What's up with people "swearing" on NT......... vol. #@*%

May 25, 2003
What's up with people "swearing" on NT??
Why am I seeing so much #@*% (made up)??

1. People really have to use curse words in their responses/language/vocabulary/sentences?
2. You sound unintelligent if you're cursing all the time.
3. Isn't it against the rules?

Swearing is not what's up, ever.
Of course everyone swears when they get angry, yours truly included, but come on.

I guess some people just type how they talk. Excessive swearing isn't a good look though.
"swearing" makes everything funnier/more entertaining IMO.
NT should have an uncensored day ever once in a while ..
How do you figure?

Of course people who can't talk without profanity sound dumb - it's not exactly an indicator of a good vocabulary. It's not big and it's notclever.

I really don't get it - it's a waste of time typing the words as they won't be shown anyway - almost as bad as "thinking" of clever waysto get round the sensor by a_d_d_i_n_g extra stuff in there.
Originally Posted by kdwallace

How do you figure?

Of course people who can't talk without profanity sound dumb - it's not exactly an indicator of a good vocabulary. It's not big and it's not clever.

I really don't get it - it's a waste of time typing the words as they won't be shown anyway - almost as bad as "thinking" of clever ways to get round the sensor by a_d_d_i_n_g extra stuff in there.
i personally enjoy the creative ways that people get around the filter.
as long as it's not directed towards anyone, what's the big deal...it's just letters, if your trying to get your point across an occasional F bombis sometimes necessary, but i agree with the op if you use profanity very casually, it loses it's potency when you actually want it to emphasize a point ofview.
Yeah its annoying when people curse a lot

I think people think they sound cool when they do it or something
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