When the plug is a mad scientist.

Jul 19, 2012

Pick your poison.

Pick two if you can come up with a good scenario :nerd:
Orange, then Grey, then Yellow in that order. 

Grey is probably most useful but I'm imagining the fun that could be had with Orange.
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Orange and blue would have me living like a king on Earth. Could experience everything that's lovely without ever dealing with traffic and long *** plane rides.
Blue pill no contest. I'll be taking my lunch break in italy every day b. But that Orange pill tho. $ would flood in. hmmmm
Yellow pill, and I'm murkin off everybody else who has taken a pill... i will be the only one with powers on this planet...
Grey Pill - making atms vomit cash when I roll up
Blue Pill - teleport the **** out after my money grab( plus I save all my atm money not needing any transportation)
Grey Pill - making atms vomit cash when I roll up
ATM's wouldn't even be worthy. You'd have unlimited access to every checking, savings, and money market account in the world. You could literally control the stock market and do as you please. 
I would go with yellow and orange. Yellow so I can look into the minds of people like Einstein and Perelman, and orange so I can discover ground breaking research.
Orange and blue for me.

As much as I hate that color combination.
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