When did you realize that these females aint innocent?

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What did you do?

Did he knowingly let you smash another dude?

To be more specific I remember one time an ex caught me sending a picture to a 'friend'. We got in to an argument that morning and he hit me with the email..right in my face. Couldn't even lie my way out of that one; had my hotmail inbox pulled up on his phone.
I was just mad I got caught slipping so hard :rolleyes
some of ya'll be gettin' done in in ways I've never imagined before.

but I've done some of the burning so I know how women can get down smokin.gif

Some of the stuff I got away had me thinking "he really gon' let me do this?" it amazed the hell out of me.

Pepper came in the thread and immediately starts rustlin' jimmies ( no pun intended :wink: )

calm down young lads...don't hate the player...hate the game
Shout out to Stan .... That story yo.... :smh:

Anyways I'll share my story n call it a day.

My first love and real girlfriend in high school (knew her since we were little but onlystarted dating when we got into high school) . I was a typical nice guy but didn't know about relationships too much so though we would catch the bus home from school or meet up for youth club or church ... I wasn't taking her out (had no money) and I wasn't doing her (cuz of the whole church thing). One Saturday heading over to her house as always ...but was way early.... I saw her n this dude at the house with her .. .. I'm like who this ? ,... She said it's her cousin ... In my head I'm like ..what cousin??? .... But I didn't question it or her ... Cuz I trusted her that much ....She said he was leaving so I said I'll wait in her room ... While I'm in there they taking a little too long so I peep outside to see what up and this ninja was leaning all on her from the back as she was writing something on the table. like doggy style dry humping her .... NT ... The pain n anger I felt at the sight of it ... It was tuff man ... They looked all intimate n ish ... But I did nothing smh ... Don't know why I didn't say something ... Instead when he left I questioned her and she denied anything ever happening ....but I knew .... A few days later just b4 I had planned on breaking up with her she dumped me ... Told me she wasn't feeling it anymore ...... Weeks later after it ended ... Heard she was doing the same dude ... While alls I got was deep kisses and a few feels in all the years I've known her (we were 17 then) ... :smh: ... it still hurts man..........

Only because you didn't dump her first. That is only your pride bro. I felt that before, wanted to dead this chick but felt bad because I had no real reason. I just wasn't feeling her/relationship anymore. then a few days later she comes at me with the, this relationship isn't working anymore :smh:. I could care less that she dumped me, I was just mad I didn't do it first. TOld my boys, and of course they laughed because they knew I wanted to end it. One of them said to beg her to get back together. Degrade her in the bed like never before then dump her. I couldn't bring myself to call her though, so that never happened.

funniest thread on Nt right now hands down.

Not to discredit anyone pain but most of those stories yall should count your blessing that you learned about these thots early. I been through plenty but I know dudes out here married with kids investing decades, money, family everything you could imagine, and them coming home to their wives getting they back blown out by so called close friends and so on. Idc how long you been with someone when it comes to women they change their feelings like they change draws, the smallest slight (even the ones they made up in their head) and they letting their office friends bust down they walls.

Always be careful of her non related male associates she call her brother or cousin and definitely the male work friends. A woman is forever keeping someone in the shadows for when you mess up

Hell yeah man. This chick I used to cheat with was like that, silly me thinking I was doing it too. We usually met up during the work week because it was easier for me to explain why I'm out. Weekends were for wifey. Anyway, she hits me up to go out and do something Saturday night{different from our normal set up}. Told her I will let her know. By that morning everything seemed in place, had my story ready and everything. Now we finalising plans, then I get hit with the monkey wrench and cant go out. Wifey decides to have a movie night. Hit shorty up to say I can't make. No response. She hits me later and she like, its cool I called my friend. Next time we met up I said you got dudes on deck huh? She hit me with the he just my friend. right :rolleyes

7th grade.
Me and this chick from the next hood over kick it hard all summer. Meet up at the park daily and the movies messing around like a young buck would.

It's getting close to school starting back up and I check my email and my aim and I got a ton of messages from her telling me not to check my email......

So I check my email and I see a message she meant to send to her homegirl talking about us. She goes on about how school is about to start and her bf will be back from wherever he went for the summer. How she felt conflicted because me and her bf gotta be long lost twins or something saying we looked similar. She planned on breaking up with me when the summer ended.

I called her and she was crying and apologizing and I'm like whatever. I really had fun with her that summer but I was so pissed when I realized she only kicked it with me because of my familiar features and I was being thrown away like an imitation because the real deal was back in town.

She really tried to flip it and say I broke her trust by opening the message.

They famous for that **** bro, all chicks. Have you thinking you violated :lol:

To be more specific I remember one time an ex caught me sending a picture to a 'friend'. We got in to an argument that morning and he hit me with the email..right in my face. Couldn't even lie my way out of that one; had my hotmail inbox pulled up on his phone.
I was just mad I got caught slipping so hard :rolleyes

This is the solution to yall problems for the rest of your life fellas, don't trust those 'friends'.

My story:
Dealing with this chick freshman year of college. Bad chick, dresses fly, pretty as hell everything. Anyway end of semester, last day of class I'm talking with the professor about my grade and other stuff. I notice she still there, which is weird becasue she never stays late like that. Anyway I walk out the class and she stops me in the hallway. Back then I was shy unless I got to know you, so I would never have stepped to her. Plus I felt like she was out my league. Anyway she kicks game saying she want to get to know me and if I would take her number and call her. I'm dumbfounded but still take it and say yeah I'll call you. A day later I get the courage to call her and she was so excited and telling me she didn't believe I would call her blah blah blah. My mind is confused as hell, but we end up talking the whole night and laughing. This is the first girl that I was with that can honestly say I was myself around her. She from Bedstuy, I'm from Brownsville, BK. I don't know what it was but I just felt comfortable, I wasn't too nice or too mean/rude if that makes sense. I just kept it 100 with her. Even though I felt like she was out my league I didn't feed her ego. This part will make sense later. She ask to come to my crib and chill, she comes through we smash and we start our relationship over winter break. Now after a couple of weeks we spending mad time together, either she comes by before I go to school or after I get home. One day she says to me, you know everytime I come here dudes trying to holla at me. I say can you blame them? She says no, but I don't like ****** sweating me like that. But don't worry I held it down for us and told them I'm taken. I blushed at that, still thinking to myself how did I bag this chick. Then I got my answer.

She says why can't more guys be like you? I say what do you mean? She says, the whole semester you didn't look at me once. Even when I came late to class you didn't even notice me. The truth is I noticed her ***, who couldn't? I was just slick with it, I was never captain obvious like some dudes getting whiplash when they see a chick with a fat ***. Anyway she continues by saying, she was hurt by it. She switched up her wardrobe and still no looks from me. I told her, I did notice you, I could list your wardrobe if need be. I just didn't want to sweat you. That made her blush, and cuddle up with me. Then she tells me how desperate guys look when they chase females and how I wasn't like them. So now my mind is spinning, thinking back to when she stepped to me, our phone convo everything. Now I'm feeling like Archimeds because I figured this **** out. Shorty was only feeling me because I paid her no mind. She was intrigued by that, add to that fact that I didn't hold any punches with her. Everybody caters to her, one time she ask me to get her some juice. I said go get it yourself, what you think this is? She gave me this look like oh :wow:, and got up and to get it. I wasn't trying to be rude, I just felt like she should get it herself. All of that played a part into her interest in me. Once I found that out, I realized females be on some ****.
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spiceman80 spiceman80 where is she now?

I had a similar situation with a chick at one of my early jobs. This **** is like a game, you can't even be 100% with people. No such thing as 50/50 in relationships it seems.
My story:
Dealing with this chick freshman year of college. Bad chick, dresses fly, pretty as hell everything. Anyway end of semester, last day of class I'm talking with the professor about my grade and other stuff. I notice she still there, which is weird becasue she never stays late like that. Anyway I walk out the class and she stops me in the hallway. Back then I was shy unless I got to know you, so I would never have stepped to her. Plus I felt like she was out my league. Anyway she kicks game saying she want to get to know me and if I would take her number and call her. I'm dumbfounded but still take it and say yeah I'll call you. A day later I get the courage to call her and she was so excited and telling me she didn't believe I would call her blah blah blah. My mind is confused as hell, but we end up talking the whole night and laughing. This is the first girl that I was with that can honestly say I was myself around her. She from Bedstuy, I'm from Brownsville, BK. I don't know what it was but I just felt comfortable, I wasn't too nice or too mean/rude if that makes sense. I just kept it 100 with her. Even though I felt like she was out my league I didn't feed her ego. This part will make sense later. She ask to come to my crib and chill, she comes through we smash and we start our relationship over winter break. Now after a couple of weeks we spending mad time together, either she comes by before I go to school or after I get home. One day she says to me, you know everytime I come here dudes trying to holla at me. I say can you blame them? She says no, but I don't like ****** sweating me like that. But don't worry I held it down for us and told them I'm taken. I blushed at that, still thinking to myself how did I bag this chick. Then I got my answer.

She says why can't more guys be like you? I say what do you mean? She says, the whole semester you didn't look at me once. Even when I came late to class you didn't even notice me. The truth is I noticed her ***, who couldn't? I was just slick with it, I was never captain obvious like some dudes getting whiplash when they see a chick with a fat ***. Anyway she continues by saying, she was hurt by it. She switched up her wardrobe and still no looks from me. I told her, I did notice you, I could list your wardrobe if need be. I just didn't want to sweat you. That made her blush, and cuddle up with me. Then she tells me how desperate guys look when they chase females and how I wasn't like them. So now my mind is spinning, thinking back to when she stepped to me, our phone convo everything. Now I'm feeling like Archimeds because I figured this **** out. Shorty was only feeling me because I paid her no mind. She was intrigued by that, add to that fact that I didn't hold any punches with her. Everybody caters to her, one time she ask me to get her some juice. I said go get it yourself, what you think this is? She gave me this look like oh :wow:, and got up and to get it. I wasn't trying to be rude, I just felt like she should get it herself. All of that played a part into her interest in me. Once I found that out, I realized females be on some ****.

This man gets its, sure some of you will say you been knew this the question is do you actually put it to work. Its basic human behavior the finer the girl the more attention ( women get attention period even the ugly ones). How do you stand out among all the thirsty dudes. All she know is male attention so the minute she dont get it she starts to question her self and she dont even have to be that kind of chick but WE ALL HAVE AN EGO. By no means am i saying you have to treat them all like trash(some you have to) but as the line goes "stop putting the p*ssy on a pedestal" and everything will fall into place
^ spiceman80 spiceman80

I can respect it my dude :pimp:

I'm just glad it worked in my favor, I was just trying not to look like a perv by staring at her. Who knew she would consider it to be G.

spiceman80 spiceman80 where is she now?

I had a similar situation with a chick at one of my early jobs. This **** is like a game, you can't even be 100% with people. No such thing as 50/50 in relationships it seems.

I hope she doing good, to be honest i don't know where she at.

This man gets its, sure some of you will say you been knew this the question is do you actually put it to work. Its basic human behavior the finer the girl the more attention ( women get attention period even the ugly ones). How do you stand out among all the thirsty dudes. All she know is male attention so the minute she dont get it she starts to question her self and she dont even have to be that kind of chick but WE ALL HAVE AN EGO. By no means am i saying you have to treat them all like trash(some you have to) but as the line goes "stop putting the p*ssy on a pedestal" and everything will fall into place

Nail on the head bro, exactly what her reaction was.
pics of this pepper?.... only a sucker keeps her around after that unless she just one of many.
If that's the case we're all suckers. Some things we know we ought not to put up with..but we ride it out for fear of being lonely. That, or you hold out hope it'll get better. It rarely does.

I like Pepper. 

Gracias, senor.

Pepper came in the thread and immediately starts rustlin' jimmies ( no pun intended :wink: )

calm down young lads...don't hate the player...hate the game

I'm sayin' tho. :nerd:
I knew something was up when she got funny about her phone...

Come to find out she on some IG attention ***** business smh....
Bout 3rd grade

Pulled my d out around the jungle gym bein stupid/funny.
Erybody was like eeeeeeewwwwww ...lookin away..etc.

But this one girl.....jessica richardson....she wuz like

"Wait......let me see it"
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Met a girl in church
Made her my girlfriend
She went away on a church getaway retreat
She met another guy
Told me we were on "break"
Her friends told me the real deal
I was hurt and the real deal was true

Got advice from my older bro and he told me cut her off and ignore her
Continued going to church and shes catching feelings cause im ignoring her and shes going crazy cause of it
In my head im like wtf wrong with this girl...if she with him why she care about me ignoring her

This was when i was like 13 tho, glad my brother told me what it is or id be ****** today :pimp:
Let's see. Sophomore year in college during an internship, another student intern was my partner. At first I wasn't feeling her but eventually I came around to like her a lot ( this was over a 6 month period). She would randomly ask me questions on formspring and fb and flirted at work. 1 day I got the courage to ask her out and she said yes. Now I asked her in a Monday to chill together on Friday, since that's when we we're getting paid. Big mistake.

Come Thursday I go to confirm what were going to do and she's sort of hesitant. I'm kinda confused so I just let our date pass. Come next week I year her talking to some of the other girl co workers. Now we all worked in a communal area so if I didn't have my headphones turned on o could hear anything.

Turns out like the Wednesday after I made plans with her , there was a party and she smashed some loser who lived next door to her and like 4 years later they're still together.

Anyway like a day after I heard that I asked her again what's up because I kinda wanted an explanation, and she kinda brushed me off. Then she went and told the other girls I was a stalker and kept hounding her.

So basically at the same time I decided to put in work, her neighbor was doing the same thing and struck first.
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TAY is ****** plotting on how many ******* they can penetrate... 

****** sharing military like strategy... laughing it up at all the slick **** they be pulling 

then, come in here..... 

it's the aftermath of when the tables get turned... 

a lot of y'all are going to miss out on a good chick because your paranoia is going to **** it up 

be cautious, of course.... but just let **** play out and she'll eventually expose herself for what she is ... they be dropping the clues

move slow... 

:lol: Yup it's like night and day between the two
I been nonchalant about yambs for years. Never was the guy hounding women at clubs and parties. I would chill grab drinks and assess the situation. Never ran into anything without thinking or a plan. Works for me. I'm laid back and don't care about a lot of things other guys care about and females sense that and gravitate towards me. Less is more sometimes.
I been nonchalant about yambs for years. Never was the guy hounding women at clubs and parties. I would chill grab drinks and assess the situation. Never ran into anything without thinking or a plan. Works for me. I'm laid back and don't care about a lot of things other guys care about and females sense that and gravitate towards me. Less is more sometimes.

My dude. They get it how they get it and I do how I do. That hounding just seems pathetic to me, but it works for them.
Girl put her son to sleep in my bed and then we smashed practically next to him

Smh at me but I wasn’t turning down the yambs lol
Bout 3rd grade

Pulled my d out around the jungle gym bein stupid/funny.
Erybody was like eeeeeeewwwwww ...lookin away..etc.

But this one girl.....jessica richardson....she wuz like

"Wait......let me see it"
:lol: :rofl: :pimp:

And at the homey spice man... Great story, bro.

I love it. :pimp:
spiceman80 spiceman80 dropping knowledge :pimp:

I stumbled upon the secret by accident also. Last year of college I was in a long distance relationship and just pretty much ignored other girls. Partied hard with my boys and had a blast but I was always thinking about my girl (really loved her) so I didn't even care or look at other girls. They must've noticed because the P started to get thrown at me left and right. From girls who I used to think were out of my league.I had to just tell myself it was my last year of college and not feasible to be in a long distance relationship. Picked up 4 on the roster besides my main and a couple other random smashes. Even funnier I went and visited my girl for two weeks over winter break and all the girls knew, when I came back they wanted me even more. BEST. YEAR. EVER.

Made me realize all girls are insecure and jealous to an extent. And, everyone wants what they can't have or wants to be better than someone else to an extent.

Never show a girl content. Never show a girl commitment. Never be available 100% of the time.
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