What's your view on Capital Punishment?

Originally Posted by PrurientSole

Love it.

Wish we'd do it more.

Taxpayers' money shouldn't be used to house, clothe, and feed murderers, rapists, and other assorted scum for the rest of their lives.

I agree. But, only I there is 100%, solid, A1, proof, not the beyond a resonable doubt proof.
Originally Posted by Nktran001

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

So you learn that a grown man raped a child.

You're pissed, you want him to die, etc., etc, etc.

You learn about him through the media while he's on death row. You learn that when he was a kid, he was locked in a basement, naked, and forced to sexually pleasure both his mom, his dad, and a friend of the family. All three of them knew about it, and sometimes, the 3 of them would have sex together, forcing him to participate.

He was rewarded for doing good sexually (extra food), and punished for doing things wrong.

He was told that what he was doing was perfectly natural, and the only kids that did this kind of stuff with their parents were kids that really, REALLY loved their parents. He was also told that if he ever told anyone, then his parents, who he really, REALLY loves (or so he's bee told)would be taken away to prison. Of course, no child who really, REALLY loves their parents wants them to be taken away to prison, so he never tells anyone.

He goes through high school as a shy kid, picked on and bullied and what not, gets into drugs and everything.

Graduates high school, hires on at a factory after that, and learns the wonderful news that his sister is pregnant

Fast forward to a couple years later, and we are all watching this news story about him being on death row for molesting his sister's baby.

I ask you: what would be fair to him at this point?

Answering my question with a question doesn't answer my question. "What are you saying, ska? He should just be let free?"

I'm asking you: knowing all this about his life, what would be fair in your eyes?

i wasnt aware that you get the death sentence for molestation, but if this situations is possible than he should still get the death sentence. Most sexoffenders don't rehabilitate and even though he wasnt able to know right from wrong when he was lil Im sure he did know it was wrong when he raped the lilgirl.

Whether he justified it because it happened to him is another thing, but everyone is aware of right and wrong.

Anyway I think only the worst of criminals should be killed. Like dudes who go on a murdering/raping spree. Everyone else should get the supermax cuz that istorture. 23 hr lockdown. Yea that contradict what I wrote above, but that was my response to his question. This is what I personally think should happen.
Originally Posted by PrurientSole

Love it.

Wish we'd do it more.

Taxpayers' money shouldn't be used to house, clothe, and feed murderers, rapists, and other assorted scum for the rest of their lives.
capital punishment costs hundreds of millions of dollars annually for only 100-200 cases. If you decided to do it more, taxpayers would be payinga LOT more.
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