Whats the male equivalent to a 'girl with daddy issues'?

Cool @ Grim,

So it isn't that you didn't want a FATHER, you just didn't want the person appointed to be your father to be your father. I would assume that is the reason you would want to keep things as they were.
Cool @ Grim,

So it isn't that you didn't want a FATHER, you just didn't want the person appointed to be your father to be your father. I would assume that is the reason you would want to keep things as they were.

Nah it's none of that. I'm okay with how things turned out...could have been much worse possibilities. There's nothing you can do about who is your father you gotta accept the good with the bad and move on with life and make the best out of it.
Look yall -
- http://niketalk.com/t/521970/is-this-what-the-world-has-come-to-this-cant-be-life
and you got dudes in there justifying and cosigning...like i said society has become a no accountability state. the notion of oh well i wouldnt wear it...or its seen in high regards by ppl makes it ok is complete bs. Another example of being accepting and complacent and not addressing the root of your problems..and not being called out or held accountable for it.

To say oh this is just art, or this is just different would be equivilant to saying well im not a crackhead, if others casually use it and i do its ok for me...if society says its good and normal then it must be...everyone else is doing it, so long as i aint out killing ppl, im an ok person so it makes it alright bs...again avoidance and society coddling the unnatural and cosigning bs.

Im certain if it was a way men could have babies...many dudes would do it and feel justified in doing so...on the premise of im a new age man, times are evolved, im being sensitive liberal to my women, why should she have to go thru all the pain of pregnancy and labor, im doing it to get a better understanding of who she is...im expanding myself...etc..all the bs excuses..

And if it became a social norm guys in large would participate in maybe being pregnant...(ie carry for a few months for the woman etc) And they would see absolutely no wrong in this and matter of fact would question a male manhood if he didnt do it. Esp if you had the steve harvey think like a man, tyler perry, etc..likes convinced woman hey this is what a man would do...Guys would be like over emotional, weak willed, docile b made lil punks, go along with it, and since society at large wouldnt so call pull their card, them being b made would use every usuable excuse,justification in the book to green light this behavior, and then say stuf like oh just because traditionally the woman carried the child, or usually the woman carried the child doesnt make it right, we are in a new day new age, get with the times man... it is perfectly normal and natural for a man to want to be pregnant and share in the "insert any pssy **** response that sounds heartfelt etc.." and im just being compromising to my woman.
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So you wouldn't have just wanted a better father? You are content with just having 1 parent?

content. these alternate possibilities don't exist for me. for all my mother did for me I am happy and content. She raised me from dirt into who I am today and as a single parent with 2 kids I can't even blame her for any, if any, female patterning she may have imprinted on me. She did the best she could do and I'm a realist with a tad of daydream in me. I can def see the other possibilities but at the same time I accept where I'm at and I'm always adapting and evolving.

I think by some relating manhood to the ike turner's (like my dad) and the pimps is all falsehood...that to me is still putting the P on a pedestal because your business still revolves around them....managing them, etc. But these figures are doing so through violence not through the mind most of the time. Don't get me wrong theres some females I wanted to play punchout with but I'm not a savage.

I'm not looking for a slave, I'm looking for a partner. someone who can put up with my **** and vice versa that doesn't have to check in with me and got my back.

the problem today is that women are so fickle...they tell you they want this but they really want that....or maybe that's how it's always been.

And with divorce being so damn high....this age we live in really sucks. Just the other day i had to drop the hammer on what I thought was a potential but she was giving me the friendzone vibe. Detach and you move on.
Well even though you don't want a slave, you can't want to lead and have someone that will respect your leadership and not take it as a test to their ego? I don't want a battle. I want someone that is going to follow. Point blank. I am not following after a woman like Cheetah pants.
:smh: Life and the genders are Ying and Yang.  One needs the other.  They are equal but different.  This isn't about bashing women but stating that the sexes are different.  A man can't raise a woman either.  You need to watch and learn from your same sex parent/guardian/ role model.  This isn't even about your immediate home situation.  You just need these same sex influences in your life in some form or fashion.

I personally believe it takes a village to raise a child. The parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, older siblings, even neighbors and teachers and other kids in school. But the core is both mom and dad.

All of us has dated the girl "with daddy issues". I can guarantee the same can be said about dudes. Hell, a man can't even raise a man alone, that kid still needs it's mom one way or another. Both are equally important.
That is pretty much the whole point


So you wouldn't have just wanted a better father? You are content with just having 1 parent?

I'd rather have both parents. I grew up with just my mom and she tried to do the best she could but its not enough and in some cases too much. She tried to be strict and over protective and if feel like it did more damage than good. Fortunately I've never been arrested and I don't have any unplanned kids. I look at those facts like its a success when its what you're not supposed to do anyway. I'd replace my dad for a better one. About a year ago he came by to see my mom since they're still cool. I didn't like how he was knocking on the door while I was trying to sleep so I went off on him. The cowards hasn't come by since. Don't even think I'd want to go to his funeral.

:pimp: This is a great discussion.

It is but I'm not sure who's right. :lol:
I'd rather have both parents. I grew up with just my mom and she tried to do the best she could but its not enough and in some cases too much. She tried to be strict and over protective and if feel like it did more damage than good. Fortunately I've never been arrested and I don't have any unplanned kids. I look at those facts like its a success when its what you're not supposed to do anyway. I'd replace my dad for a better one. About a year ago he came by to see my mom since they're still cool. I didn't like how he was knocking on the door while I was trying to sleep so I went off on him. The cowards hasn't come by since. Don't even think I'd want to go to his funeral.
It is but I'm not sure who's right.
but heres lies the issue...guys/gals with the mentality of well i came alright and so it all turned out fine so its cool/better/ok. I sold dope...i never served time for selling said dope...but i being older wouldnt advocate or promote nor say it is a good thing on the premise i never got caught, served time etc...and overall i am at a decent/good place in life.

I have no problem with single mom/dad parents etc.. its just i see we as a society see it as equal or just as good as having both parents in the household based on ppl like you. The notion of well one came out ok/alright then it is a success is the problem. Coupled with the justification and lack of accountability on behalf of the single parent, then the oh its cool because god knows my heart bs. Or when they do meet a real counterpart of their sex...they for lack of better words pretty much act like they seen a ghost/alien...and just like human nature reject/dismiss the unfamiliar/unknown...thus repeating the cycle.
All of you go look at this documentary on Netflix. They speak about how these women in public housing had to PROMISE and SIGN A CONTRACT that says they would not have a man in their houses. They would have people come around and check to make sure these men weren't spending sleep time with their families. It was not done by accident.
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just watched this. big brother really wanted to replace the black man as the head of the household and failed which i guess to them is a success?
was watching this catfished show lol...this episode is why a father figure is needed.


Im sorry in my day dudes wanted to be like the oj simpson, dr j., inspired to be like malcolm and martin.. they did not base their lives around and dreamed and wish they were a mid teen bleached blonde awg... But if this is whats poppin these days...and is cool and this is the model of real man then go head on.
I think your reaching with that one bruh....I don't think that dude is any type of model for anyone else.

There have been people like him all throughout history, it's that now it's more feasible for them to do so and their not as suppressed.

DC, ego will always be present in some manner. I'm not talking about leadership, it's partnership. Women shouldn't be supplementary they should be complementary. I don't want someone to fill any non-existent void...but I can use someone to enhance my life.
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I think your reaching with that one bruh....I don't think that dude is any type of model for anyone else.

There have been people like him all throughout history, it's that now it's more feasible for them to do so and their not as suppressed.

DC, ego will always be present in some manner. I'm not talking about leadership, it's partnership. Women shouldn't be supplementary they should be complementary. I don't want someone to fill any non-existent void...but I can use someone to enhance my life.
no what i was saying is that this dude model and idolized a relatively unknown jr.. awg. And he wanted to be her so bad that he pretended to actually be her. Not reaching he actually said it on the show. What i was saying is while im sure in small minuet cases this happen in the past...and we have social media now...it was not commonplace and seen as a society norm to display this behavior, nor was it encouraged and promoted.
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