whats your biggest fear ?


Not going anywhere in life. Getting stuck at a job where I live paycheck to paycheck, with nothing on the horizon.. Basically a bum in my eyes.
This took me a MINUTE to figure out. I'm saying... a lot of the typical fears people have are nothing to me. If I was put in the situation I'd be able to over come/figure it out.

Then I thought:

-Randomly killing a pedestrian. When I say randomly I mean OUT OF NO WHERE. Drunk driving, cell phones, speeding.. all can be avoided but some times $*$% happens that you can't live with. ESPECIALLY a little kid. I'd be straight to the loonie bin.

-My mother dieing any time soon. She basically holds the fam together. Keeps me in check more often than I appreciate despite being on my own for 4 years. My dad almost died w/ heart attack and barely phased me; and we tight. It was something I knew I'd be able to figure out. Death happens... but to the moms? DAMN
Losing my parents. There's been times at night when I'm in bed and just think about it. Like when I have a fight with my mom or dad, then realize I was wrong... That one day they're not going to be here. I can't stop it no matter what I try.
I have acrophobia - fear of heights...
I don't do roller coasters b/c of it...
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

dying in a car accident on the highway...there are days i get on to go to work and think 'today is the day'

its really bad to the point where when i get ready to go on long trips i feel like im about to cry

i was suppose to go to NY w/my bf this weekend but i got sick friday and used that as kind of an excuse not to go cuz he was driving...i was scared all week of riding in the car...
Damn that's a phobia


I also used to be scared of what happens after death. When I was little, I was petrified of the idea that after death, it'd be like sleeping forever and never being able to move.
OCD victim, had it for the past 5 years or so, with that said my biggest fear is being uncertain about the past and future. Afraid if i don't do something right, someone i know might be affected by it in the future.

Besides that, I'd probably have to go with night home burglars.
i fear getting fat and not being able to stop myself from eating, being around guns like if i even see a gun in the same room with me i freak out and start shaking uncontrollably. being tortured to death like in the saw movies, idk what i'd do if i woke up and found myself in some impossible situation or contraption. but umm those aren't things i really think or worry about.
losing my thugness of having ABSOLUTELY no shame at all... you ain't NEVER in your life met someone like me
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