When you put gas in your tank....

i fill it up usually once a week unless someone gives me money to drive them somewhere

i have a 97 altima and the most ive ever gotten was 200 to the tank and least was 120
Originally Posted by oidreez

Originally Posted by waystinthyme

i never understood why people don't fill up their tank...

i only filled it up to full when i went on a long road trip. And besides, i want to wait til gas is at it's lowest price before i do (or at least at a decent low price)
good luck...you may be waiting for quite a while.

EDIT: this argument still has no merit to me. if gas goes up to $3 or $4 a gallon, you'll still have to buy it, if you plan on driving...so how doesputting $5, $10, $20 of gas in your car change anything? you're just delaying the inevitable...another trip to the tank.

I always use my debit card, and either put $14.01 or $19.01 in. That way the 99 cents rolls into my savings account.
fill 'er up.

don't remember the last time i walked in to put down cash. i hate pumping gas in the first place, so why lengthen the experience by walking in... or maybeim just lazy
Fill it up to the max, no point in putting in X amount of dollars in it then having to refill it a few days later.
I fill up the tank all the time. I never like to see the gauge at the 1/4 mark or below. So fill it up with 93 please.
I do my car dirty, 5-10$ (Premium) but ONLY because I live literally 1-2 minutes from my Job. It's like I cross one major intersection and I'm there,the trips usually over before I get through one MP3. If I'm ever going anywhere further I fill up, but honestly I'm ok with my car chillin' in theparking lot on half or less.
I fill it up, seems like gas waste faster when you dont fill to the top... It usually lasts a bit longer, rather than 10 here 20 there....
My truck's got a 30 gallon tank. I haven't filled it all the way in YEARS
. $20 or $30 and let it ride.
fill up(depends on how much gas i have before i fill up) or until it reaches $30, then i stop it.
i have a complex where i always have to have a full tank of gas everytime i get in my car... my friends and family say i needcounseling for it because it may be that i am bordeline OCD?!!
WTH...OCD what tho?!! that i can't be running on E?
Originally Posted by BALLYNN

i have a complex where i always have to have a full tank of gas everytime i get in my car... my friends and family say i need counseling for it because it may be that i am bordeline OCD?!!
WTH... OCD what tho?!! that i can't be running on E?
do u fill up even when your tank goes to 1/2? i know ppl that do that. i need to do it cuz i'll let it piss to E in a heartbeat.
Originally Posted by Tetsujin23

Originally Posted by BALLYNN

i have a complex where i always have to have a full tank of gas everytime i get in my car... my friends and family say i need counseling for it because it may be that i am bordeline OCD?!!
WTH... OCD what tho?!! that i can't be running on E?
do u fill up even when your tank goes to 1/2? i know ppl that do that. i need to do it cuz i'll let it piss to E in a heartbeat.

lol... i do. it's crazy because i get like that with other people too. i guess that's why my fam thinks i need counseling becausei'll do it when i get in other people's cars too. smh.
I never let my tank needle get past half. I always put in 30 dollars worth always on full.
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