What's your Uber Passenger Rating?

Driver rating is 4.98 :pimp: about 1500 trips

I’m 4.90

You must be the guy with water bottles, mints, Lint rollers and opens the door for everyone.

**** these passengers. They be leaving empty bottles in cars, wrappers, even found chewed gum on my carpet. They try to bring food on paper plates to eat. They fart, come in right after smoking cigarettes which stinks the whole car.

Passenger rating 4.67

I let my cousin use it and he messed me up.
I’m 4.90

You must be the guy with water bottles, mints, Lint rollers and opens the door for everyone.

**** these passengers. They be leaving empty bottles in cars, wrappers, even found chewed gum on my carpet. They try to bring food on paper plates to eat. They fart, come in right after smoking cigarettes which stinks the whole car.

Passenger rating 4.67

I let my cousin use it and he messed me up.

I don't have **** for you but some good music and some funny stories if you decide to talk to me.

I do however claim cases of water I consume for personal use on my taxes as business expense though :pimp:

I had one guy ask if he can get a hot dog from the cart one night outside a club. I hadn't started the ride so he was being charged. He tried to get in the whip with it, told him eat that **** outside, I don't want relish on my seats. Man stood in the rain for like 10 min eating it meanwhile I hadn't started the ride yet
90% of my rides are when I’m out of town. I use it home every now and then. 50+ rides in and it’s a 5. Imma catch a body on the first mfer not giving me 5*
Only used Uber once in 2014 when I woke up in the other side of town because I caught the bus when I got drunk. I wonder if I got a rating
Uber will soon ban passengers with low ratings

"Riders may lose access to Uber if they develop a significantly below average rating," the company said. "Riders will receive tips on how to improve their ratings, such as encouraging polite behavior, avoiding leaving trash in the vehicle and avoiding requests for drivers to exceed the speed limit. Riders will have several opportunities to improve their rating prior to losing access to the Uber apps."
5 star with like 70ish rides.

Make conversation when the driver obviously wants to speak, dont utter a peep when they obviously dont. I prefer not talking at all but its all g.
4.92, maybe like 15 trips. Probably 1/2 of those trips were me sending for smash buddies at the bar when I was drunk or :pimp: at home hahaha.

Only time I ever gave a driver a bad rating was on Uber Eats. It was late and I had no food in the fridge, so I ordered from the Kebab spot by me. The driver made no attempt to contact me that he was arriving/had arrived, didn't follow my delivery instructions (I live in an apartment building on the second floor), and just left my food outside on the stoop in the rain. Couldn't contact him after the delivery and dealing with customer service got me nowhere. After about 30 minutes of trying to figure out where my food was I finally walked downstairs and outside to see that he just dumped it there. The rain didn't get to it, but it was cold. Ended up leaving a negative review and said my food was never delivered. Got a refund even though I still ate it :lol:.
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