When Obama wins, How will you celebrate?

^ u have no idea sir.

It truly does bother me that some of you think Socialism is what America needs. SMH.

i was thinking..If obama was white and wanted socialism it would be a diffrent story. I dont think half the people on here know what it even is.
I know its the truth that people like Obama because hes black.

Like the kids who are black at school talk about how great he is and how hes gonna help out America and then i ask one simple question about him and they donthave anything to say because they dont know anything about him. They just like him cause hes black
I'd rather take Obama than someone who chose Sarah Palin as their damn VP. If McCain ever croaks, this woman will be our President!
Originally Posted by dmxfury

I try to avoid all political discussions on this board, but I would love a full scale economics debate between 10 of us or so. It would be incredible I think.....
lol @ McCain supporters in here. If we have McCain & Palin run the country we might as well make it George Bush & my Mom.
Originally Posted by Dunk Demon

I'd rather take Obama than someone who chose Sarah Palin as their damn VP. If McCain ever croaks, this woman will be our President!
and if something happends to Obama which is as possible as something happening to Mcain if not more, you want this man to be our president??

Originally Posted by Jehlers02

^ u have no idea sir.

It truly does bother me that some of you think Socialism is what America needs. SMH.

i was thinking..If obama was white and wanted socialism it would be a diffrent story. I dont think half the people on here know what it even is.
I know its the truth that people like Obama because hes black.

Like the kids who are black at school talk about how great he is and how hes gonna help out America and then i ask one simple question about him and they dont have anything to say because they dont know anything about him. They just like him cause hes black

did your parents teach you this??? if so i presume you have a nice lifestyle, which would be why they are republicans, because they dont want to be taxed more.i dont mean to make presumptions but most of the time people are thinking selfishly. i dont think socialism is good either, but i do think people dislikesocialism for the wrong reasons. they see there gonna get taxed more so they call it socialism, they could give a !!*# bout their neighbor, which is whatamerica is about. and for every black person that votes obama because of race there is a hick that votes mccain for the same reason.
Originally Posted by supmyhats2big

Originally Posted by nycknicks105

dude is NOT going to win. When McCain wins, ill sit around my apartment and wonder what the hell im going to do for the next 4 years.
So.... if obama wins you can sit around your apartment and do nothing but instead my taxes will pay your rent.
Your welcome in advance, and everyone else with their hands out. F socialism this is America... Obama is bad for our country thank god most of these idiots dont vote.
Wait...can you PLEASE explain how your taxes will pay a non-working person's rent. I'd really love to hear the answer to this, because ifthats the case I'm about to stop working and cop an apartment. Eff college. C'mon man we all fam here on nt, stop keepin that top secret info toyourself.
Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

Originally Posted by supmyhats2big

Originally Posted by nycknicks105

dude is NOT going to win. When McCain wins, ill sit around my apartment and wonder what the hell im going to do for the next 4 years.
So.... if obama wins you can sit around your apartment and do nothing but instead my taxes will pay your rent.
Your welcome in advance, and everyone else with their hands out. F socialism this is America... Obama is bad for our country thank god most of these idiots dont vote.
Wait...can you PLEASE explain how your taxes will pay a non-working person's rent. I'd really love to hear the answer to this, because if thats the case I'm about to stop working and cop an apartment. Eff college. C'mon man we all fam here on nt, stop keepin that top secret info to yourself.
Because the person who worked hard and got a good job, making good money is paying more taxes. While the lazy %#% whose broke gets the Tax cut.
Hey lets penalize the people who do something with their life...
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

Originally Posted by supmyhats2big

Originally Posted by nycknicks105

dude is NOT going to win. When McCain wins, ill sit around my apartment and wonder what the hell im going to do for the next 4 years.
So.... if obama wins you can sit around your apartment and do nothing but instead my taxes will pay your rent.
Your welcome in advance, and everyone else with their hands out. F socialism this is America... Obama is bad for our country thank god most of these idiots dont vote.
Wait...can you PLEASE explain how your taxes will pay a non-working person's rent. I'd really love to hear the answer to this, because if thats the case I'm about to stop working and cop an apartment. Eff college. C'mon man we all fam here on nt, stop keepin that top secret info to yourself.
Because the person who worked hard and got a good job, making good money is paying more taxes. While the lazy %#% whose broke gets the Tax cut.
Hey lets penalize the people who do something with their life...

hey bud, watch these videos first. i dont think a lot people know what they're talkin bout. heck i didnt know what i was talkin bout til last week.http://niketalk.com/topic/123142
When Obama wins first thing i will do is watch........


And sit back laughing at how depressed the commentators will look. Agony of defeat
A few points...

- Capitalism has its downsides
- I would argue Obama's policies are closer to what Adam Smith would preach
- It's not socialism
- I believe the richest Americans actually find it patriotic to pay for taxes. Let's try a free market for schools, defense, and hell, even the firedepartment!
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

Originally Posted by supmyhats2big

Originally Posted by nycknicks105

dude is NOT going to win. When McCain wins, ill sit around my apartment and wonder what the hell im going to do for the next 4 years.
So.... if obama wins you can sit around your apartment and do nothing but instead my taxes will pay your rent.
Your welcome in advance, and everyone else with their hands out. F socialism this is America... Obama is bad for our country thank god most of these idiots dont vote.
Wait...can you PLEASE explain how your taxes will pay a non-working person's rent. I'd really love to hear the answer to this, because if thats the case I'm about to stop working and cop an apartment. Eff college. C'mon man we all fam here on nt, stop keepin that top secret info to yourself.
Because the person who worked hard and got a good job, making good money is paying more taxes. While the lazy %#% whose broke gets the Tax cut.
Hey lets penalize the people who do something with their life...
Progressive tax is not penalizing the successful, nor is it socialism, nor is it something new that Obama just invented. You just heardO'Reilly yelling it in that interview and now it has caught on like a wildfire being repeated by people, such as yourself, who don't even know whatsocialism is. Progressive taxation is not socialism. In fact, you want to talk about socialism, talk about the Government buying up all the banks and badmortgages.

And the middle class is not constituted of lazy %!+@# who are broke. I'd bet everything I own you don't even fall into the income bracket that would beseeing an increase
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

Originally Posted by supmyhats2big

Originally Posted by nycknicks105

dude is NOT going to win. When McCain wins, ill sit around my apartment and wonder what the hell im going to do for the next 4 years.
So.... if obama wins you can sit around your apartment and do nothing but instead my taxes will pay your rent.
Your welcome in advance, and everyone else with their hands out. F socialism this is America... Obama is bad for our country thank god most of these idiots dont vote.
Wait...can you PLEASE explain how your taxes will pay a non-working person's rent. I'd really love to hear the answer to this, because if thats the case I'm about to stop working and cop an apartment. Eff college. C'mon man we all fam here on nt, stop keepin that top secret info to yourself.
Because the person who worked hard and got a good job, making good money is paying more taxes. While the lazy %#% whose broke gets the Tax cut.
Hey lets penalize the people who do something with their life...

Wait so you know of this top secret way to get rich people to pay for my rent too if i got an apartment and stopped working?

Stop playin homie...we brothas man! We post on the same message board.

Hook me up wit that info of how a rich person's money can be put into my pocket.
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

Originally Posted by supmyhats2big

Originally Posted by nycknicks105

dude is NOT going to win. When McCain wins, ill sit around my apartment and wonder what the hell im going to do for the next 4 years.
So.... if obama wins you can sit around your apartment and do nothing but instead my taxes will pay your rent.
Your welcome in advance, and everyone else with their hands out. F socialism this is America... Obama is bad for our country thank god most of these idiots dont vote.
Wait...can you PLEASE explain how your taxes will pay a non-working person's rent. I'd really love to hear the answer to this, because if thats the case I'm about to stop working and cop an apartment. Eff college. C'mon man we all fam here on nt, stop keepin that top secret info to yourself.
Because the person who worked hard and got a good job, making good money is paying more taxes. While the lazy %#% whose broke gets the Tax cut.
Hey lets penalize the people who do something with their life...
stop posting cause it makes you look dumb when you don't know what you are talking about
I'm going to have to find an election night party or something, for the first time in my life, I will actually feel like celebrating an election...makes iteven better that he is running against George Bush III and Honkey mom.
All those screaming socialism are just screaming Fox News talking points. Please read up on what it actually is. He is talking about progressive taxation asothers have stated. This is nothing new. Reaganomics does not work.
Why did I get a
with my debate suggestion?

Progressive taxation is not socialism. In fact, you want to talk about socialism, talk about the Government buying up all the banks and bad mortgages.
I agree about buying up bad mortgages, goes against a lot of my beliefs. Progressive tax is nothing new, we are under it right now. However,increasing that "progressiveness" (is that a word?) is not what this country needs with the current economic climate. Ask Hoover and his raising oftaxes on corporations/wealthy following the crash of '29. Sunk the country much deeper into the depression. A year ago, it would've been a good wayto try to increase revenue, however it needs to be modified with the recent events. Hell, both of their plans won't work at this point and need majorrevamping. Sigh, depressed undecided voter that will most likely write in a name.

oh, and Reagan's policies did do a lot of positive things for this country after Carter left it in shambles.
okay, i am SICK and TIRED of folks talkin about why tax us harder because we worked so hard to be successful? We who? I doubt there is anyone in here thatwould benefit from the 147,000 families in the nation that McCains Plan would actually help.. And lets not forget that not all of you WORKED harder. Alot ofyou were handed silver spoons, inherited money and assets and property that was obtained by taking advantage of the ignorance of my forefathers. Call this aracist post if you want, but if one more white person complains about how those on welfare will be helped more using their money under Obama, i willscream..How about these Billionaire and Millionaire White folks that robbed your snotty nosed parents right in their faces and laughed straight to the bankwith their 401k money? 400,000 dollars on a "retreat" in one weekend at a resort? ...thats ok, as long as welfare folks dont get those darn foodstamps...Its sickening.. This is coming from a black person thats tired of society telling us we have to be the BEST just to be considered average by theirstandards. Take a look at OBama. I have heard from the mouths of many REPUBLICANs that if he was fully white this election would be out of reach... I mean hewas top of his class from Harvard(Bush was barely IN his class at Harvard lol), economists agree that he handles the economics WAYYY better than McCain, peoplesay his education policies are the BEST EVER..yet this Bumbling idiot McCain and his diva @#%%!!* Palin, whom by the way not even McCain's advisors TRUSTanymore, still have a shot at winning...
Oh, to answer the question, I will probably do nothing, much like if McCain pulled off the upset. I will go to work, I will continue to pay the mortgage, andlife will really keep on moving.

One final note, I think people do cry "socialism" too quickly and much, however I don't think it is a stretch to cry socialistic tendencies orgovernment intervention. Some think it is good, some think it is bad, you decide. Me personally, the government is the most inefficient entity I have seen, sothe less they do or involve themselves in, the better.
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