Where the Unemployed/Struggling College Grads?

Jan 20, 2002
i know there are a bunch of us out here on NT. thought we were going to do it big after finally getting that degree but reality struck us. moving back home,FML

whats your hustle to get through these hard times? im running low on the bank acct and need a job.
and no UPS is not hiring around my way

any of ya deferring student loans? i sick of paying that monthly bill without having a job
^ i havent even bought more than a couple pair of shoes in the last 5 yrs. spent most of my money on college and i quit buying sneakers and just rock acouple pairs that i still have.
I substitute teach..
Champs Sports employee..i get by..

Waitin for that full-time job hopefully in September or else i'll go back to get my Masters..
International Studies of Economics Major here....about to go get a Teller job, and hopefully go back for my Masters...Life is rough :-(
I thought after I graduate I would be handed jobs....needless to say I was wrong.
Going back to school ftl
yup. its terrible. luckily i have a connection at a insurance company that referred me so i have a good shot at getting a 45k/yr entry level job, but igraduated in dec and have been living off my grad party money i received ever since.
I think with the climate of the US economy thats pretty much how its is now for new Grads with exception to those who scored internships during college. Ithought the internship stuff was BS when I was in college so when I finally graduated I pretty much unemployed for a significant amount of time. When iffinally got employed I still went back to school and take night classes after work. It was a PITA, but you have to grind it out.
its crazy becuase i use to believe that graduating college would have employers knocking on my door..all of these lay-offs going around aint helpingeither
Originally Posted by airmissionretro

My hustle is to find a hustle. It sucks to be a square in an octagon world.
I would find this funny if I didn't fall into that boat. May 09' FTL.
I know at least two law students who can't even get a whiff of a job, from great schools too.
Right here. I just graduated in Fall 08 and before people would at least call me to set up interviews. Now, NADA!!
i graduated last spring, unemployed. if i dont get this job at coke its either the shipyard or the military...

so much for a degree...
i did an internship at a startup (nothing really big but its still good experience) and also worked a year at a non-profit (it was at least some officeexperience).

i thought i landed a job a month ago, but lady never responded after i gave her my references and my salary history.

i use to be able to get at least a phone call or even a response to my email but nothing. im just gonna get a job at the mall or something, hopefully they willhire me. i dont give a ##!$ if its minimum wage, i need to be working and keeping myself busy.
This tread just about explains my life to a T right now. Graduated in December with a degree in Journalism, interned at a TV station and wrote for 2 websitesand I can't even get so much as a response when I apply for jobs. The other day I applied for a gd job at Toys r us and I wanted to slap myself just fordoing so, but this whole having no income thing is really starting to suck. Thank god my parents can afford to have me living at home right now.
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