When did you break up with your ex? Have you fully gotten over it?

Was together for 3 years....

Broke up 3 months ago... and it still bothers the hell out of me.

I guess what bothers me the most is at the end we agreed we'd still be friends, and she wont talk to me at all... at least have enough respect for me to tell me you changed your mind and don't want to be friends. The way it ended... didn't see it coming at all.

My Birthday is tomorrow and going out tonight, already know i'm gonna be
by the end of the night... damn you alcohol
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Was together for 3 years....

Broke up 3 months ago... and it still bothers the hell out of me.

I guess what bothers me the most is at the end we agreed we'd still be friends, and she wont talk to me at all.
.. at least have enough respect for me to tell me you changed your mind and don't want to be friends. The way it ended... didn't see it coming at all.

My Birthday is tomorrow and going out tonight, already know i'm gonna be
by the end of the night... damn you alcohol

you fell for that too huh?
i fell for it the first time me and my ex broke up... that friendship !$** never works. Well not actual "friends". Its either you stop talking, or you end up actin like you're in a relationship while not bein in one i.e. %%$%@%$ and chillin
you wont get over it until you meet a better girl...especially not if y'all were talking marriage
I just broke up about 2 weeks ago with my GF of 3 and a half years. We had been on the road to breaking up for a few months now though so it wasn't a shock when it happened. It is still hard sometimes as she was my first love and we had talked of the future quite a bit last year. In the end I think its for the best though as we are really different and there are some things I def don't miss.
still think of her even though we could never be together again . Just need a upgrade to really clear my mind . Just hard finding some one that will keep me interested , not the best options out here
Me and my wife split up February of last year. Sometimes I wish I could change things and other times it's just better to leave things the way they are. The only people affected by what we do is our 2 children and it pains me that they have to be a part of our bs at the end of the day.
She pissed me off, I'll leave it at that. I'm already past that though (new girl on avy).

Originally Posted by TheAbove

i wish the girl i'm talking to could get over her last break-up.

it happened in december, i started taking to her in february. could agree that's still not enough time.

in the times we've done things though, she's a keeper, makes me stay around

her attitude from the past keeps bugging me though

i don't know if i can wait around much longer. should i?

It's funny because my current girl was in a similar situation but I handled it differently. She broke up with her ex of about 4 years in October/November, I started talking to her mid January (last year) She had a few dudes try to get at her soon after the breakup but she still had feelings for dude even though she never wanted to get back with him because he was a douche..Problem is because he was her first real relationship and it lasted so long, her mind wouldn't get out of the "what if things were different?" stage and she kept telling guys she wasn't ready and to back off..Then when we met, she said she was feeling me but she couldn't get into a committed relationship so soon..I told her I wasn't trippin' about it and it was cool with me if we just went on a few dates, in a friendly manner, and saw where things went..I told her 100% pressure free and she agreed to it..I never mentioned my ex or asked about hers, and when she would start acting sad outta nowhere I would ignore it knowing it was about her ex and wouldn't bug about it..After maybe 3-4 weeks, she was calling me all the time, asking me to chill with her and what not

Like a month or 2 into dating she told me she wanted to be my girl and I was
at the same time because of her whole "I don't want commitment so soon" speech she gave me but she said because of the fact that I didn't pressure her at all and gave her time to get over the BS she dealt with with her ex, it made her realize she deserved a dude like me and we've been together for a year and a half now..Things have been great (knock on wood) and she never mentions her ex at all..Matter of fact, she stopped mentioning him about 2 months into the relationship..if you don't stress it when she mentions him, she'll drop it eventually on her own..Subconsciously girls do dumb ishh like that on purpose for attention, so when they're no longer getting that reaction from you, they'll learn to get over the past

Cliffnotes- Give her a chance
OP, What's the reason for the break-up though?

A lot of things that people break-up for can be worked out, especially if you still miss that person.

I'm not for break-ups over small things.
We've been together for 3 years, broke-up a year and a half ago, and still not completely over it.. Well, I though I was, until I saw her a couple of weeks ago with her new boyfriend
funny you made this thread...i've been recently having dreams involving my ex...nothing sexual tho, just like some deep stuff...the kind of stuff i wish i would've done when we were together
me and my girl been together for 5 years, i have done bad things in the past but i have changed. Now shes different and i feel like its getting towards the end(we aint talking rite now
).......I just cant imagine having to deal with it, but i guess something has to happen
me and my girl been together for 5 years, i have done bad things in the past but i have changed. Now shes different and i feel like its getting towards the end(we aint talking rite now
).......I just cant imagine having to deal with it, but i guess something has to happen
She texts me one in a while and calls me, but I usually never respond. I told her it's not a good idea and just keep it moving. Just start meeting new girls and go out.
its only been a week bro, give it sometime, go out and date that will for sure free up your mind, dating after a break up is very refreshing and fun.

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