Whats the most hungover you've ever been?

May 14, 2002
I know this may seem like I'm swagger jacking the whats the most you've ever drank thread, but that isn't true. I've had nights I've drank a ton and not been hungover

So anyway, what's the most hungover you have ever been and what was the occasion it was for?

I had two pretty bad ones. About a year and a half ago, right after my relationship ended.... I had gone to the beach with a group of friends from work. I wasn't planning on drinking, but the kid I was with suggested it and had some cheap whiskey with him
So me and him drank that on the beach. Then we met up with some girls, drank some of their alcohol. Got home about 5pm. I was super sunburnt and as the night went on it just got worse, but I was drunk so I didn't notice it too much. Went to Buffalo Wild Wings, had two tall beers, met up with a friend and rode with her to give someone a phone about an hour away, drank more there, got home, drank more there.

Needless to say I woke up very hungover, and very sunburnt, the two together were terrible.

The second time was probably the worst I have ever been in my life. It was for the first Watch the Throne show I went to. My friend and I took some MDMA to the show, the mixture of that and the alcohol... was my first time trying it, I drank a lot but I didn't think I'd be that hungover. I was super jittery all day I work, and I didn't even have to go in to work til 3. I tried to pay a kid 20 dollars to work the rest of my shift I felt so horrible
I was running around asking my friends if I looked normal to them
They all said I did.

It was still worth it tho
one of the best nights I've ever had.
I was pretty hungover this past weekend. Drank way too much when I had to get up at 9 the next morning the next morning. Smh, not a good look
After a long night of drinking, I woke up at around 4am and had to drop a deuce. I am on the toilet and burped and hit my gag reflex. I had to lean over to throw up in the tub, but not before I vomited directly onto my penis. I just sat in the shower like a rape victim after that.
My best friends Wedding last summer, woke up in my parents basement (I haven't lived there in 2 years) found a bottle of water, drank it in like 2 seconds, 2 seconds later threw it up immediately. Was hungover til about 9pm that night, was a mess. Great wedding though.
me and my boys were downtown at the clubs.  we run into a dude from work.  he's drunk as #@*$ and tells us to roll with him to this club he'll pay our covers and buy us all our drinks.  he did... me and him and 2 other people from work were all there and we were all running to the bathroom the next NIGHT at work still puking. 
Only time I get a hangover is when I black out and am not able to get any food in me. As long as I can make that late night stop at waffle house/the other house/steak n shake, I'm good.
I went skydiving. Proceeding night I was happy as hell to be alive, spent over $100 at the bar (Not easy in a college town in the middle of the summer) got woken up by my friends next day that we need to go to the pool immediately. Had to go in order to get my car/wallet; ended up being at the pool all day. Haven't felt that miserable in a long time.
Originally Posted by af1 1982

I was pretty hungover this past weekend. Drank way too much when I had to get up at 9 the next morning the next morning. Smh, not a good look

Are you still hung over?
this past weekend drank for three days in a row. on sunday started to spit blood. gonna see what the doctor says next week.

moral of the story, know your limit.
Originally Posted by ReMarqable23

Originally Posted by af1 1982

I was pretty hungover this past weekend. Drank way too much when I had to get up at 9 the next morning the next morning. Smh, not a good look

Are you still hung over?
Lol whoops. But nah I had a tourney all day Saturday, told myself I would take it light Saturday night and be in bed by 1 which I was but I just drank way too much. That Jungle Juice got me 
Originally Posted by XIIz89

I went skydiving. Proceeding night I was happy as hell to be alive, spent over $100 at the bar (Not easy in a college town in the middle of the summer) got woken up by my friends next day that we need to go to the pool immediately. Had to go in order to get my car/wallet; ended up being at the pool all day. Haven't felt that miserable in a long time.

 if im understanding right you drove your car into the pool? 

and ive had plenty, this new years i was surprised to not be hungover i was drunk as #%*$ 

...mixed sambuca and absinthe - ended up jumpin' off a second floor balcony.
Was actually supposed to fly to S.Korea the next morning, but woke up in my hallway (notice "hallway" and not "bed'') the following afternoon to a million missed calls and total and complete disorient............so yeah...........
Like last april I was drinking all day and night at my boy's bar (from like 4pm - 4am). I was mixing like every type of liquor and having flavored vodkas that have alot of sugar.
I was drunk but not like wild out drunk because most of ny drinks were paced out throughout the 12 hours. I did not blackout or anything and remember everything I did.

When I got home just unknowiingly ate 3/4 of a regular family size of chips in like 10 minutes without a drink...once I realized what I was doing I stopped lol

When I woke up at like 10am I felt terrible. Made myself throw up and it was all chips lol. Afterwards I felt a tiny bit better and went back to sleep, but it was hard because every position I was in gave me headache. Finally fell back asleep and woke up at like 12:30. Usually when I go back to sleep and wake up later I feel alot better, but this time was no bueno.

I felt just as bad. Tried to drink some water/Gatorade but after 1 sip I'll have to throw up. If I tried to take an anvil I would throw it up too. I was in the bathroom so much that I pretty much brought my ipod dock to the bathroom so I can just chill in there. When I went back to bed I would just lay there in the fetal position with the tv on. I was so shot that judge joe brown would be on and I'll have no energy to get the remote and change the channel. I basically rather listen to the most boring person on tv then put in a little effort to change the channel.

By like 7pm I was able to actually finish a whole bottle of Gatorade....and by 8:30pm I ordered an obese amount of wings.
Originally Posted by Tupac Jordan

Drink Gatorade or pedialyte to not get hangovers. Hangovers are due to hydratrion .

But sometimes us knuckleheads have such a bad hangover we can't even drink Gatorade.....its turrible
Originally Posted by neverflopped

Originally Posted by Tupac Jordan

Drink Gatorade or pedialyte to not get hangovers. Hangovers are due to hydratrion .

But sometimes us knuckleheads have such a bad hangover we can't even drink Gatorade.....its turrible

no before you pass out kill a bottle of water or pedialyte , not after you wake up the next day
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION


...mixed sambuca and absinthe - ended up jumpin' off a second floor balcony.
Was actually supposed to fly to S.Korea the next morning, but woke up in my hallway (notice "hallway" and not "bed'') the following afternoon to a million missed calls and total and complete disorient............so yeah...........


First time was on my 19th Bday at this girls party I drank so much and did some other stuff I could barely walk but I got in my car to drive to my friends house and I drove off the road into a ditch and before I passed out I called my friend and he came and got me and my car before the cops came. He said I threw up for like 6 hours after that and I was out of it till like 8:30 the next day. I was death. I didn't drink for like 8 months after that.
don't drink and drive.
Originally Posted by DMoney82

$#% I had alcohol poisoning.

Damn lol.
I puked the night of drinking and puked yellow bile all next morning

Originally Posted by georgehimself

After a long night of drinking, I woke up at around 4am and had to drop a deuce. I am on the toilet and burped and hit my gag reflex. I had to lean over to throw up in the tub, but not before I vomited directly onto my penis. I just sat in the shower like a rape victim after that.
this is my worst nightmare.
Originally Posted by DMoney82

$#% I had alcohol poisoning.


when u went to the hospital they pumped the alcohol out of u right?? And since the alcohol was pumped out of u was the hangover still like death the next day??
Originally Posted by neverflopped

Originally Posted by DMoney82

$#% I had alcohol poisoning.


when u went to the hospital they pumped the alcohol out of u right?? And since the alcohol was pumped out of u was the hangover still like death the next day??
Still felt like a hangover. U be dehydrated as hell, they give u a #%$ load of iv's and fluids.
About 2 years ago I was drinking at a friends house while making Kush brownies. Ate a whole brownie & went home. At home I ate some leftovers I found & went to sleep because I had to go to work in like 5 hours. Had a dream i woke up like a hour later with that got to throw up feeling
only made it half the way across the room & threw up on my wall (my old house moved since then.) & went back to bed
woke up like 7 hours later, it wasn't a dream & I'm super late & hung over. Worse hanover I was hung over literally the whole day all I did was find places to take naps all day at work did barely any work. All day I felt like I was still wasted/hung over/too high to move. Hanover didn't go away until I woke up the next day.

Maybe we shouldn't have put a whole ounce in 1 batch instead of the usual quarter.
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