Which CDPs are you missing?

the ones i'm missing are the ones i dont really care for in the way they came...might cop if on super duper deluxe sale though...
all i have is the 13/10/, 6/17, 11/12, and im getting the 2/21, 3/20 in the next couple of weeks
im missing those 1' and 2's pack....but am i missing them? NAH!!! they pretty damn ugly, seen em for 150 at stores
i have all the ones i want.

still want the IVs for a decent price but i just copped laser IVs for 2
Originally Posted by XxHonchoxX

All except the 10/13. Best pack IMO.

I like rarely see them floating around. Why is that. 13's in that pack are
All of them except 7/16 and that's only because I saw them at a shieks this april so I just copped them
only joints i copped were the 10/13....6/17....7/16.....i would have copped the 11/12 but i got 01 11's and og taxl's....only cdp joints i want rightnow are the 3's
none... I actually liked being able to get all the J's despite the lackluster quality
the only CDPs i got are 3's, 5's, 6's, everything else i already got like retro or OG

wont be getting anymore cdps im good
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