When you're finish using the restroom..... PLEASE WASH YOUR HANDS!!!!!!!!!!

Do you guys use a paper towel to open the door when exiting the restroom?

I do... there's usually a trash can by the door. So I wash my hands, grab paper towel, wipe, and use it to grab the door handle.


Do you guys use a paper towel to open the door when exiting the restroom?

Of course , I'm not an animal..Sometimes if there's none I wait until someone opens it

And this.
Technically you don't have to wash your hands after pooping unless you're touching your anus or come in contact with feces... faucets, door handles are pretty damn filthy too.

Wipe me down and I bet you'll wash your hands just cuz you're not wiping your own anus. None of us doo-doo gold and no one is exempt from washing their hands after taking the browns to the Superbowl.

are you really that filthy bruh?
See that all the time, and then we be having the nerve to have organization potlucks. No sir. I'll eat and drink anythnig store bought, but y'all ****** making hand tossed pizza, cupcakes, pies, and ***** I know you had to touch and I remember you dipping out the bathroom while I was washing my hands and you just walked right passed me straight out the door after dropping a deuce, no thanks.
Technically you don't have to wash your hands after pooping unless you're touching your anus or come in contact with feces... faucets, door handles are pretty damn filthy too.

What?? If you're wiping your butt, you need to wash your hands. There is bacteria EVERYWHERE.

I find it utterly disgusting when people don't wash their hands after using the bathroom. I used to question why guys like Donald Trump would use hand sanitizer immediately after shaking hands w/ people, but not anymore. I do the same. People are filthy. Case in point, dude who said "technically" you don't have to wash your hands after dropping a deuce. Disgusting. SMH.
I do... there's usually a trash can by the door. So I wash my hands, grab paper towel, wipe, and use it to grab the door handle.

Same here. I think the custodial crew strategically placed the trash can there after having so many stray paper towels around.
If i was to ever take a dump in my job i will go to another floor that has a clean toilet. People at my job be leaving the tissues they put on the toilet seat. :smh:
I always think the door knob cancels out any of the soap and water I used to wash my hands, but that's just me.
cmon now, you guys both serious? we really got 2 dudes here who will stand there and WAIT in a bathroom for someone to open the door so they can leave, just because there arent any paper towels? quit lyin.

I did before. I also called my mom and told her to kick the door open (was at a court house when this happened) but some guy opened it just in time and I was able to dip out :pimp:
I did before. I also called my mom and told her to kick the door open (was at a court house when this happened) but some guy opened it just in time and I was able to dip out :pimp:

:lol: prisoners in the bathroom. You guys are pathetic or just have some real germ issues if you will wait for a person to enter just so you can exit.
If i was to ever take a dump in my job i will go to another floor that has a clean toilet. People at my job be leaving the tissues they put on the toilet seat. :smh:

yup I will never poop on the floor that I work on. Not because of that but just cause I don't want to get caught doing it. *shrugs*
Do you guys use a paper towel to open the door when exiting the restroom?

Of course , I'm not an animal..Sometimes if there's none I wait until someone opens it

And this.

cmon now, you guys both serious? we really got 2 dudes here who will stand there and WAIT in a bathroom for someone to open the door so they can leave, just because there arent any paper towels? quit lyin.
I used to do the same thing. You gotta understand that those door handles are FILTHY. On any given day at least one person can go in there and not wash their hands and touch that door, after that its all over. Id rather not touch that and risk pink eye and all sorts of other diseases I have no issue with waiting 5 minutes to avoid that.

Inb4 "you're crazy and guess what germs are everywhere"
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Whenever I open a public door, I always use the back of my hands. People in general are disgusting.
I used to do the same thing. You gotta understand that those door handles are FILTHY. On any given day at least one person can go in there and not wash their hands and touch that door, after that its all over. Id rather not touch that and risk pink eye and all sorts of other diseases I have no issue with waiting 5 minutes to avoid that.

Inb4 "you're crazy and guess what germs are everywhere"

by that same argument, that same one person can go in there, not wash their hands, touch that door, and touch every other door, handrail, elevator button, etc... etc.. in the vicinity. i mean, im not sayin you shouldnt be concerned about personal health and hygeine, but cmon guys. to be a prisoner in the bathroom is just OD. If theres no paper, use the back of your hand, the tail of your shirt, or some hand sanitizer after you walk out.
Do you guys use a paper towel to open the door when exiting the restroom?

Of course , I'm not an animal..Sometimes if there's none I wait until someone opens it

And this.

cmon now, you guys both serious? we really got 2 dudes here who will stand there and WAIT in a bathroom for someone to open the door so they can leave, just because there arent any paper towels? quit lyin.

Yeah that's a little extreme. No way i'm waiting until someone opens the door... I just use the bottom of my shirt, or if I have long sleeves on, I use the end of my sleeve.
Doorhandles are about as filthy as a handrail on the MTA. I don't blame dudes for waiting for someone to open a door so they can leave. I usually keep a bottle of hand-sanitizer on me, so if I do have to open a door (after I washed), I'll clean my hands as soon as I leave. I'm probably a germaphobe, but I wouldn't have it any other way. People are disgusting.
I used to do the same thing. You gotta understand that those door handles are FILTHY. On any given day at least one person can go in there and not wash their hands and touch that door, after that its all over. Id rather not touch that and risk pink eye and all sorts of other diseases I have no issue with waiting 5 minutes to avoid that.

Inb4 "you're crazy and guess what germs are everywhere"
by that same argument, that same one person can go in there, not wash their hands, touch that door, and touch every other door, handrail, elevator button, etc... etc.. in the vicinity. i mean, im not sayin you shouldnt be concerned about personal health and hygeine, but cmon guys. to be a prisoner in the bathroom is just OD. If theres no paper, use the back of your hand, the tail of your shirt, or some hand sanitizer after you walk out.

Or check to see if there is paper before you go???
Damn he a nasty mofo. I wash my hands every time AND take an extra paper towel to open the door when I leave because of fools like this. :smh:
cmon now, you guys both serious? we really got 2 dudes here who will stand there and WAIT in a bathroom for someone to open the door so they can leave, just because there arent any paper towels? quit lyin.

I did before. I also called my mom and told her to kick the door open (was at a court house when this happened) but some guy opened it just in time and I was able to dip out :pimp:

I go through every precaution not to touch anything directly.

That includes wrapping the seat in paper.

Ya'll are wilding just SITTING DOWN on those things. 
I used to do the same thing. You gotta understand that those door handles are FILTHY. On any given day at least one person can go in there and not wash their hands and touch that door, after that its all over. Id rather not touch that and risk pink eye and all sorts of other diseases I have no issue with waiting 5 minutes to avoid that.

Inb4 "you're crazy and guess what germs are everywhere"

by that same argument, that same one person can go in there, not wash their hands, touch that door, and touch every other door, handrail, elevator button, etc... etc.. in the vicinity. i mean, im not sayin you shouldnt be concerned about personal health and hygeine, but cmon guys. to be a prisoner in the bathroom is just OD. If theres no paper, use the back of your hand, the tail of your shirt, or some hand sanitizer after you walk out.

Or check to see if there is paper before you go???

so if you walk into the bathroom and you gotta drop a deuce, you walk out and just poop your pants because there are no paper towels next to the sink?
As a microbiologist, i am mortified at how little people wash their hands...There would be less disease/Flu/colds going around in the world if people would just wash their damn hands
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