What's the worst financial decision you've ever made?

Going into debt, getting a degree in a school that no longer exists? :x

My goodness I feel for you man.
Sold ~1000 shares of CROX back in the day at ~$3.00 per share, then proceeded to watch that ***** climb to ~$30 per share over the next few years.

Didn't pull the trigger on a condo in downtown Orlando when they were going for $50-$60k. They've since tripled/quadrupled in price. 
Buying a BMW (for self esteem) with my friend cosigning only for me to get laid off in 1.5 years. Needless to say we haven't spoken in years
This is some scumbag ****. So what'd you do with the car once you got laid off? You sell it and try and pay it off or just let your homie take the hit? 
Buying an iced out cross from Ben baller like 8 years ago :lol: :smh:. Was black diamonds and black gold, looked sick

I don't wear jewelry so it was pointless, but I did like wearing it I guess.
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I took a lot of women more seriously than I should have 15-22.....

Not in the sense that I was too faithful or loyal, but I should have cut them off a lot sooner/been more focused on my development.
Not be confident enough to go to interviews while in college. Not being confident/prideful enough to network and ask friend with connections for the hook up on jobs.

All that in past though. But I could have been further in my career by now if my introvert ways didn't get in the way of my hustler ambitions.
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Attempting to go to college in the 1st place. Owe 8k still, will be like 14 all together and knew I didn't wanna be there. I get mad daily thinking about it.
Sold ~1000 shares of CROX back in the day at ~$3.00 per share, then proceeded to watch that ***** climb to ~$30 per share over the next few years.

Didn't pull the trigger on a condo in downtown Orlando when they were going for $50-$60k. They've since tripled/quadrupled in price. 

This is some scumbag ****. So what'd you do with the car once you got laid off? You sell it and try and pay it off or just let your homie take the hit? 

I personally don't think it was a scumbag move. It ended badly though :smh:.

At the time it wasn't really a big deal and it made sense. We were mad young and good friends.

He co-signed for the BMW and I agreed to try and get it in my own name in 1.5 years etc.

At the time there was really my intent. But as a youngin', just cause things are good for a time doesn't mean that they always will be. Obviously that is something that is very hard to understand (age 21). So - about a year later my hours were cut back and I was making significantly less. This was also in 08'09 when the economy was doing its thing and the banks were not lending any new money. Well - at least to borderline situations like this. Plus I had other debts. They were kind of small but they didn't help. Then boom - about half a year later I got laid off.

Collecting employment and basically looking for jobs etc. man it was a rough time. Cause I put that car payment as #1. There was times were my cell phone had been off for weeks, hadn't had a meal etc. but I kept that car as #1 cause it was in his name. Out of a course of like a year - I only made 2 late payments and 1 hit his credit. The funny thing is is that it was the banks fault and they were supposed to clear it up but that was another process.

Anyway - fast forward to like 2 years later. He attempts to buy a home. And they are like you have the income but we are unsure about this car loan. They saw the late payments and the one that hit the credit and basically said that he needed to pay it off to get a home.

That was when it really got outta control. He thought that I was lying basically and good get the car in my name but refused to. He even called me saying that he got a lawyer basically and if I don't go get it in my name he was gonna sue me. But he was lying and just trying to scare me into acting. He really thought I could get it in my name.

His dad got sick of the situation and decided to help me repair the car and sell It. Well it wouldn't sell. So we came to an agreement for me to pay him for the car monthly. Basically he bought the car and was gonna have me pay him and I didn't have any control over that for the most part. Once he decided to buy the car from his son I was super sad, scared, tired etc. and just wanted to do anything to salvage the situation and was up for anything. But then - cause I wasn't making any money and couldn't really put a dent in that loan, he was just like "man - it is what it is. You two were dumb ***** and made a mistake. I will just keep the car as my own and use it. After all the **** I have done in my life maybe this is the good deed I need to make up for things. No hard feelings man - but good luck in life." Those were not the exact words but he said something very similar to that.

Then hung up the phone (this was his dad) and I have never heard from them again. :smh:

And his son (my friend) was like depressed or something during hat time. His behavior was outta control. He was lying to people about the situation. Saying that I manipulated his dad into buying he car from me and so many other things.

I took full responsibility while it was going on but at the time I just couldn't do enough quick enough. Oh and my mom was going through chemo in a different state, I was failing at school, I was trying everything man but I just felt like I had zero control over my life. My mental capacity was shot :smh:.

It was a really really rough time man. I don't know how else to put it.

Oh and the car was basically a lemon. I don't understand how it had the problems it did at the low mileage. And when I went back to get it fixed by the lot's mechanic the lot was GONE. Like - empty parking lot and no one in the building. Couldn't get in contact with the guy who sold to me or anything :smh:

So please before you judge - try to at least understand :frown:
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Damn some of y'all :x

For me, i'd say spend a bit too much on drinks 2 summers ago and buying too many sneakers that i can't even wear now with work. They are just sitting in the closet :smh:
reading that deep web thread in 2011 and not understanding that Bitcoin wasn't just illicit encrypted arcade tokens for drugs & guns but actually money that would skyrocket in value.
Lol yeah this , probably one of my tops .

Getting into credit card debt at 19 .
College.  Can't say my degree is useless, but it just isn't in a field I have any desire to work in anymore.  Add to that the loans I had to take out, and if I could go back and do it again, I wouldn't step foot on that campus.  

So glad my older kids are able to go to college damn near free.  
trickin off on backpage and at the massage parlor over the years 
Too many mostly regrets not taking advantage of housing and stock discounts during the recession. From not pulling the trigger on 200 shares of Apple stock when it was $89 which after the 7 to 1 split would have been 1400 shares at $155 and paying $2600 in dividends every year to not purchasing a condo in downtown LA that I had been eyeing which would have more than doubled in value and giving me $3500+ in monthly rental income.
-Blowing through 14k at the casino and clubbing (21-22) [emoji]128532[/emoji]
-owe the plug 10k cause of some shady former friends
-having things goes into collection 2k all together in my early 20s
-My current car I have now with an high interest rate. Can't wait to finish payin it off by the end of the year.

As of today (25) way better than I was in (14") picked up a few booked hit up the personal financial thread on here and got to work. [emoji]128526[/emoji] Man old habit dies hard tho, I'm an impulsive shopper. But everything calm down greatly cause my goal now is to get a rental property. Materialistic things doesn't have the same [emoji]128525[/emoji] Feeling anymore.
Definitely college. Out of state private school :smh:

You try to take it as a lesson. It has motivated me to get a good paying job to be able to afford my loans. It has also taught me how to juggle expenses and be financially responsible. Obviously i think my degree helped me land my job. But i also think this would all have been achievable via community college then in state transfer for way way way less money.
At the height of the recession, in like 08 and 09, I sold off all my investments (Aapl, Fb, V, etc) and lost over 12k in the process. I was a rookie investor at the worse possible time to be an investor, and I literally paid for my inexperience. It doesn't hurt to think about it now though as, in hindsight, it has proven to be a invaluable lesson.

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