When you're finish using the restroom..... PLEASE WASH YOUR HANDS!!!!!!!!!!

As a microbiologist, i am mortified at how little people wash their hands...There would be less disease/Flu/colds going around in the world if people would just wash their damn hands

You're educated about these things, and unfortunately most of even the modern world bats an eye at such things on even a minimal level
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I used to do the same thing. You gotta understand that those door handles are FILTHY. On any given day at least one person can go in there and not wash their hands and touch that door, after that its all over. Id rather not touch that and risk pink eye and all sorts of other diseases I have no issue with waiting 5 minutes to avoid that.

Inb4 "you're crazy and guess what germs are everywhere"

by that same argument, that same one person can go in there, not wash their hands, touch that door, and touch every other door, handrail, elevator button, etc... etc.. in the vicinity. i mean, im not sayin you shouldnt be concerned about personal health and hygeine, but cmon guys. to be a prisoner in the bathroom is just OD. If theres no paper, use the back of your hand, the tail of your shirt, or some hand sanitizer after you walk out.

Or check to see if there is paper before you go???
so if you walk into the bathroom and you gotta drop a deuce, you walk out and just poop your pants because there are no paper towels next to the sink?
I have more self control than that.

We're not talking about a life or death visit to the bathroom here. 

If I have to use a SHIRT, i'm throwing that shirt away. And if I have to use a shirt, no one else better see me for the rest of the day. 
I used to do the same thing. You gotta understand that those door handles are FILTHY. On any given day at least one person can go in there and not wash their hands and touch that door, after that its all over. Id rather not touch that and risk pink eye and all sorts of other diseases I have no issue with waiting 5 minutes to avoid that.

Inb4 "you're crazy and guess what germs are everywhere"

by that same argument, that same one person can go in there, not wash their hands, touch that door, and touch every other door, handrail, elevator button, etc... etc.. in the vicinity. i mean, im not sayin you shouldnt be concerned about personal health and hygeine, but cmon guys. to be a prisoner in the bathroom is just OD. If theres no paper, use the back of your hand, the tail of your shirt, or some hand sanitizer after you walk out.

Or check to see if there is paper before you go???

so if you walk into the bathroom and you gotta drop a deuce, you walk out and just poop your pants because there are no paper towels next to the sink?
I have more self control than that.

We're not talking about a life or death visit to the bathroom here. 

If I have to use a SHIRT, i'm throwing that shirt away. And if I have to use a shirt, no one else better see me for the rest of the day. 

not tryin to hate here. i think youre a solid poster/contributor to the community and i usually find your posts to be well written, intelligent, and informative.

that being said.

i think youre goin OD here. maybe we frequent different types of public bathrooms, i dont know. but you would really throw away a shirt just because you touched a door handle with it? i mean, im not hurting for money but damn do i wish i had your bank acct to be able to afford to do that. its not the end of the world if you touch a surface in a public area. its not like youre going to get the bad aids by touching the door handle of a public bathroom.
I used to do the same thing. You gotta understand that those door handles are FILTHY. On any given day at least one person can go in there and not wash their hands and touch that door, after that its all over. Id rather not touch that and risk pink eye and all sorts of other diseases I have no issue with waiting 5 minutes to avoid that.

Inb4 "you're crazy and guess what germs are everywhere"

by that same argument, that same one person can go in there, not wash their hands, touch that door, and touch every other door, handrail, elevator button, etc... etc.. in the vicinity. i mean, im not sayin you shouldnt be concerned about personal health and hygeine, but cmon guys. to be a prisoner in the bathroom is just OD. If theres no paper, use the back of your hand, the tail of your shirt, or some hand sanitizer after you walk out.

Or check to see if there is paper before you go???

so if you walk into the bathroom and you gotta drop a deuce, you walk out and just poop your pants because there are no paper towels next to the sink?
I have more self control than that.

We're not talking about a life or death visit to the bathroom here. 

If I have to use a SHIRT, i'm throwing that shirt away. And if I have to use a shirt, no one else better see me for the rest of the day. 
not tryin to hate here. i think youre a solid poster/contributor to the community and i usually find your posts to be well written, intelligent, and informative.

that being said.

i think youre goin OD here. maybe we frequent different types of public bathrooms, i dont know. but you would really throw away a shirt just because you touched a door handle with it? i mean, im not hurting for money but damn do i wish i had your bank acct to be able to afford to do that. its not the end of the world if you touch a surface in a public area. its not like youre going to get the bad aids by touching the door handle of a public bathroom.
Maybe I read you wrong but did you say that you'd use a shirt to wipe or just to touch a faucet or other objects? 

I'm confused what you'd be using these other items as a substitute for. 
All right I just went to use the bathroom and this guy is ahead of me and he's drinking a coke. He brings the coke into the bathroom and pees while drinking the coke..... then walks right out without washing his hands....

And there you have it
Maybe I read you wrong but did you say that you'd use a shirt to wipe or just to touch a faucet or other objects? 

I'm confused what you'd be using these other items as a substitute for. 

:lol: I was talkin bout these dudes in here sayin they would rather WAIT in the bathroom for someone else to open the door for them if there were no paper towels that they could use to open the door. All substitutes were just for opening the door to exit the bathroom after washing hands. I wouldnt wipe my butt with my shirt, thats nasty.
I always think the door knob cancels out any of the soap and water I used to wash my hands, but that's just me.

thats the reason you use the same paper towel you used to dry your hands to open the door & then throw it away....

bonus points if you can open the door get out & throw the paper back into the can before the door closes :lol:
i always wash my hands. but some of you dudes are OD germaphobes. some of the things I'm reading in here :lol:

i don't go out of my way to be nasty, but I'm not too concerned with everyday life.

my immune system aint nothin to **** with 8)
I always think the door knob cancels out any of the soap and water I used to wash my hands, but that's just me.
thats the reason you use the same paper towel you used to dry your hands to open the door & then throw it away....

bonus points if you can open the door get out & throw the paper back into the can before the door closes
Yo I stay doing this. 
It sucks.... what about those bathrooms that only have automatic dryers and no paper towels? Those are :pimp: but then with fools who don't wash their hands PROPERLY :x
It sucks.... what about those bathrooms that only have automatic dryers and no paper towels? Those are :pimp: but then with fools who don't wash their hands PROPERLY :x

thats when you get stuck in there waiting on someone to open the door after you washed you hands....

ive actually dragged the garbage can to the door jam ... went & washed my hands & kick the can back into the restroom after i get out.......
That's why I don't be shaking people's hands, just daps.
Yea ok, let someone important come to your job and you are shaking hands without thought.

But I always said that I wish there was an alarm system that checks the moisture level of each person's hands. If your hands are that dry it should set that alarm off.
I work at a law office and a lot of the men in our office do this. The ones with higher ranking (big time attorneys) are the ones who dont wash their hands. Its a good thing they dont talk to us small people because then, we'd have to shake their hands. Disgusting. :x
If there aren't any paper towels to use to open the door, go in the stall, grab some toilet paper (after getting rid of the first few toilet papers) or grab the seat-covers to use.
That's why I don't be shaking people's hands, just daps.
Yea ok, let someone important come to your job and you are shaking hands without thought.

But I always said that I wish there was an alarm system that checks the moisture level of each person's hands. If your hands are that dry it should set that alarm off.

Not only being to dry... but how about those handshakes when dude's palms is sweatier than a MILF's vagina?

I always think the door knob cancels out any of the soap and water I used to wash my hands, but that's just me.

thats the reason you use the same paper towel you used to dry your hands to open the door
Yo I stay doing this. :rofl:

Ehh... not that hard, if there's a trash can there. Use paper towel to open the door, and use my foot to hold the door open until I throw it away.
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That's why I don't be shaking people's hands, just daps.
Yea ok, let someone important come to your job and you are shaking hands without thought.

But I always said that I wish there was an alarm system that checks the moisture level of each person's hands. If your hands are that dry it should set that alarm off.

Not only being to dry... but how about those handshakes when dude's palms is sweatier than a MILF's vagina?

I always think the door knob cancels out any of the soap and water I used to wash my hands, but that's just me.

thats the reason you use the same paper towel you used to dry your hands to open the door
Yo I stay doing this. 
Ehh... not that hard, if there's a trash can there. Use paper towel to open the door, and use my foot to hold the door open until I throw it away.
 Thats cheating. No basket.

But yea a lot of guys just give absolutely no dambs. I wonder how many women do the same thing.... actually I dont even wanna think about it.
That's why I don't be shaking people's hands, just daps.
Yea ok, let someone important come to your job and you are shaking hands without thought.

But I always said that I wish there was an alarm system that checks the moisture level of each person's hands. If your hands are that dry it should set that alarm off.

Not only being to dry... but how about those handshakes when dude's palms is sweatier than a MILF's vagina?

I always think the door knob cancels out any of the soap and water I used to wash my hands, but that's just me.

thats the reason you use the same paper towel you used to dry your hands to open the door
Yo I stay doing this. :rofl:

Ehh... not that hard, if there's a trash can there. Use paper towel to open the door, and use my foot to hold the door open until I throw it away.
:stoneface:  Thats cheating. No basket.

exactly you have to .....
open the door with the paper towel ...get out the bathroom... & then get it in the basket before the door closes
I see far too many people doing this. Also, if you are on the phone while in the stall you are a deplorable person and I hope all the bad things in life happen to you and only you.

I see people not wash even when there is a badass Dyson hand dryer in there..befuddling
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See that all the time, and then we be having the nerve to have organization potlucks. No sir. I'll eat and drink anythnig store bought, but y'all ****** making hand tossed pizza, cupcakes, pies, and ***** I know you had to touch and I remember you dipping out the bathroom while I was washing my hands and you just walked right passed me straight out the door after dropping a deuce, no thanks.

Feel me?
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