Which celebrity (non-athletes plz) has your ideal physique?

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My ideal physique has always been muscular/lean,

I'm actually where I currently want to be, lets call it the David Beckham physique :lol:
Marvin Hagler's physique was always the physique I aimed for. Even though OP was about non athlete's physiques.

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It's really not the best picture of his overall physique, but the quality of photos back in the 80's weren't that great.

I guess a non athlete's physique I would want would be Will Smith's physique in I Am Legend.

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Basically anyone with my height and build or slightly taller but in better shape. I'd love to look like Idris Alba when I'm older. That's a classically handsome gentleman.
Doesn't look like the same photo unless they photoshopped here eyes. They're looking in different directions in each pic.
gotta love when ppl say ryan reynolds in blade or brad pitt in fight club

those bodies are so damn attainable its not even funny.
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