereas scientific discovery is constantly changing....he speaks about science like some static truth? One person didn't figure anything out alone....what it true today will be looked as false tomorrow and different schools of scientific thought are always clashing with each other. ******ed quote...but y'all praise anything bashing religion, doesn't even matter if it makes sense or not.

Humanity needs myth to survive. It is an incubator for creativity, technology and culture. Even if the Abrahamic religions disappeared, new forms of religion would emerge. Even if we fully understood the brain (which we are far from) and every other subject in existence their will always be an etheric field of quantum existence that we could never touch or explain with complete certainty. The placeholder for theorizations on that realm will always be "myth" even if called by a different name, like scientific hypotheses/"quantum psychology", whatever have you...

The spiritual is undeniable, even if you chose o deny it or feel more comfortable referring to it by a different name.

I understand the backlash that is currently being seen against traditional religious systems but don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. There are certain "spiritual" constants that guide humanity, just as gravity under girds physics. Pick those truths out of the massive jumble of religious rhetoric and spiritual teachings and form your own religion if you have to. Become grounded and secure in your own spiritual/esoteric understandings or others will do it for you and impose their creations on you.
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The current generation will end it. None of my friends are interested in church or religion. My friends are diverse too.
Dude, there are over 2.3 billion Christians and 1.6 billion Muslims in this planet today and you're asking when will it end? Use some common sense! :lol:

Its going to happen in America quicker than some other parts of the world thats for sure.

nah, Estonia or Sweden will be first. something like 21% of Swedes believe in a god of some kind, the rest are either purely spiritual or nonbelievers.

religiosity is declining, albeit slowly, almost worldwide. advances in our knowledge of our planet, the universe, and society are influencing this. I do know that the Americas are showing a decline while places like China are showing an increase.

people are moving away from the idea of a singular god figure and becoming more used to the idea of spirituality over worship, and others are just denying the concept completely.

I do not believe religion will ever just disappear, that's impossible. as long as there are unanswered questions, people in need of support, people with extreme delusions, and people with the capacity to start their own cult - religion will exist. also there will always be people who claim to believe yet follow none of the teachings of their religion. I feel like here people use God, Jesus, and church to fall back on as a way to make themselves feel better for things they've done.

jump off all week, club on the weekend, church on Sunday to "wash away thy sins". it should not work like that.

then we have the closeted gay priests and pastors who use their position of power to exploit people who truly believe in them. and the God fearing, gay hating congressmen and officials who will vote no on gay marriage and continuously spew bigotry but get caught doming a dude up in a bus station bathroom.

I don't know, I just don't get it. if your God loves you, you shouldn't have to hide who you are for him/her to love you. you shouldn't judge other people based on your own inner demons just because you're in a position to do so.

goldenchild99 I see what you're saying with your post. after adopting atheism I started to learn more about the spiritual side of things, concepts of good and evil, the impact of certain chemicals on my brain. this is why I emphasize knowledge and learning when it comes to things like this.

I have theorized that the human spirit or soul is a reference to the full capacity of our brain. I use certain tenets of buddhism, shamanism, taoism, and other eastern teachings.

I have no gripes with the positive aspects of religion, but with all "good" comes "evil". anything that can be used to bring people together in a positive way can be altered slightly to become a tool of enslavement, division, destruction, and exploitation.

I'm high, I went on a tangent just now. I apologize.

I LOVE good religious people, especially Christians and Muslims. they give me faith that eventually people could adopt the actual teachings of their books and we can get on track to an amazing future.
this thread has nothing to do with gays.  Dont discuss it in here.  Make your own thread. 

It's called an analogy and I wouldnt make a thread about gays because it doesn't affect me or I dont go around crying about it/wishing it would go away like you are with religion. Its not going anywhere so how do you plan to cope?
this thread has nothing to do with gays.  Dont discuss it in here.  Make your own thread. 

It's called an analogy and I wouldnt make a thread about gays because it doesn't affect me or I dont go around crying about it/wishing it would go away like you are with religion. Its not going anywhere so how do you plan to cope?

that was not a fitting analogy. that was more of a loaded question to me at least.

following a religion is a lifestyle choice. I do not care how many times it's said, or by who it's said, homosexuality is NOT truly a decision. there are people who experiment (I'm sure you had those "oh no I'm bi now" girls in your high school) but that's just it, experimentation.

comparing something with as much sway and power to literally alter how things in the world work (the Vatican will be my example) to people just wanting to live their life with who they love just cannot be done.

I don't want to derail this thread because it actually has great potential for religious discussion so that's all I got for this particular aspect of the thread.
As long as there are poor, uneducated populations religion will continue to exist.
Thats what I was getting at.  When will we get to the point.....speaking about America....they it will be something of the past.  Each generation believes less and less.  I really wasn't speaking on terms of other places around the globe. 

How will our cultures clash if one day we are a non-believing nation and other nations still have strong beliefs?  It could get ugly
Thats what I was getting at.  When will we get to the point.....speaking about America....they it will be something of the past.  Each generation believes less and less.  I really wasn't speaking on terms of other places around the globe. 

How will our cultures clash if one day we are a non-believing nation and other nations still have strong beliefs?  It could get ugly

there are already conflicts in the world as a result of different beliefs.
Thats what I was getting at.  When will we get to the point.....speaking about America....they it will be something of the past.  Each generation believes less and less.  I really wasn't speaking on terms of other places around the globe. 

How will our cultures clash if one day we are a non-believing nation and other nations still have strong beliefs?  It could get ugly
there are already conflicts in the world as a result of different beliefs.
Thanks i didnt know that
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