Whats the deal with Asians being so uptight about interracial dating?

Jun 20, 2008
I'll try to make this short

So I'm black, my girlfriend is Asian (Chinese), and her family HATES me. It's astonishing how ignorant these people are it really is shocking. Firstoff I have NEVER done anything to tarnish my image, I am very respectful, I go to school, and I actually accomplish the goals I set out in my life. They thinkthat I am some hoodlum that is corrupting their daughter just because I am black. Her dad says that I am using her and the relationship won'tlast...
this is coming from a scumbag who had 2 children with his(ex)wife, and cheated her (F'in loser)
. Her father's motherwould rather disown her than to see her be with me. Her OLDER sister (jealous B) thinks that I am forcing her to "rebel". Ok. Her sister who is 22,is so jealous of her sister is ridiculous everyone in the family knows it too. Her sisters track record compared to my girls is basically night and day. Her BFgrows and sells drugs, I don't. She gets into trouble with the law, my girl has never been in trouble with police. She got an abortion, My girl isn'tthat irresponsible. In terms of who looks better ....well I am biased of course, but others have straight up told my girl that her sister got the short end ofthe stick in the looks department. And her mom, who NEVER sticks up for her daughter, believes that I am only temporary.

It's weird that people are stuck in primitive thinking. There is so much stuff that goes down on a daily basis that its impossible to illustrate it here onNT. Lets just say they have declared World War 3 and are on the brink of disowning their own seed (so despicable). Now on the flip-side, my family LOVES mygirl. They would genuinely risk their lives to save my girl if need be. My girl decided to come out and stay with me and my family for a couple days for Xmasbreak, and NT I wish I could post some of the most hurtful words any FAMILY MEMBER could say to a person. It was insane the amount of backlash my girl tookfrom her father and her sister. Really it was so horrible that I get
every time I think about it.

I'm 19 she is 18 and we have been together for about 5 months. I know we are crazy young but i can honestly say she is the greatest thing to ever happen tome. I was a pretty "bad" kid and she changed me for the better. She has been with me to help with the bad times and I have done the same for her. Iwould do anything for her, but I am afraid that if comes to a point where she has to choose either me or her family, I will have to break up with her. I knowfor a fact that she would choose me, and I would not be comfortable knowing that I ripped someone away from their family. Family is ALWAYS over anyoneincluding the ones you love... no matter how ignorant they are.

ehhh I know get a blog. I just needed to vent a little. And trust me I have not properly explained the FULL story about her family or how horrible her familyis.

I know there are a few black dudes on here going through the same crap as me.

Asians have a problem with blacks
My girl and I love eachother.
Girl's family is a crew of lames
My family accepts with open arms
Her family is pushing us to the breaking point
No pics (don't even waste your time asking I will NOT be posting pics)

Christmas and New Years was dope though

-The Juice
I seen a black dude with an asian girl at the mall yesterday. I gave him the "head nod"

Some hipster lookin cat.
The word is "accepts" not "excepts". That is probably why they don't like you, you can't spell.
I know like two black dudes who happen to be dating asians. And I asked them how are their parents treating you. Both of them told me that their girlswouldn't DARE tell their parents about them. Thats a ashame to love someone but you are so afraid of how "traditional" your family is, that youwould much rather hide the ones you love.

you really want to go there with those cliff notes?

-The Juice
m 19 she is 18 and we have been together for about 5 months. I know we are crazy young but i can honestly say she is the greatest thing to ever happen to me.

5 months dude is in love. Relationship - Yours won't last. Remember to make a post about the break up when it happens bro.
Ive never had a girl with outright hateful family, but i've always played it out in my head that i would encourage her to stay close to her family, becausethey're important and you don't want them out of your life and regret it later. If our love is strong it will survive. But %%!% that, this fam soundslike a group of a-holes, id convince her to alienate them forever and move away with me, we start our own traditions. No reason to put up with that.

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

The word is "accepts" not "excepts". That is probably why they don't like you, you can't spell.

Seems it was spelled fine, just used improperly.
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

I know like two black dudes who happen to be dating asians. And I asked them how are their parents treating you. Both of them told me that their girls wouldn't DARE tell their parents about them. Thats a ashame to love someone but you are so afraid of how "traditional" your family is, that you would much rather hide the ones you love.

-The Juice

Your 19 (i think) , i'm sure you don't know what real love is.....
sorry to stereotype... im chinese and i can honestly say chinese people are among some of the most narrow minded people on the face of the earth.

my parents are cool with interracial dating though. i won't lie though, i get a little worked up when i see an asian with a white dude.
[h3]Whats the deal with Asians people beingso uptight about interracial dating?[/h3]

dam im sorry to hear that son but i feel you on that one. IM black(light skinned brothas FTW haha) also and am for some reason attracted to mostly asian girls.Ive had a 50/50 experience with asian families. when i was in the one serious relationship i had, her parents loved me. She was Filipino and her parents weremad old school but loved me cuz i spent time to get to know them. We've been broken up for about 3 or so years and whenever I talk to her she always tellsme how much her moms misses me. I wont even go into the bad memories from the parents that didnt apporve cuz i was black
Originally Posted by FifthName


Yo Dirty, could you have brought home a black girl back in the day? Be honest.
I believe I've seen Dirty say he's dated a black girl in the past. (back when we were still with EzBoard)

Dirty, can you confirm?
Here's two tips

1. kill em with kindness. prove em wrong about you
2. even when you're upset...that's not an excuse for being racist.

and not all asians families are racist... some are...some aren't...
my two sister's are both married with kids to minorities...one to a guyanese...one to a cuban.

just like you don't want to be stereotyped as a black man...don't stereotype asians
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

m 19 she is 18 and we have been together for about 5 months. I know we are crazy young but i can honestly say she is the greatest thing to ever happen to me.

5 months dude is in love. Relationship - Yours won't last. Remember to make a post about the break up when it happens bro.
right. youngin's don't know what love is (not that i believe in it romantic love myself... )
Im mexican and dated an asian. Her Family loved me. Never saw a problem with it.

Her older sister had a kid with a black guy. Guy was cool, and little kid was my dude.
Originally Posted by northparkblind

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

I know like two black dudes who happen to be dating asians. And I asked them how are their parents treating you. Both of them told me that their girls wouldn't DARE tell their parents about them. Thats a ashame to love someone but you are so afraid of how "traditional" your family is, that you would much rather hide the ones you love.

-The Juice

Your 19 (i think) , i'm sure you don't know what real love is.....
ehh. Maybe true. But you don't know our relationship. And you also do not know just how much has happened in the last 5 months. I could beblind but I have had a few girfriends and I have been around the block a few times. But honestly all BS aside everything I want in a girlfriend my girl posses(minus cooking). So unless there is another girl out there who is better looking, and does everything my girl does PLUS cook (doubt it) than I really don'tsee me breaking away from her. I could be wrong, but if I actually sat down and made a list of all the things I wanted from a girl, my GF would successfullypass with a 98%. We will see though, for right now I am just going to ride the wave and try to dodge the under currents.

-The Juice
most asian parents expect their children to go out with the same race. It's true. Mine do.

It's racist I know.

I wonder why white ppl are ok with asian parents though.
Originally Posted by northparkblind

We need more interracial babies......

and that sucks that her family is like that. it's funny how the vast majority of black/caribbean families are more accepting of significant others ofdifferent ethnicity but it doesn't work the other way around. i never met my ex's folks (PR) basically because of what you're going thru and wewere together for nearly 4 years!

i did meet her brothers though and they both liked me.

i always wonder how these other brothas in interracial relationships are doing with the fam of their significant other. more often than not, if therelationship lasts, it's because they don't/can't be around the other family.
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