When did you break up with your ex? Have you fully gotten over it?

hardest thing to get over is some other cat diggin it out though
theres alot of real talk in this thread. Recently i thought my ex and I would get back together but i just found out shes moving across the country. We have been broken up for about a year and a half, although i have had other relationships and experiences i have aways held the reservation that me and her would end up together. times like this i really miss the good times we had together.
Originally Posted by kidUFC

Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Was together for 3 years....

Broke up 3 months ago... and it still bothers the hell out of me.

I guess what bothers me the most is at the end we agreed we'd still be friends, and she wont talk to me at all.
.. at least have enough respect for me to tell me you changed your mind and don't want to be friends. The way it ended... didn't see it coming at all.

My Birthday is tomorrow and going out tonight, already know i'm gonna be
by the end of the night... damn you alcohol

you fell for that too huh?
i fell for it the first time me and my ex broke up... that friendship !$** never works. Well not actual "friends". Its either you stop talking, or you end up actin like you're in a relationship while not bein in one i.e. %%$%@%$ and chillin

very true
Isn't this kind of positive in a way though, cause it means that she can't handle you being in her life unless it's as her partner.
4 years. Broke up in September 09. I'm over her though. She has a new boyfriend but is clearly not over me since she called me today saying she misses me. Gotta keep it moving though.
you gotta be selfish in these kind of situations.

if she isn't paying your bills then what is the point ?

she didnt want me no more
but she was only in my way
I can only feel hatred towards her
but the best revenge is success
one day I will show her why it is a mistake
Originally Posted by yungchamp


Spent 2 years on some for the sake of the child type

Should've been left..

hmmm how did she take it?

To be honest..

I don't really care..

We was both unhappy, miserable people..

Felt like the weight of the world was lifted off my chest when we broke up...

i plan on not going thru that ever again
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