When Obama wins, How will you celebrate?

Oh, to answer the question, I will probably do nothing, much like if McCain pulled off the upset. I will go to work, I will continue to pay the mortgage, andlife will really keep on moving.

One final note, I think people do cry "socialism" too quickly and much, however I don't think it is a stretch to cry socialistic tendencies orgovernment intervention. Some think it is good, some think it is bad, you decide. Me personally, the government is the most inefficient entity I have seen, sothe less they do or involve themselves in, the better.
Originally Posted by 36hypno

All those screaming socialism are just screaming Fox News talking points. Please read up on what it actually is. He is talking about progressive taxation as others have stated. This is nothing new. Reaganomics does not work.
Reagonomics does not work, please that is just plain stupid, our boom in the 90's was based off of reganomics after that peanut farmerdestryed this country. And lets hope whoever wins sticks to their promises and does what they said or we are all screwed. Plus Obama is half white so it cango either way with race. Hopefully that racist punk preacher (Jeremiah Wright) dies of a heartattack
and then we can all celebrate.
economists agree that he handles the economics WAYYY better than McCain, people say his education policies are the BEST EVER..
Being married to a teacher and knowing quite a few, I haven't heard that, however Obama's educational policies are much better thanMcCains. He has suggested eliminating districts essentially by opening up public schools for kids to go to whichever school they want. Yeah, that will reallyhelp city schools and districts that are somewhat struggling. Send out the smart kids to some suburbia school and let the school fail even more. C'monMcCain. As for the economy, I have made some points about both needing to change, but I will give it that at least Barack seems to have some understanding ofwhat is going on, I get get the feeling that McCain is often confused. Worst election ever. Well, no, that was 2004. I wish for the days when the best andbrightest were the leaders, not whomever could survive the games/nature of politics. This system is in need of serious overhaul.

Oh, and the point 360 is not necessarily being one of the "147,000" that would benefit, but what happens when those that own businesses do benefitand how it helps the economy overall. Not much good getting a $600 rebate or a tax cut if you lose your job or prices have increased/wages have decreased. Itis a matter of economic theory that you subscribe to though. Alright, I said I didn't want to get involved in political talk, enough from me! I gottawait for my couch to get delivered and no better way to pass time than NT.
I plan to celebrate by selling out of the dollar, gettin' out of the market and buildin' a bunker with guns and ammo
(A NoBama presidency) + (a filibuster proof Congress with Pelosi, Biden, Barney "slob" Frank, waxman) + (Helicopter Ben's printing press) = hyperinflationary depression

Barrack NoBama 2008 FTL
Originally Posted by stateofsingularity

I plan to celebrate by selling out of the dollar, gettin' out of the market and buildin' a bunker with guns and ammo

Huh??? Why on earth would you do that??? Please explain. . .
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

Originally Posted by supmyhats2big

Originally Posted by nycknicks105

dude is NOT going to win. When McCain wins, ill sit around my apartment and wonder what the hell im going to do for the next 4 years.
So.... if obama wins you can sit around your apartment and do nothing but instead my taxes will pay your rent.
Your welcome in advance, and everyone else with their hands out. F socialism this is America... Obama is bad for our country thank god most of these idiots dont vote.
Wait...can you PLEASE explain how your taxes will pay a non-working person's rent. I'd really love to hear the answer to this, because if thats the case I'm about to stop working and cop an apartment. Eff college. C'mon man we all fam here on nt, stop keepin that top secret info to yourself.
Because the person who worked hard and got a good job, making good money is paying more taxes. While the lazy %#% whose broke gets the Tax cut.
Hey lets penalize the people who do something with their life...

I am in the military. I only make 50K a year.. Am I a lazy broke person? Obama tax cuts will help me but you running around calling folks lazy because theydon't make 250K a year is stupid.
Originally Posted by Nktran001

"Start with straight shots and then pop bottles, flirt with the hood rats then pop models."-Whack "Rapper".

I was thinking about the same song before I noticed your post



No, i don't think Jada is a whack rapper.

Just wanted to see how many people would notice i had put that there, and how many people would quote me asking the samequestion.

If he was whack, i wouldn't have quoted him.
Originally Posted by AirAnt23

YO! Honestly... I ain't much for rioting. Never understood the purpose. But in the extremely unlikely, near impossible event that something were to happen to the man...

I got Molotov Cocktails on deck.


nuff said
Originally Posted by dmxfury

I try to avoid all political discussions on this board, but I would love a full scale economics debate between 10 of us or so. It would be incredible I think.....
I second that motion
Obama should win, no doubt about that.
I just hope that Ron Paul wins in 2012, be it that he runs again.
Ron Paul is one of the few genuine, sincere and honest politicians. Why can't we have more Ron Paul's?
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