When Bus Drivers Strike Back

Got what she deserved. I don't care what anyone says if she's a woman that's just equal rights for you. Yelling, hitting, and provoking violence gets you that.
Whooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! "You going to hell now!"
If I was the judge, I'd drop all charges, look @ the h00drat and go "You're the current laughing stock of millions of people online for your stupid actions; the laughs you'll get walking down the street for the rest of your life is enough punishment. Next time, sit your black a** down on the bus and be quiet."
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Damn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Got her with the Tyson uppercut >D
He probably went to jail after that one.
A women killed her child and didn't serve prison time for it so I doubt that he will go to jail. After all he was assaulted and he is a bus driver. I don't know about Cleveland, but in NYC if you touch a bus driver especially while he or she is operating the vehicle you're getting some prison time.
exactly. But this is a rough situation. She is a female, but ......man I don't even know. Is it wrong to feel satisfied with that outcome?
Canton.GIF : nope
A women killed her child and didn't serve prison time for it so I doubt that he will go to jail. After all he was assaulted and he is a bus driver. I don't know about Cleveland, but in NYC if you touch a bus driver especially while he or she is operating the vehicle you're getting some prison time.
white woman =\= black man in judicial system, homey...

But... i don't think he's going to jail...,
:wow: :rofl: DAMN!

DEAD @ her saying her mans was gonna drop dude. dude wanted no part of those shoryukens :lol:
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Don't hit a man unless you're ready to get hit by a man. No sympathy for women who don't understand that concept.

And yes. I :lol: d
how did shorty not go to sleep after that though?...im DYING THOUGH. look how he walk over all nonchalantly and whatnot
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