What's The Pettiest $%$% You've ever gotten in trouble/yelled at for?

I curse alot when palyin "CALL OF DUTY MODERN WARFARE 2" cause some people just plain make me mad an its like she be having her door open (mine closed) an she'll wait untill im cursing like sayn F!! like soflty she would bust through my door an threatin to break my xbox..
My mom is a cop so when she first graduated out of the police academy (i had to be around
she was the drill sargeant from hell, i couldnt wear my hat backwards, had to say "yes" instead of "yea" couldnt put my hands in my pocket, couldnt get my ears pierced NOTHING.

My mom always had this rule " if im not home u betta not go outside" but it was toooo tempting seeing all my friends outside thru the window having a blast. So one day i grew some balls and went and sat on the front porch, so if she did come home i could run inside real quick, but one day lmfao ( i remember this like yesterday) i opened the door to go sit outside and she was walking up the front stairs, she seen me and i almost @+*+ myself...

She beat the life outta me and made me sit on the front grass with my tighty whiteys since i wanted to go outside so bad..

Having a cop for a mom sucks lmao
Originally Posted by stand4something

My mom is a cop so when she first graduated out of the police academy (i had to be around
she was the drill sargeant from hell, i couldnt wear my hat backwards, had to say "yes" instead of "yea" couldnt put my hands in my pocket, couldnt get my ears pierced NOTHING.

My mom always had this rule " if im not home u betta not go outside" but it was toooo tempting seeing all my friends outside thru the window having a blast. So one day i grew some balls and went and sat on the front porch, so if she did come home i could run inside real quick, but one day lmfao ( i remember this like yesterday) i opened the door to go sit outside and she was walking up the front stairs, she seen me and i almost @+*+ myself...

She beat the life outta me and made me sit on the front grass with my tighty whiteys since i wanted to go outside so bad..

Having a cop for a mom sucks lmao
 Should have reported her to her boss for Cruel and Unusual punishment
man there so much i cant even think ...

parents or elders used to always pull "well, your the oldest so you knew better"

i would be like
WTH you serious:smh:

than again i would get away with a lot of #!!% as well use that jedi mindtrick got'em
Alot of yall prolly dealt with this from your grandparents

My grandma would raise hell if I came in and out of the house during the summer time. She'd be like "quit running in and out of the house letting all the cold air out"
She would eventually lock the door and I couldn't get back in until the sun went down.

Mom dukes would yell at me for not picking up the mail, for not having a smile on my face, not clapping and singing during church
all kinds of BS.
I remember when i stayed at my grandparnets house and my grandfather whooped me and my cousin for coming in the house while the A/C was on
Originally Posted by primetime21

I remember when i stayed at my grandparnets house and my grandfather whooped me and my cousin for coming in the house while the A/C was on

man this S!!! cracks me up
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Alot of yall prolly dealt with this from your grandparents

My grandma would raise hell if I came in and out of the house during the summer time. She'd be like "quit running in and out of the house letting all the cold air out"
She would eventually lock the door and I couldn't get back in until the sun went down.

Mom dukes would yell at me for not picking up the mail, for not having a smile on my face, not clapping and singing during church
all kinds of BS.
My mom would slap the back of my head for that non-sense.

I know this is an old thread, but we have a new breed of NTers who could possibly provide some more stories. Also they'll definitely get some lulz from this thread. I've read the whole thread before, but I scanned through half of it and I was in here rollin

Grape kool aid twice in a row

Washing clothes on new years day
too many
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