What's the biggest L you've ever taken?

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My L that I mentioned before has been officially rescinded. I was actually being sued for an 8 year old capital one card that I knew absolutely nothing about. I launched a fraud investigation and received a favorable decision. It took about a month for the dust to settle, but I received every penny of the $1,300+ that was taken from me.

It's insane how people in courts can sign a paper that takes your life and money away instantly.

:lol at the story above me, definitely one reason I don't talk wreckless. I could probably get a whole lot more aggressive, but I don't want them unnecessary problems.
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Thinking I could just party and smash ***** in HS with no repercussions..

Barely learned anything, barely graduated with a 2.1 GPA and 25 ACT.

I could have already flown the coop if I hadn't have been so stupid. Crazy how much wisdom comes with aging...

I would go back in time and slap the **** out of myself if I could

Not repeating the same mistake in college. That ACT score was my saving grace.
If I was bruh who made out with a chick with man seed in her mouth I'd casually walk to my car, reach in the glove compartment and off myself.
Prolly not the biggest L but an L

I used to live in an apt complex that had a court right in the center of it. One weekend there wuz a bunch of people out...I think it was a memorial day wknd. Neway....there was alot of bad chicks out there :smokin. I knew one of them that wuz watchin 8) cuz we had a class together...

So im ballin...and im not great but im aite.....rod strickland rookie type game.
And im guardin this lanky tall slow dude and im just killin him. Blowin by...crossin him.....dropin dimes....girls lookin 8)

So anyway their team is on a fast break and im behind...one on two...I see lanky dude get da ball and go to the hoop so I jump up to block him.......

The way he went up it looked like he was gonna finger roll it...so I was like "im bout to mutumbo this lazy cat"


Dis dude kept rising and turned the ball over in his hand.
Then he brought it back....kinda like a pitcher does a windup...or how kemp used to dunk.
Put his left forearm on my chest and threw it down HARD.


I remember falling on my side and I didnt even look up cuz I knew it wuz bad. I remember seeing dudes shoes (lebron 9s)cuz he was standin over me and hearing erybody laughing and runnin around....girls was takin instagram pics |I. Dese frat dudes was pourin out they beer.........and all I remember is lookin up and seeing the girl that I knew just sittin there with her hands over her mouth like

So many inside tears |I

:rollin Got damn
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