Where does YAO MING rank in the PANTHEON of great centers to have played in the NBA?

riffin off ja list

first tier is like
wilt, russell, kareem, shaq, hakeem, moses, walton

second tier
ewing, robinson, artis gilmore, nate thurmond

little lower
dikembe, zo, parish

yao probably lands somewhere in that second tier as far as peak. career a bit lesser, cut short by injuries
Yao is a legend!!!!!
perhaps for his larger than life persona/pr build up, but not because of his basketball abilities

he was good, but not great like others have mentioned. he was clumsy and soft most of the time
the big fella was awesome. dude was big as F. yao with no injurys would have been a sight to see. if he was still playing right now :pimp: :pimp: . hated the way he was reffed doe :smh:
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Good, but not great... Its a shame that injuries cut his career so short. I always pulled for him & T-Mac to do work in the playoffs |I
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