Where the #*%* is the RESPECT????????

Jan 28, 2003
Does anybody respect one another these days? Especially in college. My roommates don't take out the trash, piss on the floor and toilet, throw used condomsin the bathroom trashcan, leave dirty clothes in the shower, leave empty shampoo/body wash bottles in the shower, throw trash on the floor, spill food/drinkand don't it up, never do any dishes, leave lights and the TV on 24/7, shave over the sink and don't wipe anything away. Last night one of theirgirlfriends starts screaming at 1:40AM. Some tribal group was howling outside all night long.

Respect, anybody? Yes I'm mad
Those are your roommates and everybody got to live peacefully. I suggest you talk to them about this or you move or you piss on there face.
I know what you mean I had a job meeting today at 9 am in the morning, and one of the things my manager was talking about is that we need to respect each otheron the floor.
Not saying its ok but..what did you expect? It's college. Have a talk with them, or move out if possible. Theres a reason why the "post your roomatestories.." are like 20 pages.
I used to have a roommate like that. Then we got into a fight and he damn sure respected me after that. Funny thing is, we became great friends after, and Ifeel that the fight was a necessary piece for our respect to grow towards each other. Don't be afraid to put your foot down.
some of my suitemates are sloppy as
too , not on that levelthough

try clowning on em about it when girls are around ... they might get real embarrassed and change their tune
Be a pig right back son your roomate prolly sees you cleanin and tries 2 take advantage jus clean your own %+# up and leave his where he drops it if hedon't get tha messages 2 pick his stuff up then move out
if that's the case keep your room clean. If they're not washing dishes wash a few and keep them in your room. If someone pee on the floor wearflipflops or acgs in the bathroom. If someone leaves clothes in the shower push them aside in there and still wash.
Be very technical on how you keep things.
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