What's something you desperately did to impress a chick? Vol... "That brother starving"

marikomorose marikomorose

Didn't you once say that a girl told you that you resembled Sisqo and you went and dyed your hair blonde?

Mariko = Myron Reed


Canadian Destroyer Canadian Destroyer called it
So you think if there is a built in story/rivalry with the man in the opposite corner that turns her on more?

Whenever a female get into a relationship their friends/sister/mom/auntie interrogate them to death asking a million questions about you. She needs an nteresting "HOW WE MET" story even if it was something as simple as working in the same department or attending the same high school.

When you analyze most of these NT'ers fumbles, its obvious why they failed

-Threadstarter buys same "Yogi Tea" as chick he follows on the gram. 0] Homegirl probably screenshotted that exchange and sent it to 10 of her friends.

-championboyz buys random girl gift, without even talking to her first. We all like Ice Cream but wouldnt it be weird if some random person came up to us with a Pint of Haagen-Daaz for no reason?

-DatZNasty posting up in the Club looking depressed, not dancing or even trying to mingle with anyone. Serves him right his electricity got knocked out and he was left freezing during last weeks polar vortex.
Stole my mom's car while she was sleeping. Didn't want her to wake up so I threw it in neutral and pushed it out the driveway until I was down the block. It was worth it. That night. I became a man.

Whenever a female get into a relationship their friends/sister/mom/auntie interrogate them to death asking a million questions about you. She needs an nteresting "HOW WE MET" story even if it was something as simple as working in the same department or attending the same high school.

When you analyze most of these NT'ers fumbles, its obvious why they failed

-Threadstarter buys same "Yogi Tea" as chick he follows on the gram. 0] Homegirl probably screenshotted that exchange and sent it to 10 of her friends.

-championboyz buys random girl gift, without even talking to her first. We all like Ice Cream but wouldnt it be weird if some random person came up to us with a Pint of Haagen-Daaz for no reason?

-DatZNasty posting up in the Club looking depressed, not dancing or even trying to mingle with anyone. Serves him right his electricity got knocked out and he was left freezing during last weeks polar vortex.
fam. You wasn't at this event. I am not 100% but I think this is from the same night. Her poetry/rnb/singing is fire, she even got a kids book out so I ****s with her on that, we talked about going to a Floetry concert together even though it was midterms for her students and how we'd finagle that (any time you're talking about future plans that's typically good right?) but this **** was a HipHop Celebration, there was freestyle battles, dance battles, a few local performers, I was hella like "why am I here and maybe I would have been better saying "no I have a long drive home" when she asked me if I wanted to come with her to this event and I could have lived another day yea my awkwardness in that environment where I was hella uncomfortable was definitely my undoing. I tell yall I didnt even get a real hug at the end, she like shoulder checked me like she was KG sitting a pick to get Ray Allen open. Dudes like 40 years old running around yelling, "Bars! Bars! BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRSSSSSSSSSSSS!" all night, white and N.A and Latino rappers saying the N word, a fight almost broke out during the dance battle because the circle was too small and someone did a break dance spin and accidentally kicked somebody," **** was big trash

In college at a bar and start talking with a girl and think it's going great. Bought her a drink and excused myself to go to the bathroom. Came back and she was gone. Never saw her again. That was also the last time I ever bought a rando a drink.
Probably 2 hours. It was some punchlines, but that's youtube just show me the highlights **** at best. Aint nobody tryna be at the event all night and like I said a few fights broke out and I am not a club guy to begin with (I could pull the exact same dat off now and get some butt at the end still,, even WITH the Polo boots! I carry myself more confidently even in uncertain circles as that came with experience) so I was positioned in the back, close to the single exit, holding the wall up. She'd disappear into the crowd, because again these are her people this is her crowd and their event, then she'd come back and speak then disappear again. So lowkey I didnt even get any facetime really at that part so I know they was talking bout me and **** and it was just bad.
I was dating a senator once. She was telling me how much she loves the beach, or something along those lines. To which I replied:
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