Whats up with all the skinny pants

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I see people with skinny jeans on just to let the shoe pop. But who am i to judge them.. Btw Post this on general section.
the other day this 2 young ones tryna bang on me, with their sister's pants on...one even has a print.. i just couldn't take them seriously

edit: they prolly got it from that gangsta lil wayne
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It started in Punk Rock, then that rap song came out'bout rocking converses (the pack ?)
Most my pants are slim and tapered.

Tapered jeans with 3s on >>>>>>>>>
It's a cycle

I'm not about that life. I'm from a different era and environment.
I just don't understand for the guys who wear skinny pants, how do you let your nuts breathe? I'd be constantly adjusting, people would probably call the cops on me.
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