When was the last time you cried?

Originally Posted by OneSole

Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by SoVerSoTowel


 I dont see whats funny


Spoiler [+]
but if you're serious, then 

 If i just felt bad for you and it was actually from the Pursuit of happyness. 
Well me and my girl broke up a few months ago, and I was going to go to Watch The throne with her.
We weren't together anymore when It was time to go, Had 3rd row tickets and all. Ended up taking some other girl i was ++*@!+% at the time of the concert.

when kanye performed Runaway and did the whole IF YOU LOVE SOMEONE TONIGHT hold on real tight freestyle I started crying b...

for real. I also cried when he performed that in Austin in september cause at the time me and my girl were kinda rocky and we got into a fight that she gave me mono. and she wsn't there to see kanye with me when she said she would go

Originally Posted by megatron

Well me and my girl broke up a few months ago, and I was going to go to Watch The throne with her.
We weren't together anymore when It was time to go, Had 3rd row tickets and all. Ended up taking some other girl i was ++*@!+% at the time of the concert.

when kanye performed Runaway and did the whole IF YOU LOVE SOMEONE TONIGHT hold on real tight freestyle I started crying b...

for real. I also cried when he performed that in Austin in september cause at the time me and my girl were kinda rocky and we got into a fight that she gave me mono. and she wsn't there to see kanye with me when she said she would go

I watched Click right after my Dad's funeral. There was more water coming out of my eyes than there was in that final hospital scene 
, I straight up lost it 
Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

I watched Click right after my Dad's funeral. There was more water coming out of my eyes than there was in that final hospital scene 
, I straight up lost it 
Click? The movie where Adam Sandler gets a magical remote?
As for me, today, when I found out my B/S thread was closed. 
after Game 6 of the Finals last year. Been a Mavericks fan since I can remember, and after The Conspiracy in the '06 Finals, it was indescribable.
Originally Posted by Demps

i think wednesday...I smoked a bowl and started looking up emotional stuff on youtube. i started watching those videos of dogs welcoming back their owners from overseas..videos really did it for me..

Damn you bruh
Probably a little over a year ago... I was being a loser and being upset over stupid stuff.

I can't remember the last time I cried out of sadness, probably a few years ago.
Two weeks ago when my Son started walking ..........two tears...!@+ was magical.....
I shed a few tears at my HS graduation last June.
Each year there is a faculty member who gives a speech and my year was a teacher I had who was fighting cancer (forgot which specific one). Said he was getting treatment which his doctor said was good for him. Speech was moving.
I go back for alumni day before Thanksgiving break and found out he died
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