When Bus Drivers Strike Back


May 31, 2006

chick unprovoked hit him then as an equal adult got what she was due. and boy did she get it. :smh: :smokin

all that talk then she wanna talk about her boys and her dad are going to help her be a more worthless human being.
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alrdy a post, right above yours actually......still funny tho
moral: keep ya ****** hands to urself
Hood boogers pop off to get beat down...and I ALWAYS laugh @ that end result. Bus driver was just defending himself, he won't get fired. That tape proves she provoked him multiple times verbally AND put hands on him first. Hope he's smart enough to be quiet, conduct NO INTERVIEWS, & lawyer the f*** up
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Hood boogers pop off to get beat down...and I ALWAYS laugh @ that end result. Bus driver was just defending himself, he won't get fired. That tape proves she provoked him multiple times verbally AND put hands on him first. Hope he's smart enough to be quiet, conduct NO INTERVIEWS, & lawyer the f*** up

Bro, there is no way he's gonna keep his job. Tape proves that yes, girl put hands on him first....but he popped her like her name was mitch blood green.
Bro, there is no way he's gonna keep his job. Tape proves that yes, girl put hands on him first....but he popped her like her name was mitch blood green.

It's a federal offense in ALOT of states to put hands on/threaten a public transportation employee. He works for the state (just like a cop; I'm sure PLENTY police officers have had a similar scenario to this & reacted the same way AND STILL HAVE THEIR JOB), might even be in a union. He'll prob get suspended or kicked off that route, but he will STILL get his pension/retirement $. Dude hit her one time & fell back
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Welp, she got what she asked for.  However, there is a fine line between self defense and retaliation, i'm willing to bet his handbook

would have said to stop the bus and wait for assistance.  He probably shouldn't have even engaged with her once she started

being disruptive.
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It's a federal offense in ALOT of states to put hands on/threaten a public transportation employee. He works for the state (just like a cop; I'm sure PLENTY police officers have had a similar scenario to this & reacted the same way AND STILL HAVE THEIR JOB), might even be in a union. He'll prob get suspended or kicked off that route, but he will STILL get his pension/retirement $. Dude hit her one time & fell back

Well obviously he'll get what he's earned (if he's fired), but he wont accrue any increases. Bottom line, he's not keeping his job after that uppercut.
OH NOOOOOOOOOOOO:rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin

inb4 "he said Whoopsee, not Toasty"

[QUOTE]The phrase "Toasty!," according to MK co-creator John Tobias, first originated as "You're Toast!" which was a taunt bandied among the programmers during MKII game-testing sessions.[4][/QUOTE]
Damn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Got her with the Tyson uppercut >D

He probably went to jail after that one.
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