What's the biggest L you've ever taken?

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Too many female stories in this thread now

Damn homie I could only imagine the anger and knowing that there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.

The pure definition of "taking the L"

What I like about this thread is that somehow new stories get posted every day. It's great

I have an L:

For this media class I'm taking, we're supposed to do a video project. Earlier in the summer semester we had to tell the teacher exactly what we were going to do for the project so that we could get the green light. After we submitted ideas we couldn't change it or we would fail the assignment. The assignment is 40% of the final grade so failing the assignment is failing the course.

I had a pretty good idea going; it was going to be this funny little story about this guy and a girl who get together and break up. So I submitted that idea to the professor and got the go-ahead.

I'm thinking that I'll just talk to one of my female friends and we'll get this little "skit" banged out in no time. A+for me.

I spoke to like FOUR different females that I'm close to. All four of them said the same ****.

"I'll be glad to help as long as I'm not on camera lol"

Like are you serious? Ya'll be on Instagram every waking second but don't want to be a part of a video for a class project?

I don't have any sisters that live in the area, and I wasn't going to do this with my mom.

So I put on a wig and threw on some of my mom's clothing, made some fancy edits with myself in my normal clothes, and that's the video I'm going to submit to my professor tomorrow.


I better get an A for this ****.  I know how Dave Chappelle felt when those folks were trying to force him to put the dress on. Like you're selling your soul on some illuminati ****. I sold my soul for a passing grade
I worked really hard on this project. And I got a 77 on it

All of my friends thought it was funny but I guess funny doesn't get you far in life

And the professor called me a "drag queen"
L's on L's on L's 
So this whole past semester(spring) I have been taking a class that counts for absolutely nothing because it is the "incorrect" speech class :{ asked the counselor at the beginning of the semester WOULD THIS CLASS TRANSFER to my university when I go back? She said yes you have 5 different speeches a b c d e, all should transfer over. Fast forward to about 3/4 of the semester being over and I call UTSA (my university) to get my schedule set up for the fall and they're like you need a speech credit, I'm like yeah I'm taking it blah blah basically that speech I was taking doesn't count :x

Now I'm retaking that same ****(SLIGHTLY different) right now in the summer. Wasted like $300 on that spring class. Only to pay another $200 to take that **** again SMH :{
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Newest L is my new job. It's 9:05.. I started at 9... Pray for me fam
What is your new job?​
You out here sucking Meat-Meats whoadie?
So this whole past semester(spring) I have been taking a class that counts for absolutely nothing because it is the "incorrect" speech class
asked the counselor at the beginning of the semester WOULD THIS CLASS TRANSFER to my university when I go back? She said yes you have 5 different speeches a b c d e, all should transfer over. Fast forward to about 3/4 of the semester being over and I call UTSA (my university) to get my schedule set up for the fall and they're like you need a speech credit, I'm like yeah I'm taking it blah blah basically that speech I was taking doesn't count

Now I'm retaking that same ****(SLIGHTLY different) right now in the summer. Wasted like $300 on that spring class. Only to pay another $200 to take that **** again SMH
Some school counselors can be the biggest bums in the world. 
. Wasting people's time and money.​
Too many female stories in this thread now

Damn homie I could only imagine the anger and knowing that there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.

The pure definition of "taking the L"

What I like about this thread is that somehow new stories get posted every day. It's great

I have an L:

For this media class I'm taking, we're supposed to do a video project. Earlier in the summer semester we had to tell the teacher exactly what we were going to do for the project so that we could get the green light. After we submitted ideas we couldn't change it or we would fail the assignment. The assignment is 40% of the final grade so failing the assignment is failing the course.

I had a pretty good idea going; it was going to be this funny little story about this guy and a girl who get together and break up. So I submitted that idea to the professor and got the go-ahead.

I'm thinking that I'll just talk to one of my female friends and we'll get this little "skit" banged out in no time. A+for me.

I spoke to like FOUR different females that I'm close to. All four of them said the same ****.

"I'll be glad to help as long as I'm not on camera lol"

Like are you serious? Ya'll be on Instagram every waking second but don't want to be a part of a video for a class project?

I don't have any sisters that live in the area, and I wasn't going to do this with my mom.

So I put on a wig and threw on some of my mom's clothing, made some fancy edits with myself in my normal clothes, and that's the video I'm going to submit to my professor tomorrow.


I better get an A for this ****.  I know how Dave Chappelle felt when those folks were trying to force him to put the dress on. Like you're selling your soul on some illuminati ****. I sold my soul for a passing grade
I worked really hard on this project. And I got a 77 on it

All of my friends thought it was funny but I guess funny doesn't get you far in life

And the professor called me a "drag queen"
You gotta post the video whoadie.​
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I was at the mall bathroom and the doors to the stalls had a little too much space before attaching to the actual wall of the stall.

Made lengthy eye contact with an overweight South American dude taking a ****.

The look in his eyes will forever haunt me
I was at the mall bathroom and the doors to the stalls had a little too much space before attaching to the actual wall of the stall.

Made lengthy eye contact with an overweight South American dude taking a ****.

The look in his eyes will forever haunt me


That feel...

Seems like nobody else is willing to share their Ls so I'll go ahead and post a monumental series of Ls that occurred a few months ago. Long story

My homegirl hits me up and tells me her BF's frat is throwing a party at this hookah bar. It was on a Thursday night and I had no classes on Friday so I was like sure I'm down. I'm chilling at her dorm and soon one of her girlfriends comes up. My friend says that they need to change so I can't be in the dorm with them. I have to go upstairs and chill with her BF and his friends.

Whatever. I go upstairs and it's the dude and 2 others (all three in the frat) playing Fifa on 360 and drinking. They were all cool peeps. I had been sipping whiskey downstairs in my friend's dorm, and as soon as I got up there they offered me an Irish Carbomb and a beer. I didn't want to be a poor guest, so I accept. I had about 5 or 6 of those shots in that room.

After like the 3rd shot I'm well off my rocker (lightweight) but I kept going. These dudes were blasting music and I was just vibed the **** out. We were all dancing in the room and going on drunken rants to each other. These are 2 people I literally just met, and a dude I was only barely acquainted with. Absolutely faded. I was having a decent enough time at this point.

By the time the girls were ready and we were outside meeting them, us four dudes were just absolutely rekt. I was ready to party, to smash on some random garden tool, to get domed off by the dumpsters, idc idc idc.

We were in two cars, and I was with my homegirl and her BF. IDR what happened but my friend and her man ended up getting into this crazy argument, and they told me to get out of the car and just wait for them. I could hear this ***** screaming and **** in the car. I'm like in my head my ***** the **** is you yelling foe?

Eventually, my homegirl got out the car by herself, and basically dragged me with her to the front entrance; apparently dude had to "cool off" for a bit. We see a big *** line outside of he club, and the frat organizers are like arguing with the club bouncers and staff. Thing is that the frat sold tickets to mostly brats under 21, so there was a line of minors outside that the club just absolutely wouldn't let in.

Homegirl's boyfriend is sufficiently cooled off, and he comes up to the line like tf is going on. He and his two friends go up to the bouncer, and they argue, and because they're with the frat they're allowed in.

So it's me and the two girls with a big *** crowd of people of all ages, and then eventually this dickhead bouncer decides to let MAD females in, and the two girls I'm with get in and I'm still stuck outside. I'm literally yelling at this ***** "Yo. I am 21 years of age", flashing my license, but he was just nodding his head at me.

At this point the gallon of alcohol inside of my body begins shake things up, and I just leave the line and walk back to the car. I'm sitting on the roof because it feels like God himself is having a final battle with the Devil inside of my stomach. I'm laying on the roof of the car for a bit, then I get up, hurl on the sidewalk, and then just sit on the curb because the curb is more comfortable than the roof of the car. I didn't have the keys because my friend was inside.

My homegirl and her girlfriend come out to sip on some whiskey because they weren't trying to buy any expensive drinks. They see me sitting on the curb (apparently they didn't see the vomit) and they inform me that there's no longer a line and I can go in now.

I'm literally on some ER status at this point and I politely decline, trying my best to stifle the moans of agony that want to escape my throat. They shrug and walk back. (they were pretty drunk)

I don't know how much time passed, but eventually everyone came back and the BF is apologizing to me in the car because they didn't know the club staff would be so jerky and yadda yadda, and it's going in one ear and out the other because I'm going through massive organ failure and I'm just like Jesus I'm coming home.

In the car I just overhear everyone talking about how the party was on some ******** **** and how the two other dudes were practically smashing ******* on the ceiling.

At the end of the night I crashed in my homegirl's bed while the BF took her upstairs and got the yambs. At least dude gave me my money back for the ticket

Drove home at about 6 the next morning.


Get invited to party thrown by homegirl's bf's frat

Homegirl and BF get into massive argument on the way there

Don't get into the party because of bad organizing

Get alcohol poisoning

Sit on the curb all night while an orgy is occurring 20 feet away

Sleep in a woman's bed with tiger sheets
Damn fam...I don't think id f w/ them again. They all got in and didn't even care that you was left outside? :{
Damn fam...I don't think id f w/ them again. They all got in and didn't even care that you was left outside?
Nah it's all Gucci.

I try not to hold grudges or anything like that. It wasn't really anyone's fault. By the time I was able to get in I was too sick to want to do any partying anyway

Dude paid me back for the ticket that same night so it was all squared up
I was at the mall bathroom and the doors to the stalls had a little too much space before attaching to the actual wall of the stall.

Made lengthy eye contact with an overweight South American dude taking a ****.

The look in his eyes will forever haunt me

It makes sense now why you like gettin your butt licked no ayo smh you put that dress on smh
Guess I'll tell this story

One day in middle school the coach had us play flag football outside on the football field with the girls
We played about 3 games till the girls had enough with getting sweaty n ****

So the members of the football team asked if all the boys could play tackle foot ball coach said it was cool and vanished
So we playing and ****
Homie said hike and passed the ball to this big body short dude that happends to be on the team

Now I got front row seats to watch this dude clearing **** out the way making his way to touchdown , so while a bunch of dudes hugging this mans legs and jumping all on his back I decide to attempt to help bring this man down naw

I took my Dumbass right infront of homie and got laid out like a deer vs a hummer doing 50 mph

Strike one

Next play comes up and this homie look for so robe to throw the ball to so I get on the other aide of the field for a straight shot to the td , so the homie throws the ball at me , it was like the moment where everything is in slow motion and they got the build up music in the background **** was perfect right ?
Naw Lol from the corner of my eye I see this dude coming up from my left side. It I didn't care cuz I thought he'd never get there in time , the. All is about a few feet away from my hands that's itching to catch this mug
Suddenly someone turn off the music and the slow motion
The second

The ******* second I'm about to grab this ball the homie that was running up to me was all types of in the air infront of me and caught that ball and my spirit along with it

It was like someone threw this dude in the ******* sky in standing here with the d*ck look and everybody ooooo'n n ****

Strike strike two

3 rd play comes along both teams feelin bad for me so when they said hike they tossed me the ball and told me "run" thinkin it was ******* sweet , nobody chased me for some strang reason and it was real quiet

So I'm running n **** towards the td
bruh I didn't see NOBODY infront of me so I get to running a lil gayer getting my spirit up in **** , build up music and the slow motion cme back n **** thinking it was sweet

I was now about a few yards away when suddenly the music and the slow motion stop once again, the sky got a lil darker it got a lil colder

Dog this Mexican homie of mine summoned himself outta the ground (he was on my right side and he trailed me after I passed him running to touch down) knock my *** in the air like debo did homie on Friday lights out

I got up like I was goku that just got the work put on him real good and took my *** back in school

Think that was about the last time I played football :lol
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