whats the most racist thing that has happened to you? vol. everyone respond

Originally Posted by hometownhero25

- A couple weeks ago I was getting a ride home from white dude in my class and we starting talking bout some individual test he took that he didn't pass. I asked him who tested him and his only description was the n****r that wears a doo rag. Dudes from south dakota and he grew up thinking people talked like that on the regular. He stopped thinking like that tho after he got that black eye and had to explain what happened for the following week

You give him a racoon eye ?
i really wouldn't call it racist, more some dudes being on some coward stuff.

a few years back my girl at the time lived in an apartment complex. she was mexican, and these little fake thug wanna be gangbanger cholo dudes that lived in her building would always give me dirty looks and say little slick remarks. it was one of me and 4 of them so i brushed it off and laughed knowing they were mad i was with the girl i was with at the time.

one night me and her went out and when we got back to her house they were all posted outside, i had bought a snapple at the corner store before we went to her house, when we got there they started running their mouth talkin about b**h @++ white boy, F up the b**h white boy, i knew something was going to pop off one way or another so i hit one of em over the head with a snapple bottle and started swinging on him while i proceeded to take the L and get beat down by 4 dudes talkin about kill me.

i went back to my house looking like a bloody mess and i decided to be about that life that night, i called up 6 of my super big samoan friends i used to play football with and we went back over there with baseball bats and paid them a visit, dudes looked like they saw a ghost when we went up there 2 cars deep and they seen these huge dudes jump out. when it was all said and done each person that jumped me got it way worse then i got it from them and we took their money and whatever jewlery they had.

sad part is they tried pressing charges after everything went down. i got hit with a restraining order from 2 of them that were related but everything got dropped due to lack of evidence.

funny part is 3 of the dudes who jumped me are in jail right now over some armed robbery and the other one got shot and is pretty much a vegatable now.
i really wouldn't call it racist, more some dudes being on some coward stuff.

a few years back my girl at the time lived in an apartment complex. she was mexican, and these little fake thug wanna be gangbanger cholo dudes that lived in her building would always give me dirty looks and say little slick remarks. it was one of me and 4 of them so i brushed it off and laughed knowing they were mad i was with the girl i was with at the time.

one night me and her went out and when we got back to her house they were all posted outside, i had bought a snapple at the corner store before we went to her house, when we got there they started running their mouth talkin about b**h @++ white boy, F up the b**h white boy, i knew something was going to pop off one way or another so i hit one of em over the head with a snapple bottle and started swinging on him while i proceeded to take the L and get beat down by 4 dudes talkin about kill me.

i went back to my house looking like a bloody mess and i decided to be about that life that night, i called up 6 of my super big samoan friends i used to play football with and we went back over there with baseball bats and paid them a visit, dudes looked like they saw a ghost when we went up there 2 cars deep and they seen these huge dudes jump out. when it was all said and done each person that jumped me got it way worse then i got it from them and we took their money and whatever jewlery they had.

sad part is they tried pressing charges after everything went down. i got hit with a restraining order from 2 of them that were related but everything got dropped due to lack of evidence.

funny part is 3 of the dudes who jumped me are in jail right now over some armed robbery and the other one got shot and is pretty much a vegatable now.
Man I have a list of stories.

I was in Delaware one time and this white dude said the N word that ended with the R. He drove off.

Another time was in Greenbelt Maryland. I checked in to a hotel and a cop was at the door with the hispanic clerk. He said where you from, you don't have to say no sir, we don't own ya'll anymore. Then I proceeded to keep talking or whatnot, then he said don't ya'll have a black flag day out in TX or something like that. The dude was full of ignorance, I kept it moving.
Man I have a list of stories.

I was in Delaware one time and this white dude said the N word that ended with the R. He drove off.

Another time was in Greenbelt Maryland. I checked in to a hotel and a cop was at the door with the hispanic clerk. He said where you from, you don't have to say no sir, we don't own ya'll anymore. Then I proceeded to keep talking or whatnot, then he said don't ya'll have a black flag day out in TX or something like that. The dude was full of ignorance, I kept it moving.
a group of about 4 black dude started threatning me and junk cuz i was with my black wife (im white btw) its only when i pulled out my pistol that they left us alone..if anyone is wondering i do have my pistol permit
a group of about 4 black dude started threatning me and junk cuz i was with my black wife (im white btw) its only when i pulled out my pistol that they left us alone..if anyone is wondering i do have my pistol permit
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

i really wouldn't call it racist, more some dudes being on some coward stuff.

a few years back my girl at the time lived in an apartment complex. she was mexican, and these little fake thug wanna be gangbanger cholo dudes that lived in her building would always give me dirty looks and say little slick remarks. it was one of me and 4 of them so i brushed it off and laughed knowing they were mad i was with the girl i was with at the time.

one night me and her went out and when we got back to her house they were all posted outside, i had bought a snapple at the corner store before we went to her house, when we got there they started running their mouth talkin about b**h @++ white boy, F up the b**h white boy, i knew something was going to pop off one way or another so i hit one of em over the head with a snapple bottle and started swinging on him while i proceeded to take the L and get beat down by 4 dudes talkin about kill me.

i went back to my house looking like a bloody mess and i decided to be about that life that night, i called up 6 of my super big samoan friends i used to play football with and we went back over there with baseball bats and paid them a visit, dudes looked like they saw a ghost when we went up there 2 cars deep and they seen these huge dudes jump out. when it was all said and done each person that jumped me got it way worse then i got it from them and we took their money and whatever jewlery they had.

sad part is they tried pressing charges after everything went down. i got hit with a restraining order from 2 of them that were related but everything got dropped due to lack of evidence.

funny part is 3 of the dudes who jumped me are in jail right now over some armed robbery and the other one got shot and is pretty much a vegatable now.
Could've sworn you were black

at punk dudes thinking they're tough when they outnumber you,
@ getting payback. Where was your girl during this whole thing?
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

i really wouldn't call it racist, more some dudes being on some coward stuff.

a few years back my girl at the time lived in an apartment complex. she was mexican, and these little fake thug wanna be gangbanger cholo dudes that lived in her building would always give me dirty looks and say little slick remarks. it was one of me and 4 of them so i brushed it off and laughed knowing they were mad i was with the girl i was with at the time.

one night me and her went out and when we got back to her house they were all posted outside, i had bought a snapple at the corner store before we went to her house, when we got there they started running their mouth talkin about b**h @++ white boy, F up the b**h white boy, i knew something was going to pop off one way or another so i hit one of em over the head with a snapple bottle and started swinging on him while i proceeded to take the L and get beat down by 4 dudes talkin about kill me.

i went back to my house looking like a bloody mess and i decided to be about that life that night, i called up 6 of my super big samoan friends i used to play football with and we went back over there with baseball bats and paid them a visit, dudes looked like they saw a ghost when we went up there 2 cars deep and they seen these huge dudes jump out. when it was all said and done each person that jumped me got it way worse then i got it from them and we took their money and whatever jewlery they had.

sad part is they tried pressing charges after everything went down. i got hit with a restraining order from 2 of them that were related but everything got dropped due to lack of evidence.

funny part is 3 of the dudes who jumped me are in jail right now over some armed robbery and the other one got shot and is pretty much a vegatable now.
Could've sworn you were black

at punk dudes thinking they're tough when they outnumber you,
@ getting payback. Where was your girl during this whole thing?
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Some dude just assumed I was super smart and good at math and engineering. Stereotypes man... just have to live with them I guess. I just tell myself to not think about it that much. Can't lie though, that comment cut me deep. Real deep.

stereotypes are awful but i'd replace my stereotypes with this anyday. People assume I have a big penis and can play ball, both of which are true but that's besides the point. They shouldn't have assumed.

One of the two is pure fables

1. I would post pics, but NT doesn't have enough bandwidth.
2. I used to a be pretty good football player. 6ft4 safety, ran a 4.4.....that was before I became a lifetime nerd.
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Some dude just assumed I was super smart and good at math and engineering. Stereotypes man... just have to live with them I guess. I just tell myself to not think about it that much. Can't lie though, that comment cut me deep. Real deep.

stereotypes are awful but i'd replace my stereotypes with this anyday. People assume I have a big penis and can play ball, both of which are true but that's besides the point. They shouldn't have assumed.

One of the two is pure fables

1. I would post pics, but NT doesn't have enough bandwidth.
2. I used to a be pretty good football player. 6ft4 safety, ran a 4.4.....that was before I became a lifetime nerd.

Another time was in Greenbelt Maryland. I checked in to a hotel and a cop was at the door with the hispanic clerk. He said where you from, you don't have to say no sir, we don't own ya'll anymore. Then I proceeded to keep talking or whatnot, then he said don't ya'll have a black flag day out in TX or something like that. The dude was full of ignorance, I kept it moving.

Tough I use to live in Greenbelt and never dealt with any Racism out there

Another time was in Greenbelt Maryland. I checked in to a hotel and a cop was at the door with the hispanic clerk. He said where you from, you don't have to say no sir, we don't own ya'll anymore. Then I proceeded to keep talking or whatnot, then he said don't ya'll have a black flag day out in TX or something like that. The dude was full of ignorance, I kept it moving.

Tough I use to live in Greenbelt and never dealt with any Racism out there
Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

i really wouldn't call it racist, more some dudes being on some coward stuff.

a few years back my girl at the time lived in an apartment complex. she was mexican, and these little fake thug wanna be gangbanger cholo dudes that lived in her building would always give me dirty looks and say little slick remarks. it was one of me and 4 of them so i brushed it off and laughed knowing they were mad i was with the girl i was with at the time.

one night me and her went out and when we got back to her house they were all posted outside, i had bought a snapple at the corner store before we went to her house, when we got there they started running their mouth talkin about b**h @++ white boy, F up the b**h white boy, i knew something was going to pop off one way or another so i hit one of em over the head with a snapple bottle and started swinging on him while i proceeded to take the L and get beat down by 4 dudes talkin about kill me.

i went back to my house looking like a bloody mess and i decided to be about that life that night, i called up 6 of my super big samoan friends i used to play football with and we went back over there with baseball bats and paid them a visit, dudes looked like they saw a ghost when we went up there 2 cars deep and they seen these huge dudes jump out. when it was all said and done each person that jumped me got it way worse then i got it from them and we took their money and whatever jewlery they had.

sad part is they tried pressing charges after everything went down. i got hit with a restraining order from 2 of them that were related but everything got dropped due to lack of evidence.

funny part is 3 of the dudes who jumped me are in jail right now over some armed robbery and the other one got shot and is pretty much a vegatable now.
Could've sworn you were black

at punk dudes thinking they're tough when they outnumber you,
@ getting payback. Where was your girl during this whole thing?
   she was there freaking out damn near about to take the beatdown with me.   but yeah im white n puerto rican, but i don't look like i have any puerto rican in me whatsoever
Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

i really wouldn't call it racist, more some dudes being on some coward stuff.

a few years back my girl at the time lived in an apartment complex. she was mexican, and these little fake thug wanna be gangbanger cholo dudes that lived in her building would always give me dirty looks and say little slick remarks. it was one of me and 4 of them so i brushed it off and laughed knowing they were mad i was with the girl i was with at the time.

one night me and her went out and when we got back to her house they were all posted outside, i had bought a snapple at the corner store before we went to her house, when we got there they started running their mouth talkin about b**h @++ white boy, F up the b**h white boy, i knew something was going to pop off one way or another so i hit one of em over the head with a snapple bottle and started swinging on him while i proceeded to take the L and get beat down by 4 dudes talkin about kill me.

i went back to my house looking like a bloody mess and i decided to be about that life that night, i called up 6 of my super big samoan friends i used to play football with and we went back over there with baseball bats and paid them a visit, dudes looked like they saw a ghost when we went up there 2 cars deep and they seen these huge dudes jump out. when it was all said and done each person that jumped me got it way worse then i got it from them and we took their money and whatever jewlery they had.

sad part is they tried pressing charges after everything went down. i got hit with a restraining order from 2 of them that were related but everything got dropped due to lack of evidence.

funny part is 3 of the dudes who jumped me are in jail right now over some armed robbery and the other one got shot and is pretty much a vegatable now.
Could've sworn you were black

at punk dudes thinking they're tough when they outnumber you,
@ getting payback. Where was your girl during this whole thing?
   she was there freaking out damn near about to take the beatdown with me.   but yeah im white n puerto rican, but i don't look like i have any puerto rican in me whatsoever
Back in 2004, I was in college at Kansas State. During the 2004 election my friends and I decided to go vote at a local church. Manhattan,KS is predominantly a white conservative town, but still a great place to go to school. Most of my friends and I are from Kansas City so our DL's have our home addresses on em. We all registered prior to the election so we were good to go. As we get to the table to check-in this elder white woman asks to check our ID's. She looks ands says we are unable to vote here because our addresses don't match our voter registration card. I'm thinking duh, its a college town. Who's address matches their ID's address? The majority of the town isn't from here. This can't be the first time you have seen this. She then tells us that the only thing I can do is write my votes on a peice of computer paper and she will see if she can try to get them to be accepted in the system. I told here no way I want the official ballot that everyone else received. She refused once again. We had to get about 5 different people involved before we could receive the real ballot. She was extra rude and made no effort to work with us. Left a bad taste in my mouth about where to vote
Back in 2004, I was in college at Kansas State. During the 2004 election my friends and I decided to go vote at a local church. Manhattan,KS is predominantly a white conservative town, but still a great place to go to school. Most of my friends and I are from Kansas City so our DL's have our home addresses on em. We all registered prior to the election so we were good to go. As we get to the table to check-in this elder white woman asks to check our ID's. She looks ands says we are unable to vote here because our addresses don't match our voter registration card. I'm thinking duh, its a college town. Who's address matches their ID's address? The majority of the town isn't from here. This can't be the first time you have seen this. She then tells us that the only thing I can do is write my votes on a peice of computer paper and she will see if she can try to get them to be accepted in the system. I told here no way I want the official ballot that everyone else received. She refused once again. We had to get about 5 different people involved before we could receive the real ballot. She was extra rude and made no effort to work with us. Left a bad taste in my mouth about where to vote
Back in 2004, I was in college at Kansas State. During the 2004 election my friends and I decided to go vote at a local church. Manhattan,KS is predominantly a white conservative town, but still a great place to go to school. Most of my friends and I are from Kansas City so our DL's have our home addresses on em. We all registered prior to the election so we were good to go. As we get to the table to check-in this elder white woman asks to check our ID's. She looks ands says we are unable to vote here because our addresses don't match our voter registration card. I'm thinking duh, its a college town. Who's address matches their ID's address? The majority of the town isn't from here. This can't be the first time you have seen this. She then tells us that the only thing I can do is write my votes on a peice of computer paper and she will see if she can try to get them to be accepted in the system. I told here no way I want the official ballot that everyone else received. She refused once again. We had to get about 5 different people involved before we could receive the real ballot. She was extra rude and made no effort to work with us. Left a bad taste in my mouth about where to vote
Back in 2004, I was in college at Kansas State. During the 2004 election my friends and I decided to go vote at a local church. Manhattan,KS is predominantly a white conservative town, but still a great place to go to school. Most of my friends and I are from Kansas City so our DL's have our home addresses on em. We all registered prior to the election so we were good to go. As we get to the table to check-in this elder white woman asks to check our ID's. She looks ands says we are unable to vote here because our addresses don't match our voter registration card. I'm thinking duh, its a college town. Who's address matches their ID's address? The majority of the town isn't from here. This can't be the first time you have seen this. She then tells us that the only thing I can do is write my votes on a peice of computer paper and she will see if she can try to get them to be accepted in the system. I told here no way I want the official ballot that everyone else received. She refused once again. We had to get about 5 different people involved before we could receive the real ballot. She was extra rude and made no effort to work with us. Left a bad taste in my mouth about where to vote
Hmm most racist? At a resturant the waiter, "Whats do you suggest." She said . . .

"Chicken is good. I know y'all like chicken."

I was like no she didnt go there lol
Hmm most racist? At a resturant the waiter, "Whats do you suggest." She said . . .

"Chicken is good. I know y'all like chicken."

I was like no she didnt go there lol
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