When did you realize that these females aint innocent?

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Met a girl in church
Made her my girlfriend
She went away on a church getaway retreat
She met another guy
Told me we were on "break"
Her friends told me the real deal
I was hurt and the real deal was true

Got advice from my older bro and he told me cut her off and ignore her
Continued going to church and shes catching feelings cause im ignoring her and shes going crazy cause of it
In my head im like wtf wrong with this girl...if she with him why she care about me ignoring her

This was when i was like 13 tho, glad my brother told me what it is or id be ****** today :pimp:

Reminds me of this

spiceman80 spiceman80 dropping knowledge :pimp:

I stumbled upon the secret by accident also. Last year of college I was in a long distance relationship and just pretty much ignored other girls. Partied hard with my boys and had a blast but I was always thinking about my girl (really loved her) so I didn't even care or look at other girls. They must've noticed because the P started to get thrown at me left and right. From girls who I used to think were out of my league.I had to just tell myself it was my last year of college and not feasible to be in a long distance relationship. Picked up 4 on the roster besides my main and a couple other random smashes. Even funnier I went and visited my girl for two weeks over winter break and all the girls knew, when I came back they wanted me even more. BEST. YEAR. EVER.

Made me realize all girls are insecure and jealous to an extent. And, everyone wants what they can't have or wants to be better than someone else to an extent.

Never show a girl content. Never show a girl commitment. Never be available 100% of the time.

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I been nonchalant about yambs for years. Never was the guy hounding women at clubs and parties. I would chill grab drinks and assess the situation. Never ran into anything without thinking or a plan. Works for me. I'm laid back and don't care about a lot of things other guys care about and females sense that and gravitate towards me. Less is more sometimes.
@Spiceman80 dropping knowledge

I stumbled upon the secret by accident also. Last year of college I was in a long distance relationship and just pretty much ignored other girls. Partied hard with my boys and had a blast but I was always thinking about my girl (really loved her) so I didn't even care or look at other girls. They must've noticed because the P started to get thrown at me left and right. From girls who I used to think were out of my league.I had to just tell myself it was my last year of college and not feasible to be in a long distance relationship. Picked up 4 on the roster besides my main and a couple other random smashes. Even funnier I went and visited my girl for two weeks over winter break and all the girls knew, when I came back they wanted me even more. BEST. YEAR. EVER.

Made me realize all girls are insecure and jealous to an extent. And, everyone wants what they can't have or wants to be better than someone else to an extent.

Never show a girl content. Never show a girl commitment. Never be available 100% of the time.
Girl I know has a BF (been with him for years) and knows I have a GF

Pretty much told me I could smash and no one would find out lol

Turned her down and she likes to post pics of how happy they are on IG/Twitter lol smh
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Girl I know has a BF (been with him for years) and knows I have a GF

Pretty much told me I could smash and no one would find out lol

Turned her down and she likes to post pics of how happy they are on IG/Twitter lol smh

good for you.
I been nonchalant about yambs for years. Never was the guy hounding women at clubs and parties. I would chill grab drinks and assess the situation. Never ran into anything without thinking or a plan. Works for me. I'm laid back and don't care about a lot of things other guys care about and females sense that and gravitate towards me. Less is more sometimes.

My dude. They get it how they get it and I do how I do. That hounding just seems pathetic to me, but it works for them.
Bout 5th or 6h grade when I started to play with ******* n such on the regular ...also when I got older I got reminded from time to time by seeing how hurt some of my homeboys be over some of these chicks bs :smh:
I was 19 & there was this chick I was close friends with, we were flirting & whatnot. We spoke about getting together, but my school was 5 hours away so we just decided to postpone the discussion until a later date.

A week later I go to her place and she has some friends over, she's laying on top of me with the blanket covering us,,,copping my feels. Then some dude comes through I hadn't seen before. She gets up off me & ends up Laying up with this *****.

I said FDB, then didn't talk to her until next summer when I got over it. Pretty much been diggin her out whenever I was in the city, until last year.

Still had some hope for chicks after that. Then when I was 20/21 there was this chick I was close friend's with. She was throwing it at me, telling me how much she likes me, etc. She seemed pretty genuine, and we were really close friends before that, so I didn't think she'd screw me over.

Dam near fell in love with this chick, got me down to only 2 chicks on the roster. She was pretty much living with me. Long story short, this *** slept with my bro. I was in that **** these **** phase, went smashing as many chicks as I could for about a year and a half till I got caught :lol:

They ain't loyal, definitely learned from those experiences. Can't put anything past anybody.
was trying to woo the "innocent" girl in middle school
she was tag teamed by some boys on the side
forever alone
My older bro hit me with word of wisdom at 15.

Girls are like gum, they taste good while in your mouth, when you spit them out they stick to your shoe.

After dude told me that he was viewed as a legend to me and the crew. That's when I realized the game is all messed up.
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Man in kindergarten this girl aint wear her uniform, this was Scott Montgomery in DC in the 90s and we all wore uniforms. Anyway she was wearing overalls and took me into the girls bathroom and undressed. Just on some "ill show you mine if you show me yours ****."

Some lil girl came in and caught us. She snitched and the teachers aid beat us with a ruler. Dont think they told my parents cuz i aint get whooped when i got home. I was shook as hell tho.

DC was wild back then in 92, some kid got beat up so his brother was there when school let out and whooped other dudes *** then ran over his hand.

Also saw a German Shepard murder some little purse dog in front of the school. Both dogs were on leashes but dude couldnt control his dog.

I know, cool stories bro.
Man in kindergarten this girl aint wear her uniform, this was Scott Montgomery in DC in the 90s and we all wore uniforms. Anyway she was wearing overalls and took me into the girls bathroom and undressed. Just on some "ill show you mine if you show me yours ****."

Some lil girl came in and caught us. She snitched and the teachers aid beat us with a ruler. Dont think they told my parents cuz i aint get whooped when i got home. I was shook as hell tho.

DC was wild back then in 92, some kid got beat up so his brother was there when school let out and whooped other dudes *** then ran over his hand.

Also saw a German Shepard murder some little purse dog in front of the school. Both dogs were on leashes but dude couldnt control his dog.

I know, cool stories bro.

What does this thread have to do with German Shepards?

Oh right cuz *****es aint **** but **** and tricks
Not my story but my main mans "pops" isnt his biological father.

His parents met when she was pregnant with his older brother. She got pregnant againt the next year with my homie and the pops taught for years that my homie was his son. Years later she had a daughter who he also thought was his. She convinced pops to get a vasectomy. He did.

Come to find out both my mans and his younger sister were by this other dude.

Pops raised those 3 children as his own thinking 2 of them were his. Now he cant have any kids. And once the children found out he wasn't their pops they treated him like ****.

Moms left ole boy to raise them by himself too. Dont think my homie has ever met his real pops, just knows his name.

Doesnt help that moms is bi-polar and so is my homie and his sister. (Sister in NC doing life for murdering a female marine, literally stabbed her to death)

And it was his pops that told me this...i was horrified.
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When I was in 7th grade, most developed girl in our grade had a crush on me. She also had a bf, so we used to flirt and ****, but nothing ever came to it physically. I was too focused on school and buckets. Gave me a glimpse to how some of these dames want what they aren't able to have :smh:.

The only time I was truly burned and hated the other gender was when I used to date my first real gf in college. She was talking to other cats behind my back and I was doing the school thing with a job so I wasn't paying no mind to her BS, until she left her phone at my apartment and I found all the texts she was sending other cats. Deaded her and went savage for about 3 years. She washed now from what my homegirls tell me with kids, but that lesson was a true eye opener that love is hard to find out here in today's day and age.

On the positive side, I've met some really cool females since and am hopeful I might have a better relationship experience in the future. For now, I like having fun with the dames here on the coast :pimp:.
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