whats the highest lvl of math you went up to in HS

Did calculus in first year university. And then stats second year. Took a look at second year calculus as an elective, but quickly decided against it as that stuff made my brain explode
Calculus in high school
Calculus 2 in college

Did alright, but science was my enemy -- bio / chem / physics
In my eye doctor training we did 2 years of college math - forgotten most of it now but my son is now in HS and I can still help him with his homework.
Calculus in college and failed

My math fundamentals are terrible so I'm surprised I got that far.
Algebra or statistics. Can’t remember. I hated math.

I hate even being in this thread and being reminded of the fact that math advances past addition subtraction multiplication and division. :smh:
math was a burden to my free spirit

i got to pre cal
i didn't like math but it was never a struggle for me
All my tests got handed back like dis

im ashamed to say mine was trigonometry in senior yr :lol:

back of the textbook had all the answers to the even # problems so I cheated on my hw everytime but struggled hard af on the odd # questions :lol:

never even made it to pre-cal. :rofl::smh:

college math was no joke

my job requires solving problems all of the time..so I like math a lot because ur mind is continuously thinking..but I wouldn't say it was my favorite subject..I realized I had an appreciation for it later in life lol
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