Where My NT Accountants At? Vol. CPA

Jan 7, 2004
Hey what's good guys. So I'm from NY recently graduated with my BS in accounting and going for my MS for taxation to satisfy my 150 credit obligation. So as you may or may not know the CPA exam is changing next year. FARE, AUD and BEC. So I only have technically 2 months to take the exam. I was thinking about taking FAR and BEC in the same window. My question is what did you guys use to study? I have a job offer with a Big 4 and their paying for my review class either the Bisk Online or Becker Live in classroom. Now I have no time to do the Becker Live in classroom this semester due to working and Grad school. What is everyone experience with Bisk if any? I've heard mixed things. I'm trying to get my NTS done by November and talk to my recruiter to see if I can get the self study if that's not possible I'll put it off till next year after busy season. Also what are your experiences with taking multiple exams in the same window. Also any other tips or suggestions during this time would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Hey what's good guys. So I'm from NY recently graduated with my BS in accounting and going for my MS for taxation to satisfy my 150 credit obligation. So as you may or may not know the CPA exam is changing next year. FARE, AUD and BEC. So I only have technically 2 months to take the exam. I was thinking about taking FAR and BEC in the same window. My question is what did you guys use to study? I have a job offer with a Big 4 and their paying for my review class either the Bisk Online or Becker Live in classroom. Now I have no time to do the Becker Live in classroom this semester due to working and Grad school. What is everyone experience with Bisk if any? I've heard mixed things. I'm trying to get my NTS done by November and talk to my recruiter to see if I can get the self study if that's not possible I'll put it off till next year after busy season. Also what are your experiences with taking multiple exams in the same window. Also any other tips or suggestions during this time would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I graduated with a BS in Accounting last December...I hated the main professor so much and he made me not wanna take the CPA anymore...I probably learned 40% of the material trying to memorize it for the 8 hour (dead serious) exams he used to give us. I am still looking for a damn job and everything open here requires experience...Now I'm just trying to get any kind of entry level $##* even like bookkeeping so I can get experience on my resume.

Sorry I had to rant...Good Luck man
I graduated with a BS in Accounting last December...I hated the main professor so much and he made me not wanna take the CPA anymore...I probably learned 40% of the material trying to memorize it for the 8 hour (dead serious) exams he used to give us. I am still looking for a damn job and everything open here requires experience...Now I'm just trying to get any kind of entry level $##* even like bookkeeping so I can get experience on my resume.

Sorry I had to rant...Good Luck man
ive been working at a big 4 for the last two years and i will say my life is hell.  I passed the exam, but since im tax, its hard to get audit hours (Pennsylvania).  Contemplating a different profession, the pay-out in this career isnt worth the time or stress.
ive been working at a big 4 for the last two years and i will say my life is hell.  I passed the exam, but since im tax, its hard to get audit hours (Pennsylvania).  Contemplating a different profession, the pay-out in this career isnt worth the time or stress.
I'm in Tax too Financial Services Real Estate really wanted Banking or M&A but I guess RE is booming now? Did you make senior yet or your going wait til you make senior and bounce? I'm lucky NY all hours count towards CPA. Even interning and I've been getting CPE credtis as well.
I'm in Tax too Financial Services Real Estate really wanted Banking or M&A but I guess RE is booming now? Did you make senior yet or your going wait til you make senior and bounce? I'm lucky NY all hours count towards CPA. Even interning and I've been getting CPE credtis as well.
i thought this profession was where it was at.....im going into my final semester (thank god). All i have to say is that walking into this profession has been going through hell with gasoline draws on
i thought this profession was where it was at.....im going into my final semester (thank god). All i have to say is that walking into this profession has been going through hell with gasoline draws on
Money is decent hours are not. Well I'm in tax and my specfic sector has two busy seasons 4/15 and 9/15. Good times
Money is decent hours are not. Well I'm in tax and my specfic sector has two busy seasons 4/15 and 9/15. Good times
I'm in Tax too Financial Services Real Estate really wanted Banking or M&A but I guess RE is booming now? Did you make senior yet or your going wait til you make senior and bounce? I'm lucky NY all hours count towards CPA. Even interning and I've been getting CPE credtis as well.
I'm in Tax too Financial Services Real Estate really wanted Banking or M&A but I guess RE is booming now? Did you make senior yet or your going wait til you make senior and bounce? I'm lucky NY all hours count towards CPA. Even interning and I've been getting CPE credtis as well.
I'm in Tax too Financial Services Real Estate really wanted Banking or M&A but I guess RE is booming now? Did you make senior yet or your going wait til you make senior and bounce? I'm lucky NY all hours count towards CPA. Even interning and I've been getting CPE credtis as well.
I'm in Tax too Financial Services Real Estate really wanted Banking or M&A but I guess RE is booming now? Did you make senior yet or your going wait til you make senior and bounce? I'm lucky NY all hours count towards CPA. Even interning and I've been getting CPE credtis as well.
I use Gleim, only cause my job didn't reimburse study materials at first. It's inexpensive but if you have the reimbursement from your job, I've heard only heard good things about Becker.

FAR is insane. Good luck trying to pass FAR and any other part in the same window. I passed AUD and BEC already, failed FAR with a 74, just had a retake and will find out the result next week.

I took AUD and BEC in the same window. I studied for AUD and then studied BEC. When I was ready for both parts, I scheduled the exams. That way it left me with nearly the full 18 months to pass the last two parts.

If I find out I failed FAR again, I might just quit though cause I been studying for it for like 8 months straight.

Your thread reminded me to get back to studying for REG, I have that scheduled for 11/31.
I use Gleim, only cause my job didn't reimburse study materials at first. It's inexpensive but if you have the reimbursement from your job, I've heard only heard good things about Becker.

FAR is insane. Good luck trying to pass FAR and any other part in the same window. I passed AUD and BEC already, failed FAR with a 74, just had a retake and will find out the result next week.

I took AUD and BEC in the same window. I studied for AUD and then studied BEC. When I was ready for both parts, I scheduled the exams. That way it left me with nearly the full 18 months to pass the last two parts.

If I find out I failed FAR again, I might just quit though cause I been studying for it for like 8 months straight.

Your thread reminded me to get back to studying for REG, I have that scheduled for 11/31.
Originally Posted by cguy610

I use Gleim, only cause my job didn't reimburse study materials at first. It's inexpensive but if you have the reimbursement from your job, I've heard only heard good things about Becker.

FAR is insane. Good luck trying to pass FAR and any other part in the same window. I passed AUD and BEC already, failed FAR with a 74, just had a retake and will find out the result next week.

I took AUD and BEC in the same window. I studied for AUD and then studied BEC. When I was ready for both parts, I scheduled the exams. That way it left me with nearly the full 18 months to pass the last two parts.

If I find out I failed FAR again, I might just quit though cause I been studying for it for like 8 months straight.

Your thread reminded me to get back to studying for REG, I have that scheduled for 11/31.

I just want to get i done before the IFRS 
. Good job you think I should study for AUD and BEC for November?  You think two months is enough and how many hours do you think is a decent amount. I'm wokring partime 3 grad classes and training MMA lol hopefully I can squeeze in some CPA
Originally Posted by cguy610

I use Gleim, only cause my job didn't reimburse study materials at first. It's inexpensive but if you have the reimbursement from your job, I've heard only heard good things about Becker.

FAR is insane. Good luck trying to pass FAR and any other part in the same window. I passed AUD and BEC already, failed FAR with a 74, just had a retake and will find out the result next week.

I took AUD and BEC in the same window. I studied for AUD and then studied BEC. When I was ready for both parts, I scheduled the exams. That way it left me with nearly the full 18 months to pass the last two parts.

If I find out I failed FAR again, I might just quit though cause I been studying for it for like 8 months straight.

Your thread reminded me to get back to studying for REG, I have that scheduled for 11/31.

I just want to get i done before the IFRS 
. Good job you think I should study for AUD and BEC for November?  You think two months is enough and how many hours do you think is a decent amount. I'm wokring partime 3 grad classes and training MMA lol hopefully I can squeeze in some CPA
Originally Posted by JCASH DA KID

Originally Posted by cguy610

I use Gleim, only cause my job didn't reimburse study materials at first. It's inexpensive but if you have the reimbursement from your job, I've heard only heard good things about Becker.

FAR is insane. Good luck trying to pass FAR and any other part in the same window. I passed AUD and BEC already, failed FAR with a 74, just had a retake and will find out the result next week.

I took AUD and BEC in the same window. I studied for AUD and then studied BEC. When I was ready for both parts, I scheduled the exams. That way it left me with nearly the full 18 months to pass the last two parts.

If I find out I failed FAR again, I might just quit though cause I been studying for it for like 8 months straight.

Your thread reminded me to get back to studying for REG, I have that scheduled for 11/31.

I just want to get i done before the IFRS 
. Good job you think I should study for AUD and BEC for November?  You think two months is enough and how many hours do you think is a decent amount. I'm wokring partime 3 grad classes and training MMA lol hopefully I can squeeze in some CPA

2 months to prepare?  Man, you can't "squeeze" in some CPA
  The pass rate is like 40% and stays there.  They make sure only 40% pass each part no matter what. 

My suggestion is to maximize the free time that you have now because once you pass the first part, the 18 month clock starts.  Regardless of what parts you decide to take or how many.  Also, take the part that you think will be the hardest for you first. 
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